Friday, June 19, 2015

RP: Queen for a Day in Puerto Vallarta (and it WASN’T ME)!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

>>> WRITTEN THIS MORNING IN A HOTEL WITHOUT WIFI -- currently, I am in a hotel WITH wifi -- awaiting diagnosis of my Pontiac Vibe. That model was NEVER sold in Mexico, so NO PARTS specific to it in this country, new, and alternator might have to be air-shipped over a few days. Already, the battery and fuel pump were replaced -- they being generic.

NO TELLING when I might make it to the USA.

At the moment it is 7:33 AM, and I am on the outskirts of Guadalajara in an Economica Hotel (o similar). I left Puerto Vallarta at 11:00 AM, Thursday, but my battery went bad, and I just got 500 feet short of a mechanic’s business – before the gasoline pump went all kaflooie too. So it was too late to get the parts delivered before this morning at 11:00, and the car should be ready by noon. (It was -- but I drove eight miles and the battery light came back on, so now the car is at a GM dealer's.)

And humble as the man’s shop may be, he DID have a device to plug into my car’s computer to get that reading as well, and it will all set me back about $220.00 USD. This has given me the opportunity to see how MODERN and well-kept Guadalajara’s city buses are (and even the cobbled streets here are WELL MAINTAINED) – the OPPOSITE of Puerto Vallarta, where taxes go into the pockets of CIA Drug Mafia politicians.

Topping THAT is the fact that in Guadalajara, THERE IS NO TRASH CAN IN THE BATHROOMnot a sign of cheapness so much as an OK to flush toilet paper. In the ENTIRE country of Mexico, probably the result of some Senora, wadding up half a roll of toilet paper, just to wipe the pee drops off her tinkle and surrounding hair-muff.

YOU have seen this, I have seen this. Bitches just be BITCHES – and they REFUSE TO ADMIT THE TRUTH, then spread the rumor countrywide that TP clogs the exit pipes, so PUT IT IN THE TRASH!!!

Such a SANITARY IDEA, no???

Not so PRETTY in a country that is HOME to Montezuma’s Revenge – but like Peking Duck, the Revenge keeps the old, ignorant Gringo misnaming – in this case of Rey (King) Moctezuma II. Puerto Vallarta advertises that its waste treatment plant can handle EIGHT TIMES today’s demand – but everyone trashes the soiled TP. This is as RIDICULOUS as people in New York City drinking bottled water ONLY to waste plastic bottles that there are too many of to actually recycle, but ONE-PERCENTER PIGS make sure you feel better when you recycle plastic, although it just goes into landfills, mostly.
New York City’s municipal water has ALWAYS been judged of the highest quality, but LIBERALS and TRENDIES, especially, would rather trash the planet with wasted plastic. Liberals DESERVE the hottest Hell (because they KNOW better)!!!


I DID hock the giant TV, but the Senora at Bazar Las Gaviotas, Viena 147 Col. La Vena, Pto. Vallarta, (322) 224-1607, who had sold me many things before I met Beto, is also a friend of his, which I learned when he took me to buy a used mattress from her. And she FAILED to make TWO appointments to buy my TV, bed, refrigerator, and some other significant items, so I gave them to my neighbors – Beto’s cousins. And in that process, I learned:

1. One wife started CRYING when I gave her the sofa – because now her father will have something SOFTER than his pad on the floor to sleep on.

2. The other one said now her three children can all pile into my king-size bed.

3. One offered me 1,000 pesos ($64.00 USD), for the refrigerator, but said she could only get it at 4:00 PM – which means within a week or two – and when she said she only had an ice chest to use – I IMMEDIATELY gave it to her. I had been up to their apartments, but never looked in, except to see NOT MUCH – except giant crucifixes. In the end they STRIPPED my house of everything of value – and it was MY PLEASURE to see their honest delight!!!

4. One of the teen-aged sons actually FOUND my iPod Maximus (or whatever the souped-up kind is called). Its battery is DEAD and being Apple,  that means it is trash. So Martin Jacobo did NOT steal it – but the old laptop never showed up – and he DID steal also most of my hand tools, so I had to buy some to disassemble things.

In the end, it was all kissy-face with the two wives – and because the kids like cats (and I had a three-month supply of cat food from Costco left – they now are their custodians). My cats eat more wildlife in summer and barely touch the dry food, anyway.

BUT THIS IS THE BEST PART: I KNEW that no one I knew would GET THE BEAUTY of MY JOY to so effectively help some people with little means – than my MOTHER, Ruth Anne Kenan of Raleigh, North Carolina – (Mom DOES have some “GOOD Catholic” parts).

And my JOY at making them happy was EXPONENTIALLY-multiplied, because I have been homeless and at least “Gringo-broke”, for over five years, now.  And I DID leave the keys where I promised Beto I would leave them, but decided NOT to call or text him that I’m now gone, as he’d asked. I want his relatives to OWN my stuff a few days before he comes over and tries to TAKE IT from them, claiming he has rights to it – I KNOW how the Catholic faction of the CIA Drug Mafia OPERATES!!!

>>> ANOTHER EXPERIENCE OF NOTE is that I was called over to a HUGE dump truck with four guys in their thirties on the bench in front – and two teenagers atop a full load of sand. Half of them had grown up in the USA – before being deported – and were fluent in English and when one asked me what I thought of Mexican Senoritas, I said they LOOK good – but I am gay!!!

Peals of laughter – I’ve said similar to all kinds of Mexicans and they ALWAYS crack up and offer me a GAY FRIEND to have sex with. And yesterday, it was the handsome guy closest to me, although two of the others were shirtless, no I naturally was looking more their way, and the driver being the most animated, leaned so far over to kid us, that I stuck out my tongue and pretended to lick his chocolate nipple and surrounding brown hot-flesh. This REALLY got the truck into rollicking laughter (and I’m no longer in the mood just for sex for itself, so declined).

And as this hotel has run out of coffee, I will now get some to WAKE UP at a restaurant nearby. I never sleep well the first night out of my own bed, but got at least six hours – enough.


North Carolina is the only state I know of that allows concealed weapons in churches -- a bill SPONSORED by former Republican NC Senator Thom Goolsby -- but he was caught in INVESTMENT FRAUD and had to resign, although he is CLOSELY connected to Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill, so was ALLOWED to continue practicing Law and is NOT in prison -- like he would be in nearly any other state!!!

Gun activists have said allowing guns in church could have stopped Wednesday's killings at a Charleston, South Carolina, church, and they wasted no time blaming...

Scott Kenan shared a link from Randall Kenan
57 mins ·

A panel of southern writers read portions of their works and discussed southern heritage, history, hate, and the Confederate flag. They also responded to audience questions. Humphreys wrote [Dreams…
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"What would it look like if 16 million Southern Baptists engaged in civil disobedience?" 

This and all the OTHER HYPE spread on Fox News and others, IGNORES THE FACT that gay marriage has been around in several states for several years, and they had NO PROBLEM with it -- until it came to the OLD CONFEDERACY. And NO RELIGIOUS CLERGY has EVER been forced to marry ANYONE -- straight OR gay -- and NO ONE has said churches would be FORCED to accept gay parishioners -- NOR HAVE THEY BEEN!!!

'The Supreme Court is not the final authority, nor is the culture itself'
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