Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More SPECIFICS on CORRUPTED Wilmingtonweb and Han Hills

Han Hills, CEO, web designer -- and SO MUCH MORE at Wilmingtonweb.com -- is shown here more as he actually looks in person when I went to a couple of Humanists and Freethinkers of Cape Fear meetings where Han is President. He deleted me from the club and banned me from the Meet-Up group associated with the Club after I called him on lies about the origin of Christianity at one of the meetings -- most of the others (including some atheists) agreed that I WAS CORRECT -- but it pissed Han off.

Also, the meetings were at One Wicked Gallery when it was located on Castle Street, and STRANGELY to me, although many totally drugged street-looking people attended an art opening I went to there (and the art was about human mutilation during sex -- VERY GRAPHIC) , several PROMINENT Wilmington Republicans (the "well-dressed" type) were also there. See: http://www.onewickedgallery.com/artists/ .

Hi Scott - I just saw your note about Han Hills and wilmingtonweb.com - I've recently met Mr. Hills and your post has me most concerned for a non-profit that is thinking about using him for some web assistance . . . do you feel really solid in what you've posted?
- Someone in Cary, NC

  • 19 minutes ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Hi Cary, NC Guy -- and thanks for caring enough to ask!

      I want to make a couple of points:

      Yes, I stand on everything I said, in fact, when Han, who is also associated with the Humanists of Cape Fear, was to ride with me to a Humanists' party in Greensboro nearly a year ago (to ridicule that day which some crack-pot fake Christian had claimed would be the End of the World -- so you could date it by that), Han begged off at the last minute.

      But what was totally strange was that en route, he called the driver of the carpool car, and then after talking to him, wanted to talk to me but INSISTED the driver put the call over the car's radio so all could here rather than handing me the phone. Han then made many false statements about agreements he and I had and dates of events we had participated in or agreements we had made.

      I could not make sense of it -- and insisted on correcting him -- but he persisted and realizing his lies made not real difference that I knew of (then), I let him have the last word. It was about a week later that I realized I had lost my book's website and his lies had been PURPOSEFULLY placed so that HAD THEY BEEN TRUE, he could have blamed that loss of my URL on me or my web designer (whom I first blamed it on, but learned better later).

      HOWEVER, if you are (unlike me) NOT fighting D.A. Ben David and the rest of the top narco-traffickers in Wilmington, the State -- or even the nation -- most of whom are Republicans and it is the Republican Party that gets nearly all the profits -- I'm sure you will get EXCELLENT services out of Han and his company. Especially now that I've made my claim PUBLIC for the first time.

      I do NOT advise anyone on using Wilmingtonweb.com one way or the other. I do NOT mean to imply all their clients are narco-traffickers, but I DO know they are the PREFERRED service for narco-traffickers and that Han screwed the HELL out of me.

      I intend to use this communication to further illustrate my claim on my blog soon -- but will hide YOUR identity.

      And you can call me if you need to discuss anything further: XXX-XXX-XXXX.

      BTW: Facebook (which has LONG been associated with corrupt elements in the CIA) is for 15 minutes now NOT allowing me to send you my reply. I will continue to try and see if I can get your email address and try it that way as well.


  • .


    1. Well THANK you Lou FCD and Careliz1 for your kind commnets!!!

      I was arrested last night at 1:00 AM on my EIGHT FALSE CHARGE, but the judge this morning KNEW it was just District Attorny Ben David and the local REPUBLICANS who control the Heroin and Cocaine in Wilmington and he let me out without bond, although FIRST he (the judge) CRACKED UP BIG TIME when I told him we (THE KENAN FAMILY OF NC) are gonig to RESTORE the US Contitution.

      So I remain just fine and undrugged and unjailed -- and my ENEMIES can take a flying leap into THE HELLS (INCLUDING FEDERAL PRISON) OF THEIR OWN MAKING.

      This jaining has FORCED me to get back in touch with Gloria Allred and PROCEED with my lawsuits agakinst the City of Wilmington, Wilmington Police, and State of North Carolina.

      I will be awarded MANY hundreds of millions of dollars -- AND SPEND IT SOMEWHERE ESLE!!!

      HA!!! I always win. I am KENAN, hear me meow . . .

