Friday, May 11, 2012

Is This the DEATH of Christianity (as we have known it)???


Well, thanks for your kind words and for clearing some things up, but you've made a couple of errors which I will address here:

1. To my knowledge, even the Christian churches that take the STRONGEST stand that EXPRESSED homosexuality is a sin, honestly believe the orientation itself is not a sin -- in fact MOST of them believe the orientation is NOT the choice or "fault" of the gay person. The Catholic Church's (the church I grew up in) official stand is that God created some people homosexual but bundled it with a call to celibacy. I believe many of these church leaders, although misguided, honestly come to these views.

Unfortunately, many leaders in these churches inflame -- or at least allow -- rabid hate to fester against gay people. In my experience MOST people who are violent in words or actions against gay people claim these same churches' teachings.

Of course Jesus, who told his closest disciples they must LEAVE their wives and girlfriends -- which they DID -- if they were to follow him. Paul, in his epistles, comes off as a total misogynist, telling Christian men they must STAY AWAY FROM WOMEN, but if they CANNOT CONTROL THEIR LUST, they must marry them and THE MAN MUST RULE THE HOME, keeping the woman in her place. Paul saw women as an evil influence.

I understand Paul's point of view, because an UNEVOLVED animal-natured woman DOES connive, seduce for material gain, fixate on security, scheme for power, etc. This has to do with the fact that she bears the children and will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to provide for them because she knows that the animal-natured unevolved man will likely leave her -- just like you have told me YOU did when you fathered several children outside your marriages (yes, plural) -- in fact, you didn't even support the children you sired INSIDE your marriages!!!

This ALL does NOT apply to those who actually FOLLOW the TEACHINGS of Jesus. Those teachings -- which he boiled down to the Golden Rule of Love God First, then love and treat your neighbor as yourself -- really WILL save a person from their genetically-programmed animal nature.

Given your own track record of fathering children hither and yon, BUT TAKING NO PATERNAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEM, your near lifelong history of time spent in jails and prisons for a multitude of crimes -- many of them violent -- and your current situation of having beaten your wife, but then she DROPPED the charges which she had filed after you PROMISED her not to have sex with men (especially -- and from your stories, it sounded like there were more men than women), leaves me wondering how much you love that ill-tempered woman who, as you've said to me, is MORE inclined to have sex with women than men, has FOR YOU!!!

Seems to me that she's got you imprisoned in marriage, and if you don't do her bidding she'll press charges again and you will be RIGHTLY convicted AGAIN!!! So staying with her is your current STAY OUT OF JAIL card.

Also assisting, is your reporting all you can about me to District Attorney Ben David. I gave you the opportunity a couple of emails back to reply to my pointing out that by DIRECTLY quoting your email to me, now published a few days ago on my blog, that you have Ben David on your phone's speed dial to report about me. You have NOT denied it (I had actually thought it might have been just empty braggadocio, but I have now been proven wrong).

You see, you are the PERFECT shill for someone as evil as District Attorneys Ben David and Jon David and their Wilmington Heroin and Cocaine Trafficking (or traffic-protecting -- or profiting from it) partners: Sen. Thom Goolsby (and the Republican Party/CIA/Fox News crowd), Wilmington Police Chief Ralph Evangelous (and about half his cops), District Court Judges Criner and Noecker, and perhaps the MOST "sinful" men in Wilmington (for letting Ben David hide his drug and other corruption crimes behind a new Deaconship at First Presbyterian), Drs. Ernie Thompson and Jim Holderness.

I believe you are already in the hell of your own making.

I am now in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and have not suffered a SINGLE attack since crossing the national boarder, abusive word, or even cyber attack (except that Facebook DID delete a couple of my most damning-to-the-Republican Party postings -- which I promptly re-posted and they have stayed up. I consider myself in "heaven on Earth."

I will NOT suffer imprisonment as you suggest because Ben David is not about to try to get Interpol or Mexican Authorities to remand me to New Hanover County "Detention Center". He knows I never committed a crime and his entire strategy was to KEEP my cases from going to jury trial where I would be exonerated. He and his shills like you harassed me ALL OVER THE PLACE, and I FREQUENTLY narrowly escaped knives and fists drawn with STATED intention to kill me. INVARIABLY, Wilmington cops REFUSED to help me, either encouraging my tormentors directly, or simply walking away.

But I left the hell I was caught in -- do YOU have the courage to leave the hell of your marriage and GET RIGHT WITH GOD???

I ain't holding my breath.

Jesus said NOTHING about homosexuality, although he DID refer to one of his apostles as "My Beloved" and ONE of the extant Gospels -- not legitimized by the Church: the Gospel of Thomas, DOES portray Jesus as homosexual ("gay" is a very modern concept).

Jesus DID have something to say about divorce: That is, that if you are divorced (and it's wise to get a legal separation with property and income responsibilities set by the state if your marriage completely sours), IT IS ADULTERY TO HAVE SEX WITH ANOTHER PERSON IF YOUR ORIGINAL SPOUSE IS STILL ALIVE -- hence, according to the teachings of Jesus, it is a MAJOR SIN to have sex or re-marry after divorce (unless you murder the first spouse -- which he would NOT approve of, or she/he has died naturally).

If the so-called Christian churches taught THIS teaching of Jesus -- instead of worrying about gay people seeking equal rights under the law which Jesus said NOTHING about -- I'm not sure how big the plate collections would be!!!

That said, the Catholic Church is the ONE church that DOES teach it -- although most Catholics don't subscribe to it. That's because EVERYONE KNOWS in their hearts that Jesus was IN ERROR, and THAT makes him IMPERFECT and HUMAN -- THERE GOES THE CONCEPT OF JESUS AS MAN-GOD (which is a form of idolatry)!!!

Nothing wrong with that in MY book. NO ONE is entirely good or evil -- including you and me. It does NOT invalidate anything else he said -- and he DID say he was no greater than anyone else and that ANYONE could do what he did AND MORE!!!

The best description of most Christianity I have come across -- which I believe is attributable to Dr. Raymond Charles Barker whose church was in NYC during the mid-Twentieth Century -- is "Two thousand years ago, Jesus came to point the way -- and FOR TWO THOUSAND YEARS, we have been studying his FINGERNAIL!!!"

Seems to me (and I am in NO position to judge since I cannot know what is really in your heart) that to GET RIGHT WITH GOD, you would need to get back to the earliest of your marriages where your wife is still surviving -- and COMPENSATE all your legitimate and "illegitimate" children you fathered -- as well as the mothers (or their later spouses or "significant others") who PAID ALL THOSE EXPENSES for their rearing, after civilly divorcing your present wife who by Jesus's teaching YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO MARRY UNDER GOD'S LAW!!!

Now this might sound silly, but you DO at least OWE ALL THAT COMPENSATION!!!

2. Your current "wife" IS not only a homo (since she prefers sex with women), but a "cop-calling snitch" as well, since she on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION had you charged and arrested for violence against her.

That you talked her out of it and got her to drop charges does NOT change the FACT of your crimes.

All best,
Scott Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Meh-hi-co!!!

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 9:49 PM, James Lester wrote:

It is against God for Fags to even breathe especially to marry. You are a waste of space and I am counting the days til You are removed from this earth. You are a disgrace to your family and to God Your family is a disgrace to this earth. You will see prison soon and will be someones bitch you are a snitch and a whore. My wife is who she is but at least she is not a homo cop calling snitch like yourself.

Still no status . . .

. >>> BONUS EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH A FORMERLY HOT MAN!!! (Joe Mayo, a comic who previously led a HOT life in Wilmington, NC)

Well, if you weren't actually forced to do it, no crime was committed. I hope the lawyer does not charge you (too much) good money when he tells you that -- and laughs his ass off as you leave his office!!!



On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Joe Mayo wrote:

You forced me to contact a lawyer.  I don't appreciate being told to perform pral (sic) sex on you

Joe Mayo on left -- before the drugs took their toll.


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