Wednesday, January 18, 2017

RP: The "Good Old Days" Are Nothing but a DAZE, Now -- and the Democratic Saffo-Mafia Mayor and City Council of Wilmington CONTINUES to Screw the Citizens -- to Make MONEY for the Saffo Mafia -- and the Greek Orthodox Church!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Randy Jones

"Once Upon a Time in the 70s"

This was Art Beach, the area where Gateway Plaza, Battery Park City, Brookfield Place , etc now stand. The west side of West Side Highway, which was elevated in those days. You can see it as elevated in the distance. At the end of the island you can even see Castle Clinton. This beach was only there for us that lived here in NYC for a brief moment in time before the construction . But what a moment!!

(Thank you to my dear friend Maria Benvenuti)

Just to clarify this TITLE, first, the Wilmington Star News, this morning, posted the following story:

I never HEARD of a city that required protesters to stand 15 FEET APART at ALL TIMES -- and march ONLY in SINGLE FILE!!!

Anne Russell was questioning Chapter 6, Section 13F of Wilmington City Code, which states members of a picket or similar protest must remain 15 feet apart during a march (later in the article it states the the Ordinance ALSO requires marchers to march SINGLE FILE -- 15 FEET APART). Organizers of Saturday's planned Wilmington Women's March, which Russell plans to attend, learned of the ordinance after applying for permits for the event.

The punishment for violating the ordinance is up to a Class 3 misdemeanor. Mayor Bill Saffo told Wolak (Cowardly Saffo spoke to City Attorney Wolak -- rather than Anne Russell -- OF COURSE), he has seen many protests in Wilmington without the ordinance being used.
"People have been gathered together shoulder to shoulder," Saffo said. 
"I've never seen anybody say you have to be (15) feet away from each other."

Democratic Mayor Bill Saffo

A few things to remember:

1. It is TRUE that the City of Wilmington enforces laws against POOR PEOPLE that it does NOT enforce against "Nice White Christians". Downtown cops routinely arrest "street people" for open containers of alcohol -- even I was once cited, but the charge was THROWN OUT IN COURT -- partly because I convinced the (unremembered) Judge that Wilmington Police had ALREADY been violating my Constitutional Rights OUTRAGEOUSLY with false charges, arrests, imprisonments, and nut-house commitments -- mostly through Democratic D.A. Ben David (and ALL NOW WIPED from my record -- because Ben David had NO EVIDENCE that I had committed any crimes).

Nice White people (and perhaps a few of "color"), crossing public streets with open beers to get to the neighborhood BBQ have NEVER been arrested. Now, I'm the first to AGREE that those nice people are NOT causing a problem and the SAME can't be said of drunk/drinking "street people", but the LAW is meant to be applied EQUALLY, so the Law needs to be better targeted.

And the time I was cited, a female cop picked up an empty container from several dozen near me in the grass, and smelling BEER, she claimed it had been mine and cited me. In a her word/my word Court case, I knew I had no chance and BLOGGED about it -- producing the DISMISSAL of charge.

I am doing that TODAY to expose the Mayor and MOST Wilmington Democrats (in power), and virtually ALL Republicans of being NARCO-TRAFFICKING COMPLICIT. 

2. In 2011, I marched many times with "OCCUPY" (something), and while we DID our best to march single file and 15 feet apart down Front Street several times, later, we "set up camp" (some might have slept overnight in bags/tents as well), on the corner of City Hall property at Princess and Third Streets. SOON we were told that we had to be 15 feet apart there, too, and that did NOT last long, since ALWAYS staying so far apart or BEING PUNISHED by the Democratic Party/City Council, it fell apart. 

3. During this time, local TV-3 and TV-6 interviewed me on camera several times -- and I was on the TV News five nights in a row -- and maybe a couple of other times as well. Even my Republican cousins in Castle Hayne told me they'd seen me!!!

But then in July of 2015, I ran into a TOP Producer of TV-6 on Front Street -- across from the main Port City Java -- and introduced myself and he replied that he knew ALL ABOUT who I am and my story, but that the PRESS, including all broadcast, paper, and electronic, had had a MEETING and decided that NO ONE of them would cover me or even mention me -- until OTHER PRESS had done so.

I was then SHOCKED to hear that -- and only LATER realized that AT LEAST TV-6 and TV-3 had ALREADY reported on me!!!

Did I mention his CHRISTIAN IDENTITY that was clear from decals and other such things on his belongings he carried???

I've dealt with ALL THESE THINGS -- especially when Republican Judge Sandra Ray (then Sandra Ray Criner), committed me to The Oaks Mental Ward on lying request of the woman I was renting a room from in her house (and had had no problem with):

Brenda McKnight (who worked for Verizon), was pushed into it by her CRACK DEALER:

Gerald Austin Wynn was soon convicted in South Carolina of FELONY DRUG DISTRIBUTION, but has now served his time, and lives in Virginia.

Republican Judge Sandra Ray was ENDORSED in the recent election (she won), by CHIEF District Court Judge Jay Corpening -- a Democrat -- and Jay's son Brad, who owns Boar's Head Deli downtown -- got off SCOT FREE after he was arrested for distributing or selling illegal drugs at a concert in Raleigh.

And then the Wilmington Star News ran a piece of FREE MARKETING to help get Boar's Head Deli back to HIGHER SALES!!!

Look ALL of this up -- it was in the NEWS, and DOCUMENTED BY THIS BLOG.

Of course Judge Ray-Criner in a LATER Restraining Order hearing (brought against me "Ex Parte" so that I had NOT been able to get my belongings from Brenda's house when I got OUT of The Oaks, then in the HEARING, after neither complainant was in Court when she called the case), Ray DISMISSED IT -- but ten minutes later had a Deputy find me on a public street and RETURN and get CONVICTED -- despite the LEGAL NEED of them to file AGAIN -- since the case was dismissed.

LATER, I petitioned the State Courts Authority -- since the courtroom was audio-video recorded -- but they TURNED ME DOWN, claiming there was NEVIDENCE of ANY of my claims. There was also NO COURT I COULD APPEAL TO.

4. ADDING to all this fun, Mayor Saffo has SERIOUSLY FRIENDED my downstairs neighbor "Miss Lucy" -- even invited her to work with him on a Habitat for Humanity home days ago for MLK Day (but she had to work at the restaurant where Mayor Saffo has breakfast with her most days).

Readers know that Miss Lucy is a now RETIRED International Drug Mule -- who some years ago had a capsule of cocaine break in her digestive system before getting to the USA, nearly killing her, so wisely she retired -- but STILL hangs with much the same crowd (I won't now name names). And she's such a ROBUST PERSON, she has had a BIG BLACK GUY (with "dreads") -- WOOF!!! -- over to do her two days ago -- and previously two weeks BEFORE her doctor allowed her to return to work after a HYSTERECTOMY!!!

So LOW on "female hormones" and BARELY RECOVERED, she shows how AWESOME her sexual appetites are -- and several times Lucy has told me it DOESN'T MATTER what CRIMES she commits -- or how sexually promiscuous she is -- since she believes in JESUS she is FORGIVEN BEFORE SHE SINS!!! 

She's the perfect MOLL of Drug Mafia Mayor Saffono???

5. I spoke with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan this morning:

Me and Mom, Memorial Day 2016 -- in her Raleigh home.

We did NOT get into National Politics, but I told her how PROUD I am of "Old Roomie", who started a full-time and continuing job, this morning (but also I am CONCERNED because it was through Miss Lucy that he found out about the job).

The guy hired Roomie "sight unseen" -- because he CLEARLY knew so much about the job. I just hope Saffo and Lucy DON'T get him immediately FIRED as REVENGE AGAINST ME!!!

And I pointed out to Mom that she DID get all her "marching orders" from a series of Roman Catholic Popes -- including Francis I -- and sometimes meeting Popes in Rome, one-on-one. Father Bob Kus now of St. Mary's Catholic helped her and others smuggle the wealth of WHITE PEOPLE out of South Africa from St. Mark's Catholic also in Wilmington right after the fall of apartheid -- which the Catholic Church felt was UNFAIR TO WHITE PEOPLE.

For the record, Bill Saffo was NOT the Mayor, then.

And finally, I reminded Mom that when Bill Saffo, Judges Chad Hogston and Sandra Ray Criner (especially them), were VIOLATING THE LAW AND CONSTITUTION with abandon to SHUT ME UP about their crimes, MOM was calling and LYING to them about my history and mental health -- false info they USED to justify -- but could NOT get a credentialed Psychiatrist to say I was mentally ill THEN CURRENTLY, anyway. And she and Dad had had SEVERAL meetings with Democratic Judge Linda Warren Hunter in Dekalb County Georgia Courts in 1990, to FORCE ME onto Lithium Carbonate to "soft lobotomize" me.

I told Mom this morning that by CATHOLIC/CHRISTIAN RULES, she will BURN IN HELL for ETERNITY -- and I HOPE she does, but KNOW there is no such thing -- and that ALL CHRISTIANS go with her, too.


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