Sunday, May 13, 2012

Only My Mother Can Save Herself (even though she's saved in my own mind)

I mean REALLY!!! THIS is YET ONE MORE THING I can thank my own mother for (and for weaning me before I was three)!!!

>>> LAST NIGHT I ATTEMPTED TO CALL MY MOTHER, RUTH ANNE (MEYER) KENAN to thank her for what I am most grateful for all the truly wonderful things she has done -- as well as the DIFFICULT things she has done TO me, which I NOW see as PERFECT TRAINING for me to build my spiritual strength to face the very REAL Republican/Fox News/CIA/etc. adversaries I HAVE NOW FACED DOWN AND TAUGHT (at least) TO RESPECT ME!!!


But also true, is that last night I was BLIND-SIDED by my immediate family's latest "hate-tactic" against me. They were all at the beach (unbeknownst to me -- presumably Wrightsville Beach where the Nazi-ish who can't afford a private island prefer to congregate now -- unlike when I was younger and Wrightsville Beach welcomed ALL manner of people: WHITES, anyway).

Nothing wrong with that AT ALL, and I hope they are having a FINE TIME celebrating Mother's Day there. But given my brother Mike's and younger sister Julie's CHILDREN'S and their own COMMUNITY-INVOLVEMENT commitments -- and the fact that they had to travel from the Philadelphia area and BOTH spouses in both those marriages WORK -- they had LOTS of logistics to work out and HAD TO HAVE BEGUN PLANNING BEFORE THEY KNEW I WOULD BE OUT OF WILMINGTON.

They had not told me of these plans to come to less than nine miles from where I lived in Wilmington.

>>> THEN, TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY, when I called my brother Mike on his cell yesterday and reached him -- even mentioning to him I had been trying to call Mom at home all day -- HE DID NOT DISCLOSE TO ME THAT HE WAS IN NC AT THE BEACH, AS WELL AS ALL THE REST OF THEM INCLUDING MOM -- and we spoke for TWENTY MINUTES without fuss!!!

Later, I reached Jane on her cell and she spilled the beans (Jane always DOES -- she just blurts everything out and always has her entire life. It's one of her most charming as well as maddening personal habits).

Unfortunately, I was in such a state of shock that Mike, especially, had PROVEN that they DELIBERATELY HID their plans from me -- AND HAD BEEN PLANNING IT ALL ALONG, knowing that I DON'T got to Nazi-infested Wrightville Beach, so they could enjoy their weekend without me having a clue they were practically in my yard without my ever being the wiser.


Well, I think what this proves is that I simply have to give up looking for love where it is not. They and I are from separate planets -- even though we are genetically very close. Perhaps some day, they will decide they have a selfish or unselfish reason to contact me and actually do so.

I WON'T hold my breath, but I WILL keep them abreast of how to reach me.

So it is when you come from the top Nazi Family in the US and your mother is Dick Cheney's boss (or at least was -- she's 89 now, and while mentally sharp, has shown she has FAILED to control me any longer, so is no longer of value to the Republicans/Nazis). 

I hope they do NOT stage an accident in which she is killed -- or convince her to commit suicide. I DO BELIEVE she should be compelled to take the witness stand (at least) before she dies -- whether of natural causes or at the hand of the State.

So Mom -- if you get this -- that is my Mother's Day wish for you. And thanks again. I know my words might sound sarcastic to a doubter, but I am very sincere when I say to enter the current AGE OF THE ARTIST, you REALLY DO  have to evolve your personality/consciousness to multidimensional and find all the good in both THE GOOD AND THE BAD IN YOUR HEART, not just ape some "New-Agey" catch-phrase, like so many mindlessly do: "It's ALL good".

You must KNOW IN YOUR HEART that IT is ALL GOD!!! (No matter WHAT formatting problems I continue to have. LOL!!!)




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