Friday, June 14, 2019

RP: Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther Was the SOUL OF PROFESSIONALISM in Court Today -- While Jennifer McCracken Acted CRACKED and LITERALLY CRAZY (as she is diagnosed to be):


Overnight last night, Facebook RE-CONFIRMED my 30-Day Jail Sentence for posting the below:


1. Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther did such an ALLURING JOB of describing the option of accepting a year of no contact with no findings of Court or Judgement, that THAT seemed by FAR the best option.

2. I was very glad to see that although Jennifer McCracken's hair had grown grayer, she has lost weight and looks FAR HEALTHIER than when I last saw her, at least 1.5 year ago. Her girlfriend, a woman of similar "fire-plug" build but actually attractive, appeared to be a reasonable person.

3. I was TOTALLY IMPRESSED by how Judge McKee conducted her Court -- FAR more organized, and she seemed not only FAIR in all she decided today, but she maintained a FRIENDLY DEMEANOR!!!

4. When I was called after saying I wanted to "accept assent", she appeared not to remember me at all from my past times in her Court, despite her assigning a Deputy to guard me in the GENERAL audience (only 1.5 years ago), so I ASSUME she never got the info I emailed her before posting it on blog last night: 

5. When asked by Judge McKee if she had anything she wanted to say -- and Judge McKee even ENCOURAGED Jenny to say WHERE I should be SPECIFICALLY banned from going where I would possibly run into her, Jenny tried to get her to ban me from ALL OF DOWNTOWN WILMINGTON -- and Jenny now lives in Castle Hayne, NC, which is at least six miles from Downtown Wilmington.

6. Judge McKee tried to get Jenny to be more specific on any locations, but instead Jenny began claiming that I am running all around taking pictures of her mother and family and she started getting all worked up, so I spoke up explaining that I hadn't seen Jenny's mother or family since 2015, and only taken ONE photo of her mother's LICENCE PLATE, since Jenny claimed her mother gave her her Drug Trafficking Orders from the Mormon Church . . . 

Jennifer McCracken's mother's car's plate, taken August 14, 2015.

 . . . and that when I first met Jenny in 2015, she told me she was on Full Disability for both Bipolar Illness and Borderline Personality Disorder -- and she was a "Jack Mormon", meaning she both drinks alcohol and has Homosexual Sex -- both TOTALLY FORBIDDEN by the Mormon Church -- and Jennifer sometimes claims things impossible to believe, but I am HAPPY to accept not communicating for at least a year, and for the rest of our lives would suit me too.

So Judge McKee had us both sign the form of assent -- and I THANKED JUDGE MCKEE very publicly and "with meaning", for her service in this matter and for being so CLEAR in her communication with us this morning!!!

And I SURE FELT BETTER IN GENERAL about New Hanover County Courts and Judges!!!

And I remain NOT HERE.

This was the FIRST THING at top of my Facebook Feed (other than the re-confirmation I am to remain in FACEBOOK JAIL):


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