Wednesday, June 19, 2019

RP: Kenan Memorial Fountain ATTACKED by Renaissance Wilmington Foundation and the Wilmington Star News!!! / "Harjo" Revealed to Mean "Crazy" or "So Brave as to Seem Crazy" -- and "Kenan" = "The Sadness" or "Unbridled Greed & Acquisitiveness" / D.A. Ben David Buttons His BUTT-HOLE TIGHT!!!


Jennifer Harjo, a Republican and Devout Roman Catholic, LOST to Benjamin Randall David, Democrat and Devout Presbyterian, in the 2004 race for a new District Attorney. Jen famously said at that time that IN FACT she had NOT LOST to the CRIMINAL BEN DAVID, and in TIME, that would be REVEALED!!!

Jen's St. Mary's Catholic -- famous for Pastor Robert J. Kus running MAJOR Hard Drugs as well as Whore Houses for THIRTY YEARS, from St. Mary's in Wilmington, a parish in Raleigh before that, and St. Mark's in Wilmington when my parents were parishioners there in the 1980s and 90s. Mom BRAGGED to me that St. Mark's Duplicate Bridge Club -- under Father Bob and with Pope John-Paul II's blessing -- smuggled the wealth of White People out of South Africa after Apartheid fell -- because God/Jesus want WHITES ONLY to rule!!!

Mom had at least TWO one-on-one meetings with Pope John-Paul II in Rome to get her ORDERS on developing HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING in the USA -- and in PROMOTING NAZISM (why my parents were HUGE SUPPORT to Sen. Jesse Helms, Coach Lou Holtz, Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman, John Boehner, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, and OTHERS).

Joy Harjo was naked MADE Poet Laureate of the USA today, and I learned that "Harjo" is a surname, derived from the Muscogee Creek word Hadcho meaning "Crazy" or "So Brave as to Seem Crazy".[1][2] 

As a ROMAN CATHOLIC, Jennifer is a TOTAL TRAITOR to her RACE -- 

 -- but as Chief Public Defender, she is a SCOURGE TO D.A. Ben David!!!

Ben David with his son Fitz David (currently 12 years old and a soccer player). Let's HOPE that as Fitz David is entering PUBERTY, that he has AS GOOD A TASTE IN MEN AS HIS FATHER DOES (just boys for now, though) -- MERCY MEBen's long-term lover Lee was HOT AS HELL and a GOOD FRIEND to Robert Arnold Trahan and me in 2011!!!

Lee, a "country boy" was actually more MUSCULAR than this, with a NICELY-HAIRED chest. After I FIRST published the following (and yes I COULD identify Ben David's voice on Lee's cell when Lee confronted Ben and held the phone so I could hear Ben reply), a week or two later, Ben LEE found me in his late model pick-up truck that he said Ben David bought for him CASH, handed him MORE CASH, and told Lee to "leave town and NEVER LOOK BACK!!!"

And at Ben David's First Presbyterian (whose Pastor then, Ernest Trice Thompson, told me he WANTED to have sex with me, but his vows to his WIFE prevented that -- proving that Ernie was a MAN and Ben David is just a "Fucking Faggot" -- risking his entire family for HOT GAY SEX!!!), Ben and Judges Lindsey McKee/Luther (who as a Judge attends White Supremacy Meetings in Ireland, so likely also in the USA), Judge Jeffrey Noecker, and County Commissioner Beth Dawson all SUPPORTED HARD DRUG TRAFFICKING and WHITE SUPREMACY!!!

What Judge Robin Wickes Robinson was doing in such a TOTALLY RACIST CONGREGATION is beyond me -- but at least Robin is NO LONGER a Deacon there.

As an Elder at First Presbyterian, William Rand Kenan, Sr., LED the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898, mowing down blacks from the back of his wagon with the ONLY primitive Machine Gun in town!!!

Captain William R. Kenan, Sr.'s RAPID FIRE BRIGADE.


Ben David is cruizin' for a COMEUPPANCEno??? His identical twin REPUBLICAN brother, Jon David, has been District Attorney across the river -- but ONLY since 2010 -- and Ben's REPUBLICAN WIFE STEPHANIE (and REVERSE-cuckold to GAY BOYSLOL!!!), has been a MAJOR FUNDRAISER and STRATEGIST for Lamar Alexander and Mitt Romney -- HA!!!


Well, I was SHOCKED (because the Star News ALWAYS protects D.A.s Ben and Jon David, Mayor Saffo, Police Chief Evangelous, and Sheriff McMahon's HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING with most of the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES of Wilmington), but NOW, they criticize the Fountain for MEMORIALIZING the CHRISTIAN BRUTE MURDERER William Rand Kenan, Sr., and want the fountain RENAMED as well as moved to Renaissance Park. 

I'm conflicted, as I LIKE the fountain where it is -- as do about 95% of those who have commented on the several articles I've read on this. However, in years gone by, the fountain's OUTER LAYERS were removed so vehicles could drive CLOSER TO IT -- and the City stored them. 

Read this article to learn more about the Fountain -- before deciding what YOU THINK:

Now if they got my wealthy, Episcopalian/Ku Klux Klan member Kenan Family of Chapel Hill who put Donald Trump into power -- BECAUSE TRUMP IS JUST LIKE JESUS CHRIST -- to pay to move it, put BACK the outer layers, and endow a Museum to the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 in Renaissance Park, I could support THAT (I think)!!! 

But SOMEONE just added a GREAT COMMENT to this story online:

Timothy Hall

No, absolutely no. Wilmington needs these works spread throughout the City. I recommend creating a new fountain in Ren Park to commemorate the Civil Rights Movement, featuring one side dedicated to the story of the 1898 Coup and Massacre, others dedicated to the social progress made, and a side dedicated to the advancement of social and economic equality for all. 

If you want to reduce crashes there, then put traffic calming humps on Market St. through the Historic District to slow down the drunk fools who can't follow lane lines. Also, move parking spaces 20 feet farther back from the intersection and prohibit wide service trucks and trailers from that part of Market. 

If you come downtown, either come on Oleander/Dawson or the MLK, or just resolve yourself to drive slowly and carefully. Most importantly, get off your #@!!!***##!! phone!


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