Wednesday, May 4, 2016

RP: The Ghost of Whistler's MOTHER (born where my house now stands), Has Begun to HAUNT ME (and OTHER Truthful Tales)!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Today, it rained Tree Flowers in Tarrytown, New York!!!

Oh, it is Beautiful, and it is the Muthah of all SNAPZ!!
Scott Rex Hightower Oh it is going to be one mud slapping season!
LikeReply22 mins
Jennifer Limon Michael go hill-dawg
LikeReply14 mins
Luca Fancello pooor man
LikeReply12 mins
Scott Kenan I know all about Trump's problems, but as I just got off the phone discussing with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, now PROVEN to be America's top LITERAL NAZI (recently reformed!!!), although Mom's BEST FRIEND Coach Lou Holtz (John Boehner's chief co-conspirator)endorsed Trump on behalf Catholic Pope Francis, it is actually Hillary Clinton who is the STEALTH NAZI primarily supported by my Kenan-Family-controlled Exxon-Mobil

Dick Cheney and the Koch Brothers have ALREADY said to vote for Hillary!!! 

Let's HOPE that since President Barack Obama threw Hillary under the bus (and CNN as well), at the Correspondents' Dinner last weekend, he will SOON have Hillary indicted on Felony Charges, so the Dems don't end up tearing the Party totally apart -- just like Barack Obama just had the Justice Department VOID North Carolina's "Bathroom Law" an hour or so ago!!! 

Meanwhile, the GHOST of Whistler's Mother (who was born where my house now stands), has begun to HAUNT ME -- LOL!!!


Scott Kenan shared a link.

I like this. Do you think I should buy it?

Scott Kenan shared a link.

A new analysis shows that more than 250,000 deaths each year are due to these…
Only in Italy, though!!!

“A small theft because of hunger is in no way comparable to an act of delinquency, because the need to feed justifies the fact.”

I knew Afeni Shakur -- and will blog about this later . . .

Afeni Shakur, mother of late rap legend Tupac Shakur, has died.


>>> AS READERS OF THIS BLOG KNOW, Tupac Shakur was from Stone Mountain, Georgia, where my house, 1988 - 2010, had the HANGING TREE from which KU KLUX KLAN Grand Wizard (also, Venable was MAYOR of Stone Mountain), James Venable lynched black folks:

That is the hanging tree in my yard as it was in 2010, when I fled to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with assistance of Col. Dottie Newman, retired Chief Protocol Officer to Secretary of State Colin Powell, because I KNEW all about my mother's, brother Mike's, and sister Julie's NARCO-TRAFFICKING with the Bushes, Cheneys, and Bill and Hillary Clinton (plus CIA, NSA, Episcopal Church, and wealthy Kenan Family of Chapel Hill, NC).

My sister Jane was NOT involved in the Narco-Trafficking, but WAS MIND-CONTROLLED by my mother who raised us with CATHOLIC SWASTIKAS and daily beatings, Mom getting her orders from Popes Pius XII - Francis I (but NOT John XXIII or John Paul I -- John Paul II was the BIGGEST NAZI of them all).

Anyway, Afeni Shakur told me that Tupac was MURDERED because he had walked into a HOMOSEXUAL ORGY of many of the "Gangsta-Rappers" upstairs at Quincy Jones's mansion in California -- and Tupac REFUSED to STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!!

Professor Griff: Quincy Jones Asked Tupac To Fck 

Him In His Ass | Forbez DVD:

Of course Miss Elton John is having BIG LEGAL TROUBLES now for cheating on David Furnish and SEXUALLY HARASSING his body guard, but his BIGGEST TROUBLES all began, when Elton John SOLD HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL -- with the help of my wealthy Kenan Family -- LOL!!! 

My "DE-HOMOSEXUALIZED" house, fall 2012. The Republican, and my parents -- with help of my sisters Jane and Julie -- could NOT commit me to a Mental Hospital despite FIVE ATTEMPTS in ONE MONTH, spring 2010.

THAT was when Colin Powell's people stepped in and helped me escape to Political Exile in Mexico in 2010.

NONE of my family feels they owe me an APOLOGY -- let alone that they owe me to RESTORE MY WEALTH that they had systematically removed.

My father (who admitted his crimes to me before he died Easter Sunday 2014), mother, sisters Jane Ann Kenan and Julie Ruth (Kenan) Duffy -- and especially closet-homo brother Michael William Kenan actually HATE GOD THAT MUCH.

And to close this on an IRONIC NOTE, in Tennessee Williams's playSuddenly Last Summer, his main villain, Violet Venablewas named for this Venable whose former property I lived on all those years -- HA!!!

Katherine Hepburn as Violet Venable

>>> AND TO FINISH THIS: Last night, while I sat on my Meditation Porch, with NO ONE anywhere near, the MOON LIGHTS were suddenly switched off -- I presume by Mrs. Whistler!!!


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