WHITE-ASS Christians have been SPILLING OUT OF JAILS and TAKING TO THE STREETS in the Untied States!!!:
Joanna has ROHRED BACK and is displaying her LABIA all over the Internets (and CNN), again LATELY:
Jesus can't get his PLANE TO LAND . . .
And Christians have been MINGLING -- without getting their required PERMITS first!!!
Children have become THOROUGHLY TURNED OFF by ADULTS:
(click it to enlarge)
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1. Here is the title of the email of the above that went to 500 Select Contacts. You will PLEASE NOTICE that it is LOADED WITH TRUTH!!!:
CORE 500: ACTUALLY, I had MEANT to have this end with THE MUSLIM HOARD closing ALL Turkish Coffee Shops in "Western Civilization" due to "Christian Chatter" on the Internets -- and President Barack Obama pooping some "Jelly Babies" !!! :
General James "Spider Marks" (Spider was CODE for "Swastika" half a Century ago -- IN CASE Y'ALL FORGOT!!!) is on CNN TV as I type.
I KNEW HIM WELL when I sold ad space to him while working for Patrick Stansbury/Michael Massicott at www.pentagon-usa.com .
See more here (includes SPIDER MARKS' comments on CIA Agent Kevin Maurer who wrote NO EASY DAY about the assassination of Osama Bin Laden: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/09/cnns-coverage-still-supports-fox.html and here as well: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/09/no-more-massicottes.html .
BIG BOOB Gals will like THIS:
The NATURAL CONSEQUENCE of American WHITE-ASS Protestant Republicans (and Obama or Clinton COCK SUCKERS!!!):
I deal with these two comments from "Boo Radley" (an important character in the book TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD), in the NEXT BLOG POST!!!