Wednesday, February 17, 2016

RP: Greetings from "Jew York City" -- as at Least ONE Republican Presidential Candidate Likes to Think of It!!!

RE-PRINTED from here


1. The BEST thing I found is that "Testosteroni" has a TWINKLE in his eye -- virtually all the time!!! And we are getting on great, peculiar-as-hell as we both are. He even FIRST brought up the subject of what he will do when it is too difficult for him (due to age), to climb the five flights of stairs to his apartment -- a subject I felt I had to bring up, but was not looking forward to. My offer is that he move to very near me, where I can watch out for him.

This is nothing immediately pressing, but I think has put him more at ease.

2. I am TOO BIG for his apartment -- he was surprised at how big I am in real life -- and he's put me up in a hotel.

3. Not only that, but Ol' Testo actually found the impetus to on his OWN, go ahead and discover how to set up much of Windows 10 on his new computer, transfer some things, etc. In FACT, when I got to trying to sort out THIS very corrupted computer, Testo's suggestions were as often correct as my own.

4. Yesterday, because Windows 10 kept trying to repair itself and was ALWAYS unsuccessful, ending up in an INFINITE LOOP of failing and re-trying and NEVER getting near showing me a desktop, I got connected to an ethernet cable (all problems seeming to come from the wifi connection -- with the wifi adapter being corrupted almost IMMEDIATELY after I repaired it, but had gotten the entire computer corrupted -- thanks to the NSA or CIA, most likely), I finally chose the option to RELOAD WINDOWS, and then installed a NEW anti-virus with the best reputation -- going back years and years.

Things work far better now -- even though I'm on the hotel's wifi -- but there are still some glitches, and although Windows claimed that to "reset" it by reinstalling it but saving old data files only, would only take a few minutes, after a full HOUR, we went to lunch for an hour and it was completed when we returned.

This morning, I CANNOT sign into my GoDaddy/Office 360 email on my own domain -- after putting in the password, it just goes back to a blank sign-in screen WITHOUT reporting an error in password or other problem. Our US NAZI GOVERNMENT is smart as HELL, no???

Also, Windows SAVED all my images into the same file in its renewed self -- but REFUSES to search there -- but DOES successfully search the also saved Documents files.

What's up with THAT???

5. People in New York know FAR MORE about the Kenan Family and its control of Standard Oil/Exxon-Mobil than do people in North Carolina or especially Wilmington -- and up HERE they laugh their butts off at the homosexuals Mayor Bill Saffo and District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- as well as other corrupted Wilmington area officials like the crack-smoking Police Chief Ralph Evangelous, and powder-drugs-protecting Sheriff Ed McMahon.

HOWEVER, a greater proportion of Wilmingtoninans know that Barack Obama is actually gay than here -- but part of that is that HERE they don't CARE about anyone's sexuality, and have NOT considered the ramifications of how the GREEDY Michelle Obama, the Clintons, Bushes, and Cheney (etc.), used that to blackmail Mr. Obama, so mindlessness breeds NAZISM -- even among rational people!!!


LOL!!! In the mid-oughts (the decade before the teens) before the 
CIA/NSA got up to speed on tracking/hacking/recording, it was WELL KNOWN that if the CIA couldn't find you -- STEVE JOBS COULD -- and he cooperated with the CIA finding people

My apple computer and iPhone BOTH, in 2009, got so corrupted in Atlanta Georgia so badly, that the Apple mega-store in Lenox Mall cleaned them both up a couple of times -- and EVENTUALLY gave me NEW replacements of both -- because they were MORE CORRUPTED (presumably my NSA/CIA), than any others they had ever seen!!! LOL!!!

"We can find no precedent for an American company being forced to expose its customers to a greater risk of attack."
LOL!!! Where were the Catholic Popes back when Italian and Irish Family Mafias were murdering in the USA (and giving tons of money to the Catholic Church)??? 

But Pope Pancho is CORRECT in that nearly all these Drug Mafia murderers -- whether in service to Mexican Gangs, the CIA/State Department/Republicans/Episcopal Church/Clintons/Bushes/Cheneys/wealthy Kenans ALL claim to be Christians and "working for Jesus" -- HA!!!

"It is a lie to believe that the only way to live, or to be young, is to entrust oneself to drug dealers or others who do nothing but sow destruction and death."

Scott Kenan shared a link.
1 hr

The drug can cause a temporary psychosis-like state, but can also lead to improved well-being.


. . . is that Norton Premium CANNOT STOP the NSA/CIA from constantly destroying my wifi adapter, so I keep fighting time and time again to rebuild it and resume internet service.

STILL it is a MAJOR improvement over AVAST or McAfee!!!  


March 4, 2007 — Selma, Alabama Racist Elitist Femminazi Progressive Hillary Clinton - light-skinned and HAVING a Negro dialect when she WANTED one http://www...



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