Tuesday, August 20, 2019

RP: Lots of SOUTHERN HUMOR This Evening -- Because TRASH-ASSED Christians Were Created by GOD for God's People to LAUGH AT!!! (Part 2 -- I couldn't get it ALL into this morning's posting):

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/08/lots-of-southern-humor-this-evening.html

This is pretty much all a person in the South needs to start a seriously epic party -- if you think about it! Just some nice ice cold beer, and a fire to cook all that freshly hunted meat. The cousins are ready to party, and possibly even propose to each other!!!

Michael Satterlee Wellmainly ASS .

I'm not CERTAIN if the smells of "patchouli and ass", are GODLY -- or more from "the other side". What do YOU think??? 


My Kenan Family -- the wealthy ones associated with UNC Chapel Hill, who control Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, www.theKAG.com, Coca-Cola, the Ku Klux Klan, the entire Republican Party, "Clinton Democrats", and so much more -- control WORLDWIDE HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING as well as WHITE SUPREMACY with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families -- and put Donald Trump into power to DESTROY DEMOCRACY as well as enslave and/or exterminate non-White and non-Christian people.

I got THIS REMINDER from an Org here in Wilmington, North Carolina, of the HUMAN COST of this PROFITEERING:

Too many of today's drugs are TOO ADDICTIVE for humans to handle recreationally -- something that has been happening as long as people have known how to use plants like Marijuana, Poppies, Coca Leaves, Grapes, etc., and then learned how to distill STRONGER DRUGS from them all.

We need to commence STRONG PROGRAMS of education and treat addicts like people with a disease. Best to decriminalize use of all drugs, tax and regulate sale of them in a way that addicts will use these services. MANY COUNTRIES in Europe have done this more than ten years ago, and they ALL seriously cut drug use -- I believe ALL of them to less than half what levels had been BEFORE instituting a REALISTIC, HUMAN plan.

AND, this would seriously curtail all the petty and not-petty crimes (theft, burglary, embezzlement, and other crimes -- often violent as well), committed to BUY DRUGS.

Of course, Marijuana -- far safer a drug than alcohol -- should be regulated like alcohol, and adults allowed to grow pot for their own use.

The SAD STATE of current affairs!!!

And since I began writing this posting, I came across THIS on an aspect of the Episcopal Church USA, and it has REMINDED ME that it is TIME to RENEW ASSOCIATION with "People of Faith" -- who DO UNDERSTAND that GOD IS LOVE.


The Episcopal Church USA (and YES, despite their murdering Tennessee Williams and stealing his estate from Harvard University) -- because their TOP CLERGY at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC have CALLED OUT DONALD TRUMP in CLEAR TERMS!!!

For strategic visioning to be successful, several steps need to be actively discerned. Involving all stakeholders from the start, creating a shared mission and vision and setting goals are just a few of these steps. Perhaps the most important is the first – leading with the Spirit and going where you are being called, often when it is inconvenient, difficult, and time-consuming. In this issue we bring you ideas from individuals and congregations who were inspired, challenged and positively altered through their visioning processes.

Dear Friends, For strategic visioning to be successful, several steps need to be actively…

Also, the Evangelical Lutheran Church -- which has made ALL of its churches SANCTUARIES for undocumented immigrants!!!

So tomorrow (or very soon), I expect I will be in contact with these people. 


First, an oldie-but-goodie on Southern Evangelical Families:

And Alabamans in particular:

FUNNY that they all look like Mayor Pete Buttigieg -- a devout Episcopalianno???

The above is my FAVORITE!!!

And many, many, moreUnique Southern Inventions:


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