Wednesday, November 21, 2018

RP: It Is NOW Past Sundown -- so HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

RE-PRINTED from here



Jennifer HarjoChief Public Defender, New Hanover County Courts

Jennifer, a devout Catholic and (then, anyway), a Republican, FORCED District Attorney Benjamin R. David to ERASE all the FALSE CONVICTIONS and CHARGES he had against me in Presbyterian Elder Ben David's service to Jesus Christthe White Supremacist, Drug Addict, and Savior!!!


"Testosteroni" -- as he was called for a couple of years in this blog -- who is Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr., of  14 W. 95th Street, Apt. 5, New York, NY 10025.

I have no photo of the eighty-something year old Mr. Faulk, but he looks MUCH LIKE Super Drug-Trafficker and Whore-House RunnerFather Robert J. Kus, of St. Mary's Catholic in Wilmington -- who retired to Honduras last summer -- to hide from the LAW!!!

Mr. Faulk, a recluse in a rent-controlled apartment costing $750.00/month, when the one UNDER HIM goes for $6,500.00/month, has TONS OF MONEY, and dished out at least $75,000.00 to ME over 5.5 years, about $15,000.00 of which was for dental work and my three-day stay in the hospital in Puerto Vallarta.

But Joseph Faulk ALSO did absolutely everything in his power to get me killed in Mexico, and then in Wilmington, and cut me off COLD when he knew my Kenan Cousin Barbara "Bonnie" B. Weyher -- ALSO in the Kenan Genealogy like I am -- would SCREW ME after Mayor Bill Saffo got Time-Warner to knock me twelve feet out of the crosswalk in front of City Hall and the Court House on February 13, 2017 -- and I was so desperate I accepted their "Top Offer" of $2,500.00, when my COWARDLY FAGGOT ATTORNEY Bruce Mason fired me -- and he and other attorneys said that $20,000.00 - 40,000.00 would be AUTOMATIC for such injuries (my sonic-scan doctor, whose reports this attorney REFUSED TO CONSIDER, that doctor AGAIN pointed out that that "accident" was confirmed to have caused MAJOR -- if since then healed -- damage to vein and artery valves in my left leg) 

Bonnie Weyher's firm, 28 attorneys -- NOT ONE anything but "Lily White" -- promotes KENAN FAMILY WHITE SUPREMACY and Donald Trump in North Carolina -- and if you go to this link, it was SNARKY Brian M. Williams who did the DIRTY WORK for "Ms. Kenan".

Brian M. Williams

Joseph Faulk, who lives for his every-three-weeks Testosterone Injections (that NO DOCTOR recommends, so Joseph gets them "outside" the regular medical system -- from an ILLEGAL PUSHER)so he can watch PORNO and beat off with "poppers".

Because Mr. Faulk REFUSES to speak with me now (that doesn't mean he has to send more money), I KNOW he's a TOTAL CRIMINAL, so his email addresses are and

Because Mr. Faulk was WELL ENOUGH CONNECTED to New York City Mental Health Services, that even though they told me they would HAVE to see his justification for sending the HUGE Wilmington Drug Trafficker "Shake" or Haston Laverne Caulder II a TON of sexy male-whore clothes, a NEW COMPUTER, and over $7,200.00 in ONE MONTH while Haston was working overtime at $16.00/hour UNDER THE TABLE, while only paying me $125.00/week rent, gave them PAUSE and they said that it was OBVIOUS that Shake was TAKING ADVANTAGE of a SENILE OLD MAN.

But they never asked him a thing, said "Hi" at the door and declared Mr. Faulk FULLY SANE!!!

Anyway, because of his help, I'll NOT push for his PROSECUTION, but WILL publish his cell phone number -- if Law Enforcement ever needs it: (212) 866-5453. This number WORKS STILL, so I just left Joseph a WARNING of what I am blogging about him. 


Ernest Trice Thompson the 3rd or 4th -- the FIFTH first-born-male in a ROW who became a PROMINENT Presbyterian Minister, Ernie had been Pastor for YEARS at the Kenan Cathedral to White Supremacy and Drug TraffickingFirst Presbyterian.

Ernie and I had MANY Theological and Philosophical discussions in his office, and he GAVE ME at least $2,500.00 of church funds while I was homeless. Ernie ALSO confessed his desire to have SEX with me -- but that he could NOTbecause of his COMMITMENT to his wife and children. 

Ernie BRAGGED TO ME how he ran off my friends, a full Army Colonel, retired, and his wife -- because they were BLACK, he told them he FULLY SUPPORTED GAY CHURCH MARRIAGES (which he DID and DOES support!!!).

Ernie ALSO let me sleep on a piece of cardboard in the columbarium at First Prez beneath the ashes of my first cousin by marriageFULL AIR FORCE COLONEL Fred Smith, who in 1978 told me it was OK TO BE GAY, and taught in THREE schools that we at Pentagon Publishing had advertising contracts with:

National War College, Air War College, and Air Staff & Command College.

REAL NAME is "Patrick Stansbury" -- Patrick using THIS SITE to make DRUG DEALS -- and to lure gay guys for SEX!!!

From Patrick's LINKED-IN page: you will see that Patrick is MOST CLOSELY LINKED to:

  • Dan SchulmanDan Schulman is a LinkedIn Influencer

    President and CEO at PayPal

  • I guess PayPal is still moving his DRUG CASHno???

    THREE MORE ALLIES without whom I'd be DEAD AS COUSIN BONNIE WEYHER (and most Christians -- Republican or NOT), WISH I WERE:

    That is Vicente Fox and his wife, Marta, flanking the 14th Dalai Lama from behind -- at Fox's Mexican ranch, Centro Fox.


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