Tuesday, February 9, 2016

RP: The Drug Trash That Infiltrated the New Hanover County NAACP Are STILL AT IT -- LOL!!!

RE-PRINTED from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-drug-trash-that-infiltrated-new.html

Starr Watson has ONLY this photo on her Facebook Page -- and none can be googled up for her.

She is a two-year college-trained physical therapist and OVER 65 years of age -- as was OBVIOUS from her voice on the phone.

Scott Kenan It takes a Devil Worshiping, drug-addicted "Christian" to think I expect to change your or any other God-hater's mind -- but since you continued to engage -- and I found this all amusing, like all the Press and Law Enforcement in Wilmingtohave as well -- I've enjoyed the back and forth. That's all. We played with you and you inadvertently gave local Law Enforcement CLUES to who is narco-trafficking in Wilmington (Starr Watson is one), as even the black churches know that the local NAACP organization is involved. Now go beat off so you can think with your upper head, sir -- LOL!!!
LikeReply17 hrs
Starr Watson Scott Kenan, you are so full of crap. I spent some time researching yesterday, and our local Kenan family disavows any ties with you (and I can see why). You appear to desperately seek attention by pretending to have inside information, then take your imaginings and use them for character assassinations. You now (sic) absolutely nothing about me, and I have serious doubts as to the validity of anything you say. You are what my ancestors referred to as a carpet bagger, and you are just plain tacky.
LikeReply1 hr
Scott Kenan LOL!!! Thanks for the compliment that comes from your desperation!!! I'm sure if you spoke with "My Kenan Family" and they have these strong views, they would HAPPILY have you publish their actual names

Bitch -- this is just another of the "anonymous" smear campaigns so COMMON among Republicans and Clinton supporters -- and let me ALSO say, that as far -- -- and at this pointI picked up my phone and called Starr Watson: 910-392-5618, and she REFUSED to name the Kenans she spoke with so I did this -- to her WHISKEY/SMOKE-CURED voice:

Scott Kenan's photo.
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Starr Watson Posted by jacob javitz at 12:15 PM No comments: 
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Scott D. Kenan Truth 

So here is the truth about Scott D. Kenan. He has been denied by the real Kenan family members of Wilmington N.C. as being related to them. No one I spoke to acknowledges that he is actually related to them. So they have either disowned him or he has made it up. Scott D. Kenan, is a believer in bizarre right wing conspiracies. He will attack anyone who is of a party other than his. Scott D. Kenan is an openly gay child like man. Scott D. Kenan will never have a healthy relationship due to his mental state. He is an ardent subscriber to fictitious stories that he makes up every day. 

Scott D. Kenan will get hold of your email and habitually send email messages to you against your will. He will often find a victim to attack with strange unusual personal accusations. If you kindly ask Scott D. Kenan to remove you from his distribution list, he will intensify his accusations and get angry at you. 

Scott D. Kenan will Google you and search a way to find as much information about you. Then he will make up slanderous, hurtful and demeaning charges against you and post them on his blog. Scott D. Kenan claims to be an author of a book that sold among the lowest ratings of book publishing of all time. In other words he has a blog but no one cares. 

So if Scott D. Kenan reads this I know he will be upset that he is receiving a taste of his own medicine. Thus when the people who have requested that Scott D. Kenan remove them from his distribution list actually get removed, this blog will stay perched.
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HERE is the anonymous blog that Little Miss Drug-Therapies refers to: http://scottdkenantruth.blogspot.com/ -- and APPARENTLY is the extent of her "research" -- although there were OTHER attacks on me, two of them by people making up FAKE Kenan names to post (I recall one was a "David Kenan") -- LOL!!!

I published them all on blog and ANYONE can find them by googling -- PLEASE DO!!!

Too much "REAL WORD" going on now to continue this further for now.


Don't worry, Tom and I will be back soon.


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