Saturday, September 3, 2016

RP: TWO Great Hoaxes Hit the Internet Today -- and I Only WISH They Were True!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Gov. Pat McCrory and his wife Ann, married in 1988.

They have no children.

Best read at the above link (formatting problems at Google/Blogger)

NC Governor Won’t Release Birth Certificate After Report Says Gender On His Birth Certificate Was Blank

 09/02/2016 12:23 pm ET | Updated 1 day ago

A spokesman for North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory said the governor would not release his birth certificate in response to a report that said his gender was left blank on his birth certificate when he was born nearly sixty years ago.
“The governor’s birth certificate is a private and not a political matter,” I.M. Flack, McCrory’s press secretary, said Monday.
McCrory also refused to answer questions about his birth certificate as he campaigned for re-election. Nevertheless, he continued to defend the state’s HB2 law that requires transgender people to use bathrooms responding to the gender on their birth certificate and not the gender they identify with.
Charity Fairness, a LGBT activist, demanded that McCrory use unisex public restrooms until he could prove he belonged in a men’s restroom.
“Governor McCrory should use only unisex public bathrooms until he releases a birth certificate that confirms that the gender on the door of the restroom he’s using is consistent to the gender on his birth certificate,” she said.
Tru Mendacity, a North Carolina blogger, published McCrory’s birth certificate on his website on August 23. It included details of McCrory’s birth, such his birthdate, October 17, 1956, and his birthplace, Columbus, Ohio. McCrory’s gender, however, was left blank.
Mendacity said he published the birth certificate to, as he put it, “point out the stupidity of basing state laws on birth certificates.”
Mendacity wrote on his website that it’s absurd to think that everything on a birth certificate is immutable.
“According to McCrory’s logic, a person must remain the height and weight on their birth certificate for the rest of their lives,” Mendacity said. “God forbid, someone should ever get married and want to change the name on their birth certificate!”
Political analysts say the story is more bad news for the incumbent governor, who trails in his re-election bid to Democratic attorney general Roy Cooper, according to polls released last week.
The governor’s low approval figures are connected to his support of HB2, the so-called “naughty potty law,” which he signed into law in April.
A majority of North Carolinians say the law has hurt the state’s economy.
A number of corporations have either left the state or canceled future projects there in response to HB2. The National Basketball Association moved the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte. In addition, entertainers, including Bruce Springsteen,canceled concerts in the state. Mayors and governors of several cities and states have banned state-sponsored travel to North Carolina.
In May, McCrory sued the U.S. Justice Department after it said HB2 violated the U.S. Civil Rights Act. In his lawsuit, McCrory accused the federal government of “a baseless and blatant overreach.”
The defiant governor said that the state had been openly violating the Civil Rights Act since it was passed in 1964. Why, he asked, was the federal government only now telling the state to comply with the federal law?
“If we have to protect the rights of the transgendered,” McCrory said in a press conference, “who’s to say the government won’t come back and tell us we have to do the same for women and blacks and other minorities? What then?”
The posting of McCrory’s birth certificate also resulted in criticism from at least one conservative state legislator who had previously supported the governor.
Dire Balderdash, R-Imbecility, expressed outrage after reading that McCrory was born in Columbus, Ohio, and not Columbus, Georgia, as he believed
“Just when you think you can trust a man, you find out he’s a Yankee!” Balderdash said.
FURTHER NOTES: The following is all TRUE and NOT a hoax:

1. Hermaphrodites are rare, but the Birth Cert is usually left open until a decision is made on which sex to keep. Hermaphrodites made either way are usually not fertile. The McCrory's DO have three dogs, however.

They DID find a son, however:

Gov. Pat McCrory presented the Rev. Billy Graham with a proclamation declaring him “North Carolina’s Favorite Son.” McCrory visited the Graham family during a trip to western North Carolina on March 1, 2013.

2. I was SHOCKED to learn that Pat McCrory was born in Columbus, Ohio -- I knew he was a Carpet-Bagging Yankee, but thought from a more western state. In Columbus, Ohio, from 1988 - 1990, we lived across Larwell Drive from Couch Lou Holtz and his wife Beth -- who were my parents' best friends. For his help with Mom's Catholic Swastikas, she awarded him his first Dream Job at Notre Dame, and got her own brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS, the position of Official Dentist to the Fighting Irish.

Beth and Lou Holtz, recently. You would have expected such a "Hottentot" Coach to marry a "LOOKER"no???

That is until Uncle Bob allowed my cousin Janet to marry a JEW, and then Mom had his wealth removed and had him incarcerated in a US Veteran's Hospital in Lower Mississippi (now closed), on a FALSE DIAGNOSIS of "Monopolar", a diagnosis no longer considred respectable -- and put on double strength Lithium Carbonate guaranteed to cause chemically induced diabetes, which Uncle Bob slowly and painfully died of as his extremities were surgically removed one by one.

Mom's handwritten notes from about 1978, several years before this all happened. Click image to expand.

Additionally, my sister Jane Anne Kenan babysat the Holtz's kids those years -- and even though all in grade school, they were NOT yet potty trained and shat their pants. about 2.5 years ago, I found all their email addresses and let them know what I blogged about them. After a week or two on my list of email recipients of this blog, they all BLOCKED me -- LOL!!!

And NOW I see that Ann McCrory, a VERY shy, retiring woman who does not like relating to the public, was born on Maxwell Air Force Base -- which is where my former employer's (Patrick Stansbury: one of MANY postings about this:, drug supply was all flown into -- especially from Afghanistan -- and during Hillary Clinton's reign at the State Department, then Patrick distributing it from Maine to Florida.

Stanley Winborne III on left in Puerto Vallarta, July 2014, with Colin Stuart Hamilton, retired star of the BBC, especially in Africa.

Stanley, is a native of Wilmington, NC, whose family controlled the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad:

Stanley's grandfather was the equivalent of the US Ambassador to China, and Stanley's son was second in charge of the US State Department in Afghanistan under Hillary -- in charge of shipping the Heroin back to the USA.

Note to loyal Readers: After I got back on Facebook, I found that Stanley had posted again two weeks ago, so is OK after a long absence.

Stanley used to do business with the TOP KENANS of Chapel Hill -- and is closely related to Frank Hawkins Kenan's widow, Betty (Price) Kenan.

The above-mentioned Colin Stuart Hamilton was MURDERED by Drug Mafia a year ago -- and ONLY admitted (Jack) Mormon Church Narco-Trafficker Jennifer McCracken of Carolina Apartments here in Wilmington knew what had happened -- and that the killer confessed, led them to the grave five hours away -- and then the CIA RELEASED THE KILLER!!!

The English language papers in Puerto Vallarta picked up the story from this blog -- while Spanish Language did not mention it -- to keep from scaring tourists away.

Jenny McCracken, who is MOST closely allied with Republican Judge Lindsey Luther -- an ELDER at First Presbyterian, as is District Attorney Benjamin R. David.


Doll-Face Sandra Beckham: It is so NICE being back on Facebook after being KICKED OFF for a month!!! Now I can again use them "Beckham Images" (both fresh and time-tested)!!!:

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Sandra Beckham Thanks Doll!!!
Michael Satterlee · Friends with Sandra Beckham
How do you get kicked off FB ?
Scott Kenan Michael: I kept exposing the CIA/Clinton/Bush/Cheney ROBOTS who are not real people but became Facebook stars protecting the reputation -- mostly -- of Miss Hillary who WAS the choice of my criminal family -- until Mike Pence got in place to actually become President if Trump is elected. This is all easy to find on the internet(s)!!!
Ethan Erickson · Friends with Sandra Beckham
that sounds like a fantasy to me.
LikeReply2 hrs

Dennis Cox · Friends with Sandra Beckham
Sandra Beckham was kicked off? Why? Oh, wait a minute... never mind.
LikeReply18 hrs
Scott Kenan Mr. Cox: If Sandra Beckham were kicked off Facebook -- Facebook would COLLAPSE!!!
LikeReply10 hrs
Ethan Erickson · Friends with Sandra Beckham
i have been harassed online by people claiming i was a robot or a "hillary shill" myself. i have even been accused on fb of being "white"!
LikeReply12 hrs
Scott Kenan Since my mother has been America's top NAZI since JFK's generation of Kennedys flipped to supporting Liberty (worked personally with Nixon Aide John Erlichman setting up narco-trafficking, and later Coach Lou Holtz, and Sean Hannity's closest friend (a...See More
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Ethan Erickson · Friends with Sandra Beckham
i'm an episcopalian.
LikeReply2 hrs

Scott Kenan Ethan Erickson: I worshiped Episcopal for a while in the 1980s, and my Kenan Family has given the Episcopal Church in the South East nearly $100 million over the last 90 years -- mostly to University of the South, Sewanee, the seat of Racism in the USA. 

Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned Tennessee Williams and I on Jan. 11, 1981 that the Episcopal Church with Republican Party, CIA, and FBI would murder Tennessee and steal his estate from Harvard (now worth over $1/3 Billion), which I and a few others can prove in Court happened -- and WHY Colin General Colin L. Powell's people helped me escape for most of five years to Mexico. 

THERE I was held hostage five times by Drug Mafia -- once with armored cars and machine guns, once for five weeks by two sons of El Chapo Guzman, and they ALL claimed to work with the CIA, the Clintons, the Episcopal Church, and my Kenan Family. My family got PISSED when Sewanee retired the Confederate Mace, the symbol of Episcopal Church Authority on Earth in 2005, LOSING most alumni donations!!! 

I DO like most views of the Episcopalians more than those of my native Catholic Church, but they have had BIG PROBLEMS, and I'm sure you know that the Mother Church in England cut them off from voting for three years beginning half a year ago because they consider the American Church to be violating God's Laws.

Scott Kenan's photo.
LikeReply2 hrs
Ethan Erickson · Friends with Sandra Beckham
my mother is america's top grammarian.
LikeReply2 hrs
Scott Kenan I AM and LOVE GRAMMAR NAZIS!!! Give your Mama a BIG KISS for ME!!!
LikeReply12 hrs
Scott Kenan Also, HEADS UP: Gov. McCrory's (Republican who did Bathroom Bill in NC), Birth Certificate is BLANK for sex -- and he REFUSES to release it -- LOL!!! This is TOO HYSTERICAL.
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Ethan Erickson · Friends with Sandra Beckham
i think that is a satirical hoax, no?
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Scott Kenan Not after researching and other press are reporting that the Gov. really DOES refuse to release it to settle the issue. I thought so at first, too.
LikeReply12 hrs
Scott Kenan Looking some more, it DOES appear to be a hoax -- or humor. I just took the time to read the names of people mentioned:
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Ethan Erickson · Friends with Sandra Beckham
i am never wrong.
LikeReply1 hr
Scott Kenan I LIKE your attitude, one I come close to but cannot have. And remember, you claim to be Episcopalian -- the narco-trafficking, White Supremacist Church that I can PROVE murdered Tennessee Williams.
LikeReply1 hr
Clinton "rules": if they do something it must be bad, even if it gets good things done.

tfw your successful mission to North Korea is portrayed as improper for no reason.

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Scott Kenan Given the current choice, I expect to HAVE to vote for Hillary, but in MY part of the world, Wilmington, NC, the Drug Trash and the wealthier traffickers and addicts are the only ones FOR Hillary Clinton

My parents set up the drug-trafficking here in the 1980s and 90s -- with John Ehrlichman (Nixon's top aide), and also in Atlanta, GA. 

BOTH Bill and Hillary Clinton work under the Bushes and Dick Cheney, which is WHY GW Bush used to complain his mother loved Bill Clinton more than him -- and when I was held hostage by Drug Mafia five times in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in 2010, they all claimed to work with Hillary and the CIA/STATE Department, the Episcopal Church, USA, and my distant Kenan Family (known mostly as "Exxon-Mobil", as the Kenans are BEST known)

This photo from March 2016:

Scott Kenan's photo.
LikeReply24 mins
Scott Kenan

Barbara Bush loves Bill Clinton. Really. The former first lady was glowing like a proud mother about Clinton, the…


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