Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Few CONCLUSIONS (if I may . . . ).

I have NO IDEA why when I googled images for "the BIG CONCLUSION" , Laura Linney's photo came up FIRST!!!
That said, I've ALWAYS been a HUGE fan of hers -- and am GLAD she's finally included in this blog.
>>> I'VE FORGOTTEN WHAT I MEANT TO WRITE HERE -- but let my TRY to remember . . .

1. Hector-the-Engineer is an Arab. Carlos Salim "Slim" Helu, the WEALTHIEST MAN ON EARTH is an Arab-Mexican. Fernando Merino ALWAYS claimed that BIG AS HECTOR IS (was???), he had a much BIGGER boss here in Mexico.


2. In January of 2010, Alyson Books CANCELLED my contract for the publication of WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. Their lawyer called me after I received an email RETURNING my rights -- SWEARING TO ME on the phone that they would see that my book was NEVER published.

NOT then understanding the TANGLED WEB of political intrigue, crimes, and DEVILMENT I had been BORN into, I set out to find out WHY.

In the process, I have DISCOVERED, EXPOSED, and LINKED many crimes, hoping to FREE ALL (including my adversaries), of having to go through all I have to GET RIGHT WITH GOD, now that we are in the END TIMES and MUST all REPENT, MAKE AMENDS, and GRADUATE to "ARTIST" level.

If you do NOT do so -- and rather QUICKLY, you will PERISH (as predicted in ALL scriptures.



Jesus loves me, yes I know . . . cuz his HOT GOD (Brazilian), rubs on me . . .

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