Wednesday, May 9, 2012

KENANs Are Libertarians (political and sexual) -- but with STYLE!!!

No offense actually meant to our Army Men & Women!!!

>>> EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH A MARINE STATIONED IN NORTH CAROLINA (after you read it you will see why posting this with his identity CANNOT harm him:

>>>ADDED 11:12 CDT: One version of the internet shows this posting at the bottom formatted NORMALLY, the OTHER version of the internet (which is controlled/hacked by Fox News/CIA/Republican Party) shows BAD formatting, with the bottom part OVERLAPPING itself.

I INVITE VIEWERS TO LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS WHICH VERSION THEY SAW (but frankly, doing so will IDENTIFY you to the CIA/Republican Party/Fox News TRAITORS and COULD put your life at risk -- so BEWARE!!!

 * * *

Christian Diaz

  • Christian Diaz
    20 hours ago
    Christian Diaz
    • Dear Scott
      interesting article about Travolta... I been hearing so much about for years, friends of friends who said they had sex with and other i guess its true lol
      so how you been?
  • Scott Kenan
    17 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • I'm fine -- and THANK GOD i am back in Mexico with the people of my heart -- native Mexicanos!!! They would have killed me in Wilmington eventually. They tried many times.

  • Christian Diaz
    • Santa Maria...
      Cancun right?
  • Scott Kenan
    17 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Puerto Vallarta
  • Christian Diaz
    • Wow you gotta let me know how the summer is puerto vallarta...I bet Grindr is Muy bueno
  • Scott Kenan
    17 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Grindr???
  • Christian Diaz
    • You don't know Grindr? It's an app for making friends or hooking up.
  • Scott Kenan
    17 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • where is it???
    • never heard of it
  • Christian Diaz
    • Just download it from iTunes!!!
  • Scott Kenan
    17 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • I like making friends AND hooking up!!!
    • iTunes has a DATING app??? is it for iPhone or does it work on PC conputer???
  • Christian Diaz
    • Then Grindr is for you! It's a gay hook up app. Oh no not for computers just apple devices and droids and tablets
  • Scott Kenan
    17 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • but not for iPod -- the only Mac product I have because the Republican Party uses APPLE computers, iPads, and cell phones to spy on people
    • I almost got killed MANY times because they tracked me on Apple products when I had iPad and iPhone
  • Scott Kenan
    17 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • It's no secret to people who READ REAL news. US News is controlled by Republicans. That's why it is a TOTALLY diofferent internet in US than in ANY OTHER COUNTRY. Surely you knew that!!!
  • Christian Diaz
    • Yes I do but I dint think republicans hired hit men
    • If there's anything u need from the states let me know...I can send you a care package lol
  • Scott Kenan
    16 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • WOW!!! right now I need horseradish -- I can't find it here!!! How do you say it in Espanol???
  • Christian Diaz
    • Lol I actually don't know...maybe wasabi with ranch might help...but I'll get you some. Just need your address.
  • Scott Kenan
    13 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Well that's awfully nice of you but horseradish needs to be refrigerated even BEFORE opening, so it's not realistic -- unless you bring it and then I can show you some MANLY appreciation!!!
  • Christian Diaz
    • Try
  • Scott Kenan
    13 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Bummer -- I was hopin' I could con you into getting a nice blow job. LOL!!!
  • Scott Kenan
    13 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • What the hell kind of Mexican are you then??? All the real ones (who don't get crazy from US fake Christians) like BOTH men and women. I guess you were raised in US so OK then.
    • uh-oih . . . i hope you have a sense of humor . . .
  • Christian Diaz
    • I don't want to give u diarrhea
  • Scott Kenan
    13 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • It would be a small price to pay for premium man-stuff -- but that was an EXCELLENT comeback and there are plenty of guys who are willing.
    • Got any shirtless photos for a consolation prize???
  • Scott Kenan
    13 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Well -- you must be so hot it would melt the internet to send then. THAT's just how Latino men are!!!
  • Christian Diaz
    • Of course. Caliente lol
    • If people were after you. Wouldn't it be easier for them to get u in Mexico
  • Scott Kenan
    12 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • They did get me in Mexico two years ago. I had ALL my wealth stolen by drug operatives working for the CIA and Republican Party here in Puerto Vallarta. I was also poisoned three times and had the shit beat out of me by people claiming they were told to kill me (including by Baby Azteca actually Albert Guzman who had killed three people in Los Angeles for the CIA to protect their cocaine and meth operation here, then ws moved to PV to kill for them here -- but I trusted God and found a way to get out before they could complete the job.

      I was held hostage for a month in a crack house on Calle Costa Rica here and forced to give blow jobs to some of the top crack dealers in town (which I didn't actually mind too much -- except for one guy). But President Calderone who has as much integrity in his little finger as Obama has in his whole body (I don't trust Obama and regret I supported him over Hillary Clinton who I still think would be our best President).

      Anyway Calderone's difficult work to get the drug mafia in line in Mexico is REALLY WORKING and everyone in PV respects me and treats me with kindness now. I even went back to that crack house my second day here to confront Toro the head of it. He apologized profusely, and just to show I don't hold grudges, i gave him a REALLY GOOD blow job.

      I'm serious!!!

  • Christian Diaz
    • How do you know all of this stuff???
  • Scott Kenan
    3 hours ago
    Scott Kenan
    • I lived it. Why are you acting like a brain-washed Republican??? If I remember correctly we met in person, so you should have a take on my sincerity. And to tell you the truth, if someone told me what I know and have lived, I WOULDN'T WANT TO BELIEVE THEM either.

      The United States is a very sick country and the two sides in Congress can't work together. I think the biggest indicator (I say indicator because it is only CIRCUMSTANTIAL proof -- not hard evidence) that what I say is real is that I received so much unrelenting HELL from the political opposition to Freedom.

      If I were a liar or delusional, they could just laugh and know my stories would fall eventually, but instead they charged me with EiGHT crimes I did not commit in Wilmington, and even though I did everything possible to get to trial before juries, District Attorney Ben David did everything he could to KEEP me from getting to trial.

      The most foolish was having a Dr. Carrie Menke examine me for psychological ability to stand trial. Although it was totally unethical for her to ask me how I would defend myself against the two charges the D.A. thought he could get me on (the actual exam is based on SPECIFIC questions ONLY which do NOT involved anyone's case at hand -- I'd been given it twice before so knew EXACTLY what it is meant to be), I have made no secret of my defense, so told her. She said it looked like I would easily win (proving I could both communicate well AND was innocent).

      She then claimed I was incompetent because I could not behave in court -- I shot that down because I had ALREADY been in court over a dozen times with no complaints.

      She acknowledged that fact, then countered that she did not believe i could effectively communicate with my attorney. I pointed out that I had been very successfully communicating with my attorney for over half a year at that point.

      She acknowledged THAT fact -- proving she's not STUPID, but then she didn't know what to say. Eventually she said she would have to think about it before filing her report. TEN DAYS later, she filed a report that I was incompetent due to telling her if her report was not based in logic, I would attempt to have her credentials removed.

      She claimed that was a "threat", which in the legal sense it is NOT. It was a fair warning since I knew and she knew that her mission was to find a way to keep me from telling the truth about Narco-Trafficking and other crimes committed by Wilmington politicians and others in open court. She recommended that I be IMMEDIATELY committed to Cherry Psychiatric Hospital (I had already been falsely committed twice to The Oaks Mental Hospital in New Hanover Regional Medical Center and Dr. Martin (head of the hospital) was my doctor and got me out ASAP, after STATING TO ME he knew the commitments were based on lies.

      And to REALLY harm me, she recommended that I be force-injected with psychiatric drugs until I could behave in court. HA!!! The PREVIOUS evaluator had IMMEDIATELY (before I left his office) told me I was clearly competent for trial).

      So why would so many people risk destroying their own careers so recklessly -- EXCEPT THAT THEY KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO SAY IS TRUE???

      Any thoughts?

  • Christian Diaz
    • Wow...I wasn't calling you a liar.
      Seems you been thru a lot of shit and still going thru it.
      Im actually having a chicken sandwich with horseradish sauce lol
  • Scott Kenan
    about an hour ago
    Scott Kenan
  • Christian Diaz
    • Incase you haven't heard marriage is only for heterosexual couples...yuck! Lol
    • But I'm sure you knew this already.
  • Scott Kenan
    about an hour ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Well, actually I say THEY CAN HAVE IT -- but if gay folks want to tie the knot too, they certainly have God's OK -- regardless any laws passed by the hateful. Gay marriage is legal in much of Mexico -- I'm sure you must know that!!!
  • Christian Diaz
    • I actually dont know much about Mexico...shame on me.
    • My family is from culiacan, Sinaloa.
    • My step dad is from jalisco
  • Scott Kenan
    about an hour ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Well, I'm very PROUDLY going to get Mexican Citizenship!!! The Mexican people are the most loving people on Earth -- and I've travelled widely, so know what I'm talking about!!!
  • Christian Diaz
    • Wish I could travel to Mexico but the gay ass navy won't allowed it.
  • Scott Kenan
    about an hour ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Ah -- I thought you had gotten out already
  • Christian Diaz
    • Do you use twitter?
    • Oh no...I wish!
    • Heading back to Los Angeles and attempt to finish school!
  • Scott Kenan
    about an hour ago
    Scott Kenan
    • Well GOOD FOR YOU!!! And THANK YOU for your service to our country!!!
    • I gotta run -- and remember: if ya ever need a blow job or anything, you know where you can get it. LOL!!! I'm ALWAYS bad.
  • Christian Diaz
    • Lol thanks and stay safe...nice blog btw. I read it often...
  • Scott Kenan
    about an hour ago
    Scott Kenan
    • THANK YOU, sir!!!


1 comment:

  1. This tangle-formatted (as it is showing here in Mexico) posted into my email form STILL OVERLAPPED at the end.


    Go figure!!!

    Scott Kenan
