Friday, September 7, 2018

RP: SPIT ON (four times), by the Christian, "Homeless" Beggar, Yesterday, on Barclay Hills Drive at Market Street, Wilmington, NC!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

The guy was about this age and build -- but long blond hair and a beard. I've seen him there many times over the last four or more months. His sign ALWAYS says at the bottom: "Jesus Loves You!!!"

I have recently twice run into people talking about the CURRENT homeless (at least in Wilmington), all being now PROFESSIONAL BEGGARS, because there are so many jobs. Anyone needing shelter and/or a clean-up and help finding a job, there are many agencies and charities to help. The only truly needy who need to beg on the street, are those so brain-damaged or smarts-lacking, they can't handle help -- never remembering to continue it. Or it just doesn't suit their temperament.

Most of those begging with signs in Wilmington make good money -- enough to support serious Drug Habits -- although they stay pretty straight while begging.

That might sound heartless, but I've BEEN THERE and know the culture well, still. In MY homeless days, 2010 - 2012, most could NOT have gotten a job (there WERE NONE!!!), and their needs WERE actually real, but we all made enough to get by and buy our drugs of choice -- or alcohol.

Anyway, it AMAZES ME that so many people still think they should help them -- in Puerto Vallarta the MAFIA charges beggars rent for every good corner in the city (the ones with high generous GRINGO traffic)!!!

One CaveatALWAYS give a person with the D.T.s (shakes), money for a beer. Without alcohol soon, they really could DIE!!!

Now, it is TRUE that I am a bit of a provocateur, and several months ago, at the same place and I believe the same guy, I rolled down my window when he came to my car at that LONG red light, and I asked if he'd like "a good cleaning and a blow job"

He said NO, and as traffic began to move, scooted back to the curb, where he ranted and raved, shaking his fists in the air.

Yesterday, I leaned over, rolled down that window and hollered, "You are filthy and homeless for months on the street -- PROBABLY because you worship the Devil himselfJESUS CHRIST!!!" He looked stunned. "The BIBLE forbids worship of false gods -- there is only ONE, and if Jesus 'loved you'you'd be doing better by now!!!"

He was HOT-TO-TROT, so I quickly rolled up the window, and he ran over to my car, made a motion to pound it with his fist -- but stopped himself -- and SPIT on my window instead. He got THREE more mucousy globs (clear ones), onto my window, then walked back (as I said, a VERY long light), to see if he could collect from the line of cars behind me.

But after looking at THEIR no-doubt TERRIFIED expressions (they hadn't heard what I said, just saw him ranting and spitting on my car)he popped behind a giant bush and must have waited for a whole NEW line of cars -- HA!!!  

And after ALL THE WORK I did on my computer -- and Google's CHROME browser updated to a new version that looks and acts a little different -- my BLOG is STILL not coming in over a secured connection (I hadn't mentioned that problem of the last week or so), and my GoDaddy/Microsoft email is still a MESS

But I think I will try emailing this posting out to my Contacts from -- after removing the addresses I don't remember the owners ofAnyone ELSE can request I take them off and I will. Maybe it will now work.

I checked mail, getting TWO pieces from New Hanover Regional Medical Center Physician Group BillingONE was a detail billing of all THREE accounts I have there -- showing all of them with a ZERO BALANCE, the other, showing my payment of $198.04 to one of those accounts is OVERDUEand I owe a total of $317.50.

I think I'll just WAIT to see what they bill me next month.


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