Thursday, April 18, 2019

RP: In CLARIFYING My Email to Rector Dena Whalen of St. Paul's Episcopal, Wilmington, I Learned that Harvard Has a NEW PRESIDENT and Tennessee's LONE Murder-Planner Still Alive, John Eastman, Is STILL IN BUSINESS (so I'll contact him too) / The William Rand Kenan, Sr. House at 110 Nun Street JUST SOLD!!!


The William Rand Kenan, Sr. House at 110 Nun Street

I first toured some of the downstairs in 1990, when this was a guest house, and in 2011, Anna Berry ran it for her family, and was going to rent me a room. I toured the entire downstairs then -- and Anna told me of her HATRED of actress Linda Lavin, whose house's backyard filled the entire center of that block and Anna Berry VOWED TO ME she would run Ms. Lavin OUT (which she in fact did).

Then, Lindsey McKee/Luther and her husband Sheriff's Detective Evan Luther bought it and ran Lindsey's successful campaign for a Judgeship from there.

While Lindsey McKee/Luther was an ELDER at First Presbyterian, Evan Luther ran this and other "Christian Memes" on his Facebook page -- and Lindsey attended WHITE SUPREMACY MEETINGS in IRELAND!!!

Republican Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther in front row

Anyway, at that time, Susi Hamilton our THEN NC State Representative -- living just a few doors east on Nun Street at 206:

Susi Hamilton's House, where she PROTECTED Anna Berry's HUGE HARD-DRUG-TRAFFICKING operation with then Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby!!!

Thom Goolsby PARTNERED with Susi Hamilton in MANY THINGS -- until Democrat Roy Cooper (who as NC Attorney General PROTECTED the Kenan Family run Hard-Drug Trafficking of Wilmington), appointed Susi to his cabinet and appointed Deb Butler to replace Susi as our Democrat NC Representative!!!

Deb Butler (devout Methodist), and her legal wife Anni Parra (Roman Catholic of St. Mary's), lived only 1.5 blocks from Susi in this neighborhood full of HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKERS at the corner of Nun and 4th Streets.

And I wrote "lived", because on December 28, 2018Maria Antonietta "Anni" Parra DIED OF AN OVERDOSE -- and the Wilmington Star News as well as the Port City Daily COVERED UP the Drug Death!!!

This was REMINISCENT of Ryan Lee Burris (who had served as 3rd Vice Chair of New Hanover County Democratic Party -- as well as HEAD of the Drug-Distributing Cape Fear Equality), on right here with his fiance Wes Taylor (center)BOTH were close pals of Roy Cooper AND Thom Goolsby, and BOTH DIED of Drug Overdoses, Ryan in October 2018Wes about 1.5 years earlier.

Jonathan Deputy with his wife and sonMr. Deputy, actually committed me to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital on LIES in March 2018 -- and THAT was how (when I took him to Court), I got connected with a TOP NC Prosecutor, Kimberly Overton Spahos -- whom I now send all my DRUG-TRAFFICKING EVIDENCE (as well as to others).

And Deb Butler told me to my FACEin June 2018, that she does LOTS OF DRUG-TRAFFICKING with Republican Jonathan Deputy -- and has REFUSED to explain herself no matter how many times I have asked Deb to do that.

Christianity in Wilmington, NC is JUST A WAY TO ENJOY HEROIN and other HARD DRUGS.

* * *

Pastor Dena Whalen, Rector
St Paul’s Episcopal Church
16 North 16th St.
Wilmington, NC 28401

April 18, 2019

Dear Pastor Whalen and associated Clergy of St. Paul’s,

Last night I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to write earlier that I am NOT appealing to you for Charity. I’m scraping by on what I have and when a series of four minor operations is completed and I am healed from them, which is expected by mid-June, I will be able to even work a part-time job. I’m experienced in Retail Sales and Management, Food Service from Dishwasher to General Manager of White Tablecloth Dining with Bar, from Commission-Only Sales to Corporate Treasurer, so I’m sure I can find something where my talents can be used.

But really, I should be writing books, which has a long delay before payments. What I was really referring to is the possibility of partnering with your congregation (or maybe just someone in it), to back me in writing my books for a split of the profits. Scott Rudin and the producers of the Harry Potter films were looking to buy film rights to my memoir, but local D.A. Ben David with Fox News and a partner of Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, Jamie Lee Sutherland, stole my copyrights to EVERYTHING (not just my book), that I write until I die – but I’m taking Mr. David to the NC State Bar over that, and will soon sue him as well.

Also, although I have been in contact not only with former Presiding Bishop Schori, and many at Sewanee, including Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, first when he was Arch-Bishop of Atlanta and nominal Head of Sewanee (about 2008 when Sewanee alums who are lawyers in Birmingham, AL contacted me after finding my blog told me that Rt. Rev. Alexander was using funds from Tennessee’s estate to COVER because Alumni donations fell WAY OFF after they had to HIDE the Episcopal Confederate Mace from public view in 2005).

MANY Episcopalians know of your Church’s Crimes and HATE THEM!!!

And believe it or not, in 1983 for some months, I worshiped (without joining), at All Saints Episcopal in Atlanta – where unbeknownst to me -- James Graham Kenan -- aka “Uncle Jimmy” -- whose nephew Gregg Loomis,, first told me that the wealthy Kenans hate only JEWS more than they hate “Niggers” when I sought Mr. Kenan’s Legal Advice in 1990, and James -- then retired and going senile -- sent me to his nephew. 

As you might know, JGK not only hugely endowed the Atlanta History Center, across the street from his Andrews Drive home – but bequeathed the $8,000,000.00 Kenan Memorial Organ to that congregation about 2003.

And also when J. Neil Alexander was Head of the Theology Department of The University of the South (which I just discovered he is still) – Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori and her top Legal Counsel IGNORED ME, but Rev. Alexander and Sewanee’s Head Legal Counsel then, Donna Pierce, BOTH threatened me with LIBEL suits because I was then and continue to publish now how Sewanee’s counsel in 1983 Michael Remer, with Tennessee Williams’s lawyer John Eastman (a blood Jew who converted to Episcopal and partnered with your Church – his father was originally Leopold Vail Epstein – and I visited “Lee Eastman” and his wife in their apartment several times with Tennessee, remembering the huge Willem de Kooning Robert Motherwell canvases on their dining room walls), and Russian native Maria St. Just (nee Britneva), had plotted and carried out the murder of Mr. Williams and theft of his estate from Harvard, as Jackie Kennedy Onassis had warned us would happen on January 11, 1982.

But they could not do that since it is TRUE, and about 1.5 years ago, Ms. Pierce retired – but STILL manages Mr. Williams’s Copyrights for Sewanee – because she knows all the Laws they broke when murdering Tennessee and stealing his estate from Harvard.

I spoke with Harvard’s Admin in their Legal Department, Nancy Armstrong, who had been there when the Rights were stolen, and she said none of Harvard’s then lawyers were still there, but what I said about how they did it made perfect sense, so I contacted Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust, who did NOT want to “rock the boat” because Thomas S. Kenan III gives Harvard too many millions of dollars per year via, and it was Tom’s father and Uncle Jimmy who helped Sewanee steal the Estate of Tennessee.

Just now, I see that Harvard has a NEW PRESIDENT, Lawrence Bacow, so after Easter I will contact him to see if HE has ETHICS and cares about retrieving the now $2/3 Billion that is Harvard’s by all rights. But what I REALLY want to do is see if he is OK with the status quo. Tennessee is LONG DEAD so doesn’t care, and the few others alive today who can also PROVE the Episcopal Church with Republican Party, etc. murdered Mr. Williams to steal his estate don’t CARE (or are too afraid to speak up).

That includes writer Dotson Rader, who is mentioned extensively here – and I dated his boyfriend Richard Zoerink in summer 1982, and paid by Dotson, I got Richard to a dry-out tank for alcoholism, where I understand he did well from treatment.

You see, I ALSO have been in touch – in late 2018 -- with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and your Church’s top Legal Counsel, Douglas K. Anning, and SO FAR they have IGNORED ME, although I believe my Letter to Bishop Curry NEVER reached him – he being PROTECTED from knowing the Crimes of your Church (or the LOVE of the Episcopal Confederate Mace so beloved by “Old South” Episcopalians, perhaps including some in your congregation). I was raised Catholic, a Church with FAR GREATER CRIMES over the LONGER AGES than the Anglican/Episcopal Church – for SURE!!!

Otherwise WHY the Reformation???

And my being in Nicotine Withdrawal for three weeks now is what is causing my NOT being as sharp of mind or organized in my writing to you as I would normally be.

Here are the Letters I sent to your Church HQ:

And JUST NOW (after hours on Maundy Thursday), I found that John Eastman – the ONLY actual planner of Tennessee’s (and John Lennon’s) murder still alive has his office that I used to frequent with Tennessee Williams at 39 W. 54th Street in Manhattan, and the phone still works: (212) 246-5757, and John Eastman’s extension is 180. His current wife is not to be confused with Barbara Walters’s niece, and Mr. Eastman managed his first brother-in-law Paul McCartney’s Financial Empire until very recently.

Perhaps you should call him to check what Mr. Eastman has to say about me – HA!!! After Easter I will try to work out a DEAL with Mr. Eastman and President Bacow of Harvard. You’d be AMAZED how quickly doors open when people hear my last name is KENAN – which in the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary published by the Unity Church means “The Sadness” or “Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness”.

If the storms coming to Wilmington tomorrow evening are NOT too violent, I will see you at the performance of “The Crucifixion” Good Friday night!!!


Scott D. Kenan


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