Monday, April 16, 2018

RP: MY Lung Cancer Test Results Are IN / Let's Scale Back the EMOTIONAL TURMOIL, Shall We??? -- I Even Called My MOTHER This Morning:

RE-PRINTED from here

Emotional Turmoil

Overnight, I got a letter via Epic Systems' "My Chart", stating that no cancer was found in my CAT scan or chest X-ray. I was not surprised, since I've not been symptomatic and all my other tests had come back quite good. I see my doctor over all of this early this afternoon.

I called my mother -- for the first time since we screamed at each other, she ONLY caring if I was taking soft-lobotomizing Lithium Carbonate again (no) -- to let her know my tests were all looking good, and that I RE-FILED the Cyberstalking Charge against Jon Deputy, who the now released Commitment Papers show committed me to the New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital the day after I filed charge against him -- in retribution, I never having been a threat to myself or anyone else.

I did NOT push my question of WHY did Mom and my brother Mike SUPPORT Jon Deputy -- I know they want me to SHUT UP about their previous crimes -- which I can do if they STOP trying to shut me up by illegal and immoral means.

And I think Mom KNOWS that -- Mike certainly should.

And while on the subject of cancer, I had had NO IDEA that Sherry Hall Spivey, next-door, had cancer. I had assumed since the neighbors all claim that they sell mega-volumes of CRACK from her house, that she had congestion from smoking crack -- which I have OFTEN seen in chronic CRACK-smokers.

I'm GLAD that I "laid down the Law" with Sherry and told her NOT to ever contact me again (after all her false claims about me), or I would charge her TOO with Cyberstalking. And I later looked back (after emailing my last posting to my 230 Political Contacts), and found the following, the ORIGINAL of her Profile Photo -- with comments from her friends:

Sherry Hall Spivey updated her cover photo.

Image may contain: 1 person
Sherry Hall Spivey Christopher ChristmasOnly you mmmmmmmmmmmmm. And thank you Mari Avanzini Mulkins and thank you David Royal...

Anita Klutz Hey sexy
Scott Pemberton Thug ma'am.....!

Now REMEMBER -- these are comments to a 56-year-old woman who already is spitting and hocking all over the place due to her cancer (which must be inoperative or unresponsive to treatment, so she already knows her fate).

Being "sexy" must be about the FURTHEST thing from her mind -- unless she's become COMPLETELY un-tethered to REALITY.

. . . and study REMEDIAL GRAMMAR!!!

This morning, I checked the Facebook Profiles of a couple of those on the above thread to see what KIND of friends Sherry has, and found this:

Scott appears to like NIPPLE PLAY!!!

And maybe PIT PLAY: 

Well, WHATEVER the nature of Sherry's friends, I hope they will support her through her challenges. 

Among all the SPEW that Sherry sent me last night, a few things deserve comment (the entire spew can be seen here:

I was VERY surprised that Sherry DEFENDED Gold Walker -- after it was Gold who BRAGGED TO ME she had FORCED (through Wilmington Authorities), Sherry to CLEAN UP the huge trash pile that a few months ago dominated Sherry's front yard -- but then Gold REFUSED to pay for the Security Upgrades to her own property after Sherry's tenant or guest came over and BEAT SOMEONE UP on this property -- and also someone from next-door BROKE INTO John Gray Hunter's apartment and stole his computer.

Gold and Sherry are:

 . . . until you realize that BOTH Sherry in her SPEW, and Gold Walker via her Property Manager Jonathan Deputy, claim I am a CHILD MOLESTER -- with NO PROOF, and all claiming it demand to REMAIN ANONYMOUS -- LOL!!!

The others -- over the years, and this has ONLY happened in Wilmington, NC -- who have made these FALSE CLAIMS and NEVER accept my challenge to PROSECUTE ME if so include:

Friends of Disgraced former Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby, a DEVOUT Roman Catholic.

Republican Jonathan Deputy

Justin LaNasa who has FAILED at both running for Wilmington Mayor and NC Senate -- as a Republican (Justin is a common Tattoo-Parlorist).

Frank Delia, DEVOUT Roman Catholic and Republican -- and owner of

The COMMON THREAD is that they are all REPUBLICANSDEMOCRATS who harass me and SPREAD LIES ABOUT ME on Facebook and elsewhere, actually ONLY include Ryan Lee Burris:

Ryan Burris on left with his lover in 2011, James Elks, who was one of the BIGGEST Drug Dealers in Wilmington back then.

That the New Hanover County Democrats and Cape Fear Equality have SUPPORTED Ryan Burris for MANY YEARS -- even though they KNEW about Ryan's Criminal Record for Drug Dealing (he was still on a LONG Parole or Probation in 2011 and 12, so unable to smoke pot as he was frequently tested), brings QUESTIONS about the INTEGRITY of those two organizations -- and especially of those Politicians who associate with Ryan Burris.

TWO of them are mentioned in some DETAIL, here:

NC Representative Deb Butler (Mentor to Jonathan Deputy)

NC State Secretary of Natural and Cultural Resources Susi Hamilton (seen with HER Mentor, Thom Goolsby)

March 2016 -- HALFWAY through the Primaries!!!

Barack Obama was a bit of a BUSH DISAPPOINTMENT -- so they got Donald Trump to ATTACK EVERY ASPECT of Obama's LEGACY!!!


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