Wednesday, February 10, 2016

RP: Where oh WHERE Is Shep Huntleigh -- When I DESPERATELY Need Him (to carry off my roommate)??? / Jeff Gordon Chevrolet PAYS ME OFF -- and I Respond!!! / Dean Hansell -- My Friend Who Co-Founded GLAAD -- ENDORSED Me TONIGHT!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

It is 8:15 PM -- 22.75 hours after Dewain Hall took to his bed -- and so far he's only gotten up to use the bathroom, we have NOT crossed paths, and he has NOT said a word to me, although an hour ago, he was singing nonsense from his bed for half an hour.

I have no reason to communicate with him. He knows he's out on 2/13, and there is NO possibility of his staying here even if he got the money for rent somehow.

When he DOES again communicate, I will suggest he check into REHAB, or I can drive him to South Carolina (doing Wilmington Police a BIG FAVOR) -- since my car is now preforming FLAWLESSLY!!!


1. Lindsey Roberson -- perhaps she's on vacation, or out of town for another reason:

2. Lois Ann Fisher -- regarding the fate of Danny Sinatra

3. Roberta Penn of the local NAACP, or NC RepresentativeDemocrat Susi Hamilton.

Roberta Penn's Legal Representation of the New Hanover County NAACP has apparently ENDED -- the pages on NAACP Facebook as well as the local chapter's website where I found this info HAVE BEEN DELETED!!! 

Susi Hamilton has REFUSED to call me. We can SAFELY ASSUME she is involved in the endemic NARCO-TRAFFICKING in Wilmington.

4. I DID finally hear from the NAACP this afternoon, and their bus is now FULL!!!

Full of BULLSHITTER and proven NARCO-TRAFFICKER Ryan Lee Burris's Potty-Gay org

Ryan Lee Burris -- a convicted Felon Drug Dealer -- with his 2010 - 2012 boyfriend, well known Wilmington Drug Dealer James Elks, is NOW Third Vice Chair of the New Hanover County Democratic Party -- and as CORRUPT as Party Chair Elizabeth Redenbaugh.

Once full of PROMISEElizabeth Redenbaugh received a JFK Profile in Courage Award a few years ago.

5. The Kennedy Family

6. But today, my college friend accepted my Linked-In linking:

See also Dean's EXTENSIVE profile at Hogan Lovells

Dean accepting the Founders Award from GLAAD -- which he co-founded a few years after he and I founded the FIRST gay group at Denison University in 1972.

Dean Hansell

partner at Hogan Lovells

1.    Hogan Lovells
1.    Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP

Thanks, Dean!!! I'm kicking the HELL out of my evil Kenan family that owns Exxon-Mobil and plots Wars of White Christian Supremacy -- as well as my mother, first confirmed to me as America's top NAZI in 1990 by key Jewish business leaders in Atlanta, PRAISE JESUS -- LOL!!! 

My blog for best viewing: 

Scott, the "Honorary Jew" (thanks to Jonathan Reiner)


Mark Santilli

I received your check today, and Bank of America IMMEDIATELY credited it in full to my account (Bank policy -- NOT just because my family controls that bank):

Thank you for the prompt payment.

You can see my very CONTRASTING experience at Bob King Buick/GMC here:

It seems a shame to me that such a good company has people who take FAKE credit readings -- PROVABLY DELIBERATELY, and TWICE -- and "persecute" homosexuals and Progressives like YOUR AGENCY chose to do. I expect to see if GM Corporate feels the same way and is willing to compensate me further.

I used to LOVE hearing Jewess, Dinah Shore, singing, "See the USA -- in a Chevrolet!!!" I grew up in them, and I have a BFA degree in Art and 30 of my pieces hang in US Embassies and Consulates around the world, when I was in junior high and the GM "Coke-bottle look" came out in 1965 (I had no idea my Kenan family controlled so much of Coca-Cola until six years ago), I began designing aerodynamic Chevys -- my first voyage into art. Of course now, I'm just a published writer, etc.

Well, all best to the majority of your employees -- who seemed FAR BETTER to me than your management team!!!

Scott David Kenan

"Live Life to the Fullest!!!"


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