1. While it is TRUE, I actually believed the story in the most previous blog posting, which I posted many hours ago, it was ONLY BECAUSE I WANTED TO!!!
As soon as posting and emailing it to nearly 500 (and several hundred having found it on this blog since then as well), I researched and it is NOT TRUE, but a JOKE. I decided to leave it to see how many would CALL ME ON THAT (by blog comment or email) -- but no one did.
2. There are many reasons to make fun of the fools in the Catholic Church -- and I wanted all through junior high to be a Jesuit priest, so I took Catholicism seriously then. I left because of its TOTAL HYPOCRISY, which is easily seen in the FACT that throughout the 1960s and 70s and before, the Catholic Mass had a part where the priest made mention of Jesus's GORY and GRUESOME suffering and death. The response was a THREE-FOLD (repeating something three times with feeling is a form of MIND CONTROL -- disclaimer: My mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan ran Proctor and Gambles Skin Research Labs and worked with Dr. Mengele's research on Concentration Camp Jews, both physical and MIND CONTROL, which she used EFFECTIVELY on my siblings and I, and it worked best on the GIRLS), -- a three-fold repeating of "Through MY fault. Through MY fault. Through my MOST GRIEVOUS fault," -- all while BEATING ONE'S BREAST!!!
Any idea, you psychologists, WHAT this does to a child's self-worth???
Sets kids up to feel like worthless shit so they get sexually molested by the ONLY ONE the Catholic Church says can get God's forgiveness for you -- a Catholic priest!!!
>>> AND HERE IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF LIBERAL HYPOCRISY -- they equate wasting all day masturbating by spreading Liberal Truth (and it is usually actually TRUE), on Facebook and such, but only PREACHING TO THE CHOIR, and REFUSING to take a stand or CONFRONT ANYONE AT ALL, which allows the HATERS to get more practical and WIN. (Hello gun control!!! -- especially Dems in the South!!!)
Conservatives are ALWAYS PRACTICAL, regardless their lies.

This is getting FAR WEIRDER!!!:
Mr. Gorecki then UN-FRIENDED (but did not block) me.
Paul Leone, President of THE BREAKERS HOTEL, and now my BUD, because he STOPPED advertising on www.FoxNews.com -- after our discussions!!!
MORE on those "discussions" here: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/10/tom-betty-kenans-breakers-hotel-dropped.html
(CLICK ME, honey -- to see MORE!!!)
Some scenes from Thomas S. Kenan III and Betty (Price) Kenan-owned THE BREAKERS. Here are a couple more:
Some scenes from Thomas S. Kenan III and Betty (Price) Kenan-owned THE BREAKERS. Here are a couple more:
Me, too, bitch (just kidding!!!)!!!
The (wealthy branch of the) Kenan Family have one of the largest art collections in the world. About a half dozen or so of their collection of Medieval Flemish Tapestries hang high in one hall (that I can't show you now). But MORE important to me, is MODERN GLASS, which the Kenan Family ALSO collects. Here is some on display at their THE BREAKERS HOTEL:
Mr. Gorecki then UN-FRIENDED me from Facebook (but did not block) me.
