Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hooz Lickin' Whose WHAT??? (A tale of Sean Hannity, Christal Presley, and Coach Lou Holtz -- TWO of whom I know WELL!!!)

>>> ADDED LATER: Sean Hannity, rumored to be gay since he was about 17, managed to get the NSA/CIA to RIP the image I originally had of him drooling over hot, shirtless, young WHITE men -- and IN FACT that image is now SCOURED FROM THE INTERNET.
When I first, just now, tried to find an appropriate image, for the FIRST TIME IN A WEEK, my Internet connection was IMMEDIATELY CUT and my computer became unstable.
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This photo does NOT show Sean Hannity SHIRTLESS (as ALL men should be judged, in my opinion -- to see if they SHAVE THEIR HAIRS to play "PEDOPHILIA sans CHILDREN" -- or are more adult).
This was taken at one of Sean's HOMO-HOT concerts that he regularly sponsors.
The ONLY photo that came up image-googling "Sean Hannity shirtless" was the following, but I don't think it's him:

>>> EDITOR's NOTE: "Bill Saffo divorce" and "Bill Saffo restraining order" are BY FAR the most used key words to find this blog for TWO DAYS NOW!!!

I'm not sure I have enough energy today to go FULL BORE and actually CONFRONT SEAN and his bosses yet (which I might do by PHONE CALLS instead of emails, depending on my mood). But it never hurts to SOFTEN THINGS UP with a little "carpet info-bombing" first, and THAT stuff is up and ready to PASTE IN!!!:


I just don't get it. I mean, as a born again Christian, I just don't get it. Why would any professed Christian take such a horrible sin as homosexuality lightly?... and that's what Sean is doing in my opinion. In this woeful time of apostasy and attack against family values, why would Mr. Hannity even give place to this wickedness. Perhaps Mr. Hannity feels that he is expressing God's loves towards those who are without Christ; nevertheless, Christians should never take sin lightly. Homosexuality is a morally reprehensible sin... "vile affections" as the Word of God calls it in Romans 1:26.
Says Wayne Besen . . .

"A big shout-out goes to Sean Hannity, who spends his hard earned money on a website so that like-minded and same-sex couples can meet, chat, and fornicate. Keep up the good work Sean. I'm sure most of your fans would totally approve." -SOURCE

2. AND YET, although it is RUMORED Hannity's license plate is "NOT GAY", that does NOT appear to be true.

3. "Sean Hannity of Fox News and the Sean Hannity Radio Show has been linked to a gay lover triangle where he is alleged to be involved with the husband of a well- knowned female mortgage broker in New York City.

"Sources say that Hannity and the brokers husband have had a torrid affair for years. Sources say that the two would meet in Hannity's New York apartment at least twice a week for sex. The Broker is seeking a multimillion dollar divorce settlement at this time."

From here: .

4. "Contrary to popular belief, he (Hannity) sucks lots of dick on a daily basis, but will never admit that black cock tastes best.

(Scott Kenan will ALWAYS admit this!!!) 

"Hannity is known around NYC for being a regular in the video arcade backrooms where closeted homosexuals go to engage in anonymous sex. Clearly he was only conducting a routine cavity search on that poor poolboy because he thought he was a terrorist."

More here: .

4. Look whose got Sean's OLD HOUR!!!:

Megyn Kelly

5. And LOOK WHY!!!:

"REVEALED: Fox News Bumped Sean Hannity For Pro-Homosexual Megyn Kelly"

Read all about it!!!: .

6. Did Sean Hannity Have Sex With Hal Turner?  From The DAILY KOZ (supported LARGELY by Thomas S. Kenan III - owned THE BREAKERS HOTEL in Palm Beach, FL -- at least NO ONE ELSE advertises on "KOZ" more!!!) .

"Upon information and belief, there is circumstantial evidence that suggests that Sean Hannity is a repressed bisexual or homosexual who has had several affairs with men in the past, affairs that earned him the nickname "Handy Hannity" in his early days in Athens, Alabama and most notably his friend Hal Turner, a.k.a "Hal From North Bergen" throughout the 1990s. For more on the background click here and then read the Max Blumenthal article posted therein."

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Me, Christal Presley, Sunil Vishnu . . . (I'm pretty sure it's long and begins this way). Click image to see the boy they were mentoring until the "Mentor Authorities" removed him for being "seemingly forgotten about".

Picture was taken December 2009, near the base of the carving on Stone Mountain, and if you follow those tracks about 800 feet to the right, you arrive at the "Restricted Area" -- at least in 1990 -- where I witnessed all the drugs being downloaded from train cars (usually coal cars that would NOT be suspected of being filled with narcotics), after the cars FIRST sat on the spur (now a Walk-In trail -- and sometimes for up to two months -- SUPER STRATEGIES!!!), three lots from my house at 903 Second Street.

>>> ADDED LATER @ 9:39 PM, CDT: I actually called and visited the offices of Stone Mountain Park in 1990, and they laughed and slapped my back and said those coal cars ONLY contained BALLAST (gravel), for repairs to the tracks around the mountain -- and that was ALSO TRUE!!!

See what I mean that my MOM is "SMART ASS-SHIT"!!!

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The ONLY logos I ever saw on the trucks taking the drugs OUT of the park where SYSCO FOOD SYSTEM and INLAND SEAFOOD.
My Georgia HOUSE!!! 903 Second Street, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA!!! (1988 - 2010)


1. To BEGIN WITH, please recall all the BREW-HA-HA back in the early oughts (2003 or 04, I think), when OTHER networks got COURT QUALITY PROOF that Fox News had LONG been using TONES on TV perfectly SYNCHED with "old-age meds", so that they produced EUPHORIA in the minds of those taking those drugs.

FOX NEWS ADMITTED to addicting "Old Farts" to FOX NEWS through this trick, and STOPPED before the lawsuits could be filed.

If YOU don't remember THAT, you are BRAINLESS!!! it was ALL over the other TV networks and the PRINT MEDIA!!!

2. From summer of 1968 through summer of 1970, we lived in this house on Larwell Drive in Columbus, Ohio:

I'm actually surprised that the gas lamp that the Gas Company gave EVERYONE FOR FREE (to burn more gas), is gone. It was planted at the right angle of the walk to the door.

And here is Coach Lou Holtz's house from across the street and a couple of doors down -- actually, with the trees and shrubs, it is too difficult to SEE some houses and I'm not sure EXACTLY which one it was.


A. My parents BOUGHT THIS HOUSE to be very close to Lou and Beth Holtz. It was the ONLY TIME my parents moved us to a SMALLER HOUSE which TOTALLY cramped us!!! it was the best one close enough to the Holtz's.

B. At that time, Lou was Assistant Coach to the GREAT WOODY HAYES (like me, a Denison U. grad), at Ohio State. My parents FREQUENTLY socialized with Lou and Beth -- even playing DUPLICATE BRIDGE (one way of passing info of NAZIs -- google in this blog for details).

AS COMPENSATION for his NAZI HELP (Catholics ALL, of course!!!), Mom granted Lou Holtz his LIFE-TIME DREAM and got him the job as Coach for Notre Dame's FIGHTING IRISH. At about the same time, she got her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS, the job as Official Dentist to the Fighting Irish.

Lou did well there, but poorly, later, at South Carolina. Mom later MURDERED Uncle Bob with the help of the US Veterans hospital in southern Mississippi, with DOUBLE-DOSE LITHIUM CARBONATE for a "Mono-Polar" diagnosis that NO LONGER EXISTS.

Uncle Bob not only allowed his daughter Janet "Jan" Meyer to marry the Jew, Kim Opperman (now divorced and she married an American Airlines Pilot "Larsen" -- Jan being a fight attendant there), but in his late years was TOURING SOUTH and MIDWEST going to college basketball games to OGGLE GUYS, and this EMBARRASSED the rest of the Meyers -- so he HAD to be murdered!!!

Uncle Bob admitted to me TWICE that he was really gay: Once in my parents' home in West Chester, PA (the second time they lived there), and once when I visited him while traveling to South Bend with Tennessee Williams to see Oliver Evans, a professor there -- and to get us OUT OF THE HAIR of the Goodman Theatre, so it was April 1982.

Google in this blog to learn SPECIFICS on Mom's murder of her brother. I have ALL THE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE here in Mexico!!!

Christal Presley crying crocodile tears in CNN-PRODUCED LEAD STORY on of last summer, PROMOTING Christal's book about her Dad's PTSD -- which he NEVER, EVER HAD!!!
I KNEW both of Christal's parents and while they were TRAILER TRASH to start with, AFTER Christal became BEST FRIENDS and COLLEGE ROOMMATES with Jill (Rhodes) Hannity at Virginia Tech, (and Jill married Sean Hannity), Christal and her parents BECAME RICH, bought an HUGE OLD VIRGINIA FARMHOUSE that also has barns and a log cabin.
They FILLED THEM ALL with antiques, sold by people Sean Hannity and his Republicans FORCED TO GO HOMELESS (or nearly so -- JUST LIKE THE GERMANS DID TO THE JEWS IN THE 1930S, NO???)
According to Sunil -- a mid-level Coca-Cola Executive that Christal dated until HE TOLD THE TRUTH and the NAZI-REPUBLICANS in Georgia CHASED SUNIL all the way back to INDIA!!!

Christal admitted to me and others in 2009 that he SERIES of six articles in a regional Virginia magazine (mid-oughts), about her trip to India and ENLIGHTENMENT after dipping in the Ganges was a TOTAL FAKE -- that the river was TOO FILTHY to get near.


I learned this by finding Christal's ON-LINE reviews and notes of thanks to several Luxury Hotels in India -- that mentioned all the "kind extra services" they had performed for HER PARENTS!!!

So, in early 2010, when I contacted the WRITER of the article about Christal's PTSD Charities that (eventually) ran on the FRONT PAGE of the SUNDAY!!! Atlanta Journal-Constitution, SHE ADMITTED TO ME that she knew Christal was TOTALLY LYING, but it was for a "good cause" so would run!!!

Using THAT info, I contacted TWELVE TOP EDITORS at the paper, SPECIFICALLY CONTACTING Jay Goodman, to STOP IT -- they all BLOCKED ME instead -- and sent the writer to call me to tell me "TOUGH!!!"

I had a nearly IDENTICAL experience when I contacted CNN HQ about Christal's BOOK published last summer, and CNN TOLD ME WHERE TO GO!!!

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Lou Holtz


>>> ODD NOTE: It was Lou Holtz who got my brother Mike accepted to William & Mary College (where Lou had coached). Mike -- who had never handled well all his football and basketball varsity co-players FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM and trying to sexually seduce Mike, who once (with his girlfriend), "committed suicide" by slashing their wrists VERY SHALLOWLY.

My Mom claimed it was because they could NOT take the pressure of everyone expecting them to HAVE SEX -- they preferring to put it off until MARRIAGE!!!

Mike HATED William and Mary (because it was so "high-falutin'" -- compared to ME who felt "right at home" at similar Denison University). After a year, he transferred to URI, my parents having moved to East Greenwich, RI, then. Mike DRANK AND DRUGGED his way through URI with decent grades and ONE TOTALLY TOTALLED TOYOTA (due to drunk-driving).

But back to Lou and The Holtzes: My sister Jane babysat Lou and Beth's kids back then -- all of them in grade school -- and ALL OF THEM STILL SHITTING THEIR PANTS!!!

Let me see how many Lou-Holtz Associates I can dig up to send THIS blog post to (listed at top of the 500 other contacts it will go to).

I'm just NOT UP TO confronting FOX NEWS today, dig???



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