Wednesday, September 11, 2013

BEYOND SUPER-HOOTY!!! (my day, yesterday)

The Beach at Salulita, Nayarit, Mexico (photo taken nearly a year ago in the company of an old boyfriend from the early oughts -- a Canadian -- who was here a-visitin').

>>> THE DAY:

1. I awoke, yesterday, with a "Kentucky Bourbon Hangover" -- determined to RE-SET some things in my life. I first needed to collect some money that came Western Union from a friend in the USA, but have had trouble doing that the last few times and it got WORSE, yesterday.

I drove to the main road through town where the northern end of the Tunel Highway ends at it -- I had recently picked up dough at the Banorte Bank, but thought I should first try Santander Bank -- since I use their FREE teller machines to get cash from my "associated" Bank of America account, and if they DIDN'T do W.U., there were FOUR banks in three blocks, ending with a Farmacia Guadalajara, where I USED TO GET W.U. cash -- until the last two times I tried there, their "system was down".

The woman in charge of the Santander Branch apologized they do NOT, and suggested Banco Azteca. She was so much fun to engage in my REVERIES for her bank (and Bank of America), that I introduced myself -- and she said "Oh EVERYONE in THIS TOWN knows who YOU are!!!"

Feeling a touch "hangover-relieved" I began walking the "blocks-o-banks", and THREE Mexicans came up to me and said something ENTIRELY unnatural for ANY Mexican I've met before: "How's THE WEATHER UP THERE???", and then BURST into fun and frivolity!!!


I was having so much FUN, I passed ALL the banks, landed in Farmacia Guadelajara -- and their SYSTEM WAS DOWN, again. I walked back and into the reliable Banorte, but THERE, I was first told that I needed to have my passport (which I have NEVER -- almost -- needed to get Western Union money), rather than my driver's license, as I've always used.

WORSE: When I FINALLY CONVINCED THEM that my HEIGHT makes me impossible to be a fraud, the young man then said OK, went into the System and declared: "W.U. has this as for "Scott Kenan" (money to me has always come on my TWO main names), and your license says "Scott David Kenan" (as does my passport), we CANNOT give you the money unless they match perfectly, sorry."

NO APPEAL to branch management convinced them, so I went "Scott-Ballistic" for ALL TO HEAR, left and found the other nearby banks did NOT do Western Union, so I GAVE UP ON THAT for the day.

>>> ADDED INFO: Banamex, a HUGE bank that is so integrated with Citibank, USA, that in Puerto Vallarta their branches sport BOTH LOGOS PROMINENTLY, had FIRST delivered my W.U. money, no problem -- on my license. The SECOND TIME I tried them, they RECOGNIZED ME, and said they NEVER give W.U. money without PASSPORTS!!!

It is VERY CLEAR TO ME that this whole CHARADE has been for my PERSONAL HARASSMENT by the US-based global NSA/CIA NARCO-TRAFFICKERS!!!

2. FIRST, when I arrived in Salulita, I got an HOUR long full-body massage in a beach cabana, followed by a swim. Guys kept trying to sell me a pack of four CIGARS!!! WHY??? (I learned this is how they give you the opportunity to find out how to contact their marijuana-selling friends, and eventually, I discovered that pot brownies go for 50 pesos ($4.00 US), and a half ounce of PRIME BUD for 100 pesos ($8.00 US) -- not that I bought anything!!!

>>> IMPORTANT INFO FOR VISITORS TO PUERTO VALLARTA!!!: When I met Toro a couple of weeks ago, before his accompanying me to my house, he had to buy his METH. And from HIM, I learned that most HARD DRUGS are sold by "The Scooter People" , and that almost ALL people riding motorized scooters in PV are DRUG DEALERS!!!

(At least in "Old Town".)

He promptly (on the BUSIEST corner in Old Town), flagged the first one that came by and did his "business" inconspicuously -- in front of EVERYONE.

3. I had so much fun meeting a TON OF PEOPLE, Americans and Mexicans BOTH. the town is so "Americanized" that most ATM's dispense DOLLARS!!! And this town that reminds me so much of Key West 1981 -- and Malibu as well -- was BRISTLING with INTELLIGENT, CLEAR-EYED PEOPLE, living in an ARTS COMMUNITY of sorts that had no sign of REAL POVERTY!!!

4. All the Gringos were tending tall, thin, and many whites wear dreadlocks (somehow). The women were all SUPER GORGEOUS!!! A young gringo family with their two entirely nekkid girls (aged 3 and 4, I'd guess), stopped when one girl's ball rolled under my parked car, and I started talking with man and wife.

Eventually, I mentioned to the couple that I like to "specialize" in teaching women the benefits of digit-stimulation of their man's prostate during sex to increase the pleasure up to FIVE FOLD. They TOTALLY CRACKED UP, and he said "American Whites are SO STUPID that most MEN don't even know about that!!!"

As you can see, I was TOTALLY IN THE "SCOTT ELEMENT" !!!



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