Thursday, October 20, 2016

RP: After I Got Tom Jones OUT of My Apartment This Morning, I DEMAND a FULL INVESTIGATION of the Wilmington, NC Probation Department!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Hillary looks much younger and happier -- after her performance in debate last night, no???


Scott Kenan
  • Scott Kenan
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The national "instant poll" shows 56% think Hillary Clinton won, while only 39% think that Donald Trump won

In the Wilmington Poll37% think HILLARY WON, while 63% think that TRUMP WON (as of 9:45 AM).

ALL of this reflects more on the people taking these polls than on the two flawed candidates. It PROVES that the Wilmington Star News has -- because it is the "Print Monster" in town, has LIED REPEATEDLY and convincingly enough in support of Trump -- who is aligned with my wealthy Kenan family based in Chapel Hill.

It TOTALLY reflects the "Trailer Trash" mentality of the people who read the Star News!!! That is ALL the readership they have left -- thanks to Ms. Pam Sander, Executive Editor.

I know Del Shores and Aiden Shaw, BOTH (and very well)!!!

And THEY -- the Wilmington Star News writers and editors -- are aligned with the Saffo New York City Mafia, run by Mayor Bill Saffo's uncle for more than thirty years now. Sadly, Police Chief Ralph Evangelous smokes Crack daily in a house owned by a friend of mine -- or did when I lived here 2011-2012. MAYBE that is why Wilmingtonians don't trust Democrats any more in this town!!! 

I must vote for Hillary, as my Kenan Family raised me with SWASTIKAS on our dinner plates. Case CLOSED for me -- how about for YOU???


1. I looked in on Tom Jones at about 9:15 AM this morning, he was asleep in the chair like he was at 7:45 when I first got up. He and Haston Caulder turned out the lights and TV right before the 9:00 PM debate last night, and I didn't hear a PEEP out of either one of them -- except someone got up and micro-waved some food and separately I heard someone up to use the bathroom, but I only heard them -- before I fell right asleep in bed at about 12:30 AM.

2. This second check woke Tom up, and after I got back from smoking a cigarette outside, he was still lying there, but he had been using his phone (910) 465-3303. I said, "Big Day for you today!!! I hope they have a room at Union Mission for you."

Tom said, "No, they don't," and I told him that although he is a sort of Guest House Free-Room-and-Board person, that although check-out hour is usually 11:00 AM or Noon, we needn't be strict about that.

Ten minutes later, he presented me with his keys, and with his backpack and another bag, left, saying he would just sit outside, but I watched as he walked down the sidewalk toward St. Mary's Catholic.

3. At almost the exact same time, I got a text message, and then checking it, it was from Haston (910) 409-2690: "U Hear about da stuff that killed elvis?" (stamp: 10/20/2016, 9:28 AM). This was too strange, like the text message I documented on blog from him a day or two ago.

A few minutes ago, I called Haston and had to leave him a voicemail, telling him I didn't understand his text at ALL, or WHY he sent it, and in the FUTURE I don't want ANY texts from him unless he's TRAPPED IN THE LIBRARY (or similar). He has not yet 

This REMINDS me, that yesterday, when I by chance went to the front door to pick up a package from Joseph Faulk that had been left on the porch by the Postal Service, Tom was just coming in and he said, "You'd better watch your ass!!!", in a semi-joking way while making a SLIGHT turn toward me and putting up of his dukes. I just sloughed it off as part of the witty fun and games around her.

But, as I've documented before in this blog, about a week ago, Neal Duffy had told me that the Christian Drug Mafia STILL plans to murder me, and since we both have Gold Walker as landlord, I mentioned it to her, and she just laughed it off (and she KNOWS better)!!!

4. I received an email time-stamped 11:06 AM from Joseph Faulk, stating he will send my November monthly money within the hour. He had a lot of other things he demanded, so I will explain that since he REFUSES to speak to me on the phone to learn more of the details of things happening here, when he reads THIS blog posting when completed, he will likely see things differently. In ANY case, I will -- as he requests -- NOT publish his email (unless he still wants to accuse me of HARMING all these charming young men -- who have been harming me, the Probation System, and since "Old Testo" continues to supply them all with money, clothes, straight porno DVDs, food packages, etc., they are SCAMMING JOSEPH AS WELL).

5. As Readers will remember, I have on several occasions gotten phone calls from Haston that did NOT come in from his own phone number, and when I CALLED that number, it is to the Target store near Costco. I have NO IDEA how this number switcheroo occurs.

So I went into his room -- mostly to see what shape Tom had left it in. It is FINE, and I have no problem with how Tom left it. But sitting right out in plain sight were TWO cell phones, so Haston must have THREE of them, including the one he has at work, today. Deciding I don't CARE if I am "violating anyone's privacy", since Haston CLEARLY has been breaking "House Rules" (let him sue me), and photographed them, and checked their directories:

Both are LG phones, and the flat one seems to have no battery power.

The Verizon flip phone's number is (828) 855-8161, and in the directory, I found only seven contacts. MOST of those are of women with only first names, including Gigi, Mandi, and Allie, and one male, Kalieb.

Oddest, is that Haston has consistently claimed that both his parents are now dead, yet I found these numbers: Dad: (910) 352-7924, and Mom: (910) 297-5638.

6. Although Haston said he would stop here for lunch today, and he just called saying he'll be here in five minutes. Haston had heard NOTHING from Tom, was GLAD to hear Tom was GONE, and told me all about some of Tom's criminal behaviors and we agreed that Haston is NOT ALLOWED to have ANY guests into this house to visit or to stay, from NOW ON. 

EVERY person (Darrell Brutout, Dustin Goldsmith, and Tom Jones), ALL ended up moving in on a sad story that both Haston and I totally believed -- then ripped us both off. I don't CARE about finding fault. The point is, his friends are all CRIMINALS whether he knows it or NOT!!!

It was ALL very friendly, and Haston seemed very RELIEVED!!!

7. I received my monthly money from "Testosteroni", and transferred it to the bank, so I THANK HIM!!!



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