Friday, September 14, 2012

Luis Melgoza (PRI Party), Threatens Me with DEPORTATION!!!






I am NOT intimidated by the self-proclaimed former TOP Lawyer for the PRI PARTY Mexico, who told me he (YOU, Luis Melgoza -- actually!!!), was FORCED to resign in the early 1980's because YOU wrote a memo describing how the Bush Family and CIA were in charge of all NARCO-TRAFFICKING between the US and Mexico back then and it was leaked to the Press, causing an embarrassment -- which you FURTHER went on to claim CONTINUES (the Bush/CIA drug and gun running -- with or without the PRI Party's help).


And YOU further stated that the Mexican Government is NOW well aware that Benjamin Shields of Conchas Chinas (former Special Forces of USA as well as CIA agent AND OWNER OF ALL THE WWW.OBAMAHATERS.COM and similar websites used to help Republicans WIN BIG in 2010  -- in cahoots with what YOU described as the DRUG-MAFIA-CORRUPTED PV Police substation in front of his house (where I lived for a while in 2010 -- and Ben had LONG conversations with my NAZI mother, getting INSTRUCTIONS), is KNOWN to the current Mexican President as a BIG narco-trafficker in conjunction with the CIA.


What damage have I caused??? People to flee in fear when I blog the TRUTH to the best of my ability??? I did NOTHING (but report like a journalist to the best of my ability -- and Mexico has NO Libel laws if THAT charge could be proved -- although I understand that SOME states have them. Maybe Jalisco and Nyarit!!!


In any case, you will ONLY further damage yourself and your associates if you DO bring charges against me, although I honestly hope you DO, because it will be a fun challenge and ALSO CONVERTIBLE TO MEGA-CASH THROUGH BOOK OR BOOKS ABOUT IT!!!






I've been threatened by BIGGER CRIMINALS THAN YOU!!! (and taught them all a lesson).


I guess it's YOUR turn. Please see this statement at the TOP RIGHT of my blog:

"My Blog

HUMOR IS OUR MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCT!!! -- and Mitch Bossanna was my unpaid research and graphics assistant EXTRAORDINAIRE!!!, and Jeremy Bolton was my unpaid office assistant (nothing untoward, thank you) -- that is until THE DISH RAN AWAY WITH THE SPOON, I vamoosed to Mexico . . . or sumpthin'."

>>> ACTUALLY I SHOULD HAVE USED THIS IN THE EMAIL (also on the front of my blog -- lower right):

Author's Note

A literary vent, a one-sided, free-wheeling discussion, everything posted on this blog is true. Don't mistake that to mean everything here is fact. Frequently, I paint with a broad brush, coloring things to a degree of my own choosing—for the sake of art.

My characters remind me of what Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz once said--and they insist I post it here:

“When I say something about you, it may or may not be true about you, however, I always reveal something of myself.”

Judging from some of the comments people have made to me, I wish to remind them this works in BOTH directions.

Thank you.

Anyway, I look FORWARD to our day in court if you are foolish enough to proceed. Many have threatened -- including Sewanee's lawyer and John Eastman (a top lawyer in NYC and former brother-in-law of Paul McCartney) and others TOO NUMEROUS TO REMEMBER.


In any case, there is NO WARRANT for my arrest in the USA -- and I could go there, but I FAR PREFER Mexico -- the country of my heart. So I ain't budging.


>>> BESIDES: WHEN DID YOU WARN ME THAT I HAD TOLD "UNTRUTHS" -- something I am SO FAR ENTIRELY UNAWARE OF, so why would I have the responsibility to STOP (without a REQUEST to RECANT -- or AT LEAST A WARNING???)


The ONLY thing you MIGHT have caused is for "my backer" (who is too "old" for this sort of excitement), to conceive, develop, and BEAR a COMPLETE HUMAN BABY -- IN ONE NIGHT WHEN HE READS THIS!!!


I for one will waste no more time on this non-sense (except to publish it -- as you have requested, perhaps indirectly).


I just LOVE a good LOVER'S QUARREL (but NEVER expected it would COME TO THIS WITH YOU, LUIS)!!!


(And I PARSE my words with a care that YOU don't have.)




Scott David Kenan


PS: Please see attached file (up top on this blog posting).


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 7:51 PM, Luis Melgoza <> wrote:

Mr. Scott D. Kenan,


Please be advised that criminal complaints have been filed  in the states of Jalisco and Nayarit against you by me and other parties injured by your slanderous statements defaming our character as posted by you on and/or delivered via email on various dates.


Proceedings before the Instituto Nacional de Migración (Mexico's immigration authorities) to have you removed from the country have also been initiated, and the office of the President has been informed of your false statement attempting to impersonate a Special Assistant to President Calderón; the Federal Executive may choose to order your removal immediately.


The headers on your unsolicited and undesired email messages allow state and federal law enforcement to track your every move, the blatant lies emailed and/or posted by you constitute prima facie evidence of the serious state and federal crimes you have committed in Mexico.


I know enough of you to understand that you will not keep this communication private, as intended. Please feel free to send and/or post it, including all my contact information wherever you desire; I will welcome even more parties injured by your criminal lies to learn of the legal actions taken against you and come forward to testify.


Finally, please be advised that any and all further communications from you will be turned over to law enforcement to aid in the prosecution of your criminal offenses.




Luis Melgoza.



Púlpito #135

Col. Emiliano Zapata

48380 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.


PV phone: (322) 223-2488

Canada and US phone: (732) 784-3357


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