Monday, December 9, 2013

Email Just Sent to Mr. Newt Gingrich -- Whom I Judge to be AS PECULIAR AS ME!!!


Dear Mr. Gingrich:

This might well be the most PECULIAR communication you have ever received, and I trust that you will read it in its entirety, laughing all the way -- or at least laugh after some reflection. You may or may not be aware of this, but in 1990, I visited your Congressional Office in Georgia four or five times, giving IMPORTANT EVIDENCE to your office manager -- the older, very pleasant, pipe-smoking man who drove a Lincoln Town Car badged "Stone Mountain Lincoln Mercury" (like several other cars I saw there from time to time). And quite FRANKLY the reason I have blogged and LATER believed YOU were part of the massive deliveries of illegal drugs to Stone Mountain Park by train (the tracks now a walk-in trail just four lots from my house then), that I delivered documentation on, see: , is that I knew Jim Wickline and his wife WELL as they were frequent guests in Mama Mia's Pasta & Pizza, the Stn. Mtn. restaurant I managed then, Jim being sales manager of that dealership and when I visited him there and thugs came in brandishing pistols and picking up cash, Jim explained to the FREAKED OUT ME that recently, the dealership had been sold to the Drug Mafia.

Now, the reason I am writing is that I was MOST IMPRESSED by your take on Nelson Mandela, and I believe that you like me are a THRIVER, so trying to bring your Republican Party to some SANITY. You always step back, thoughtfully, and are never as covered in stink. We are both GEORGIA BOYS to a major extent, and you even went to one of the top Kenan Universities, Emory!!!

I would direct you to my blog (which my mother admits forced the last of the THREE NAZI POPES to resign), Mom being Cheney/Coach Lou Holtz -- a personal friend who lived across the street from us from 1968 - 1970 -- John Boehner, Sean Hannity's chief liaison WITH the NAZI Popes -- and indeed, I TRAPPED Mom into admitting to me that she was on secured communication with Boehner/Holtz EXACTLY during the time the REDS caved and were forced to reopen Government -- cheering them NOT TO WORRY because the Republicans had gotten Obama (Barry Bam Bam, I like to call him) to agree to TANK OBAMACARE, which is why he gave all the contracts to the site to Republican companies to GRAB THE DOUGH and create a site that would NEVER GO LIVE. And Obama being BLACKMAILED by Bush/Cheney over his HUGE GAY PAST, would do as told!!!

I'm no fan of Bill and Hillary Clinton, either, as ALL Mexicans know, Bill Clinton EXPANDED NSA/CIA narco-trafficking in Mexico and Latin America FASTER than either Bush -- why Bill BRAGS that he is Barbara Bush's FAVORITE SON, and George W. Bush CONFIRMS THIS!!!

But it is TIME to set the Past aside, and find our common interests and goals -- and I happen to believe YOU are the Republican SMART ENOUGH and History-Educated enough to make certain the FAIR CONCERNS of the Conservatives are at least respected -- and the best ideas incorporated in a RENEWED UNITED STATES that respects our Constitution.

I must apologize for some comments I have made on blog regarding Calista. I haven't met her yet, but surely her heart is reform-able as yours and mine are -- and NO ONE has made more errors nor been through more CHANGE than I.

I sincerely believe YOU are the man on the Right who is BIG ENOUGH and ALIVE ENOUGH ("Life is CHANGE -- how it differs from the rocks!!!"), to be a major force in RESOLVING Our Country's current difficulties.

In closing, let me list a few people I have worked with whom you might know. I met Ronald and Nancy Reagan at a White House Party in 1981 -- part of the festivities surrounding the Kennedy Center Honors (where I also met Al Haig), while working for Tennessee Williams, and Ronnie was a RIOT, disarming me from my political disgust with him. Nancy was a bit frigid then -- but her husband had been SHOT right in front of her less than a year before.

Recently, I ALSO got to know Frank Sinatra's fave niece who sold Sinatra control of Bank of America to my Kenan Family (distant cousins who also control Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Coca-Cola, etc.-- some of whom I know). It is TRUE that Nancy "oralized" Frank -- her TRUE LOVE -- under the Oval Office Desk while Ronnie was napping on pre-Alzheimer drugs -- Bush and Cheney actually RUNNING THAT SHOW, and Patricia Sinatra very MATTER OF FACTLY told me that the Sinatra Family had put JFK in power, at Joe Kennedy's request.

Later, I met John Ehlichman who worked with my parents and former employer, to set up their DISTRIBUTION of illegal drugs brought in on US Air Force planes.

You see, when I met Jackie Kennedy Onassis at Jean Stein and George Plimpton's party for Tennessee the night of January 11, 1982, I DID promise to eventually get President Kennedy's REVENGE, this being the first time Jackie WARNED Tennessee that the FBI/CIA with Republicans and the Episcopal Church planned to MURDER HIM before he changed his will to leave all to Harvard instead of Sewanee, and IN FACT I know all the co-conspirators in that successful plot and can PROVE in a Court of Law these crimes.

I cover these things in great detail many places in my blog.

And PLEASE don't think I hold this against you, but I HAVE seen scans of Atlanta Police Citations of you soliciting sex with men in parks in Atlanta right after you graduated Emory. If the original sex survey by Master and Johnson is to be believed (came out before Christians took a FIRM anti-gay stance, so no one was as afraid of being honest them), about 68% of adult men acknowledge having sex with men to orgasm at least ONCE in their lives -- as ADULTS!!! And here is a FUN BLOG post inspired somewhat by that that I BET gets you LAUGHING UNDER THE TABLE!!!: .

This only makes you NORMAL, and your choices since then are YOUR BUSINESS!!! 

I hope I will hear from you (or one of your top people), soon. My cell phone in Mexico can be reached from the US by dialing +011-52-1 (322) XXX-XXXX. I will open-copy a few of my contacts as this goes out, and then post it on blog, which goes to 500 PRIME CONTACTS which can be seen here: . I will NOT publish our ensuing conversation, should you deign to have one with me,



Scott David Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Me with Tennessee Williams at Kennedy Center Honors, 1981
Me, today-ish

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