Sunday, May 10, 2020

RP: FINALLY, I Confront New Hanover County Commissioners Julia Olson-Boseman, Patricia Kusek, and Woody White Over Their APPARENT "CHRISTIAN HATRED" of GOD, ITSELF, Concerning the Possible Sale of New Hanover Regional Medical Center:


This was just sent to me by my best friend from high schoolBob Jones!!! GREAT TIMING, Bob, and THANKS!!!



Cc,,,,, (that was meant to be,,,

Julia Olson-Boseman, Chair
Patricia Kusek, Member
Woody White, Member
New Hanover County Commission

May 10, 2020

Dear Commissioners Olson-Boseman, Kusek, and White,

This Letter is to all three of you, and will be published on my Political Blog, then emailed to my List of 100+ Political Contacts (which you are all also on). 

As I sit here on Mother’s Day 2020, I am watching as my blog has gotten 3,243 registered hits so far today at 5:49 PM (600 – 800/day has been typical the last half year) – mostly because of my posting of my Letter to District Attorney Ben David’s Admin, Samantha Dooies, and one regarding what I’ve sent to Dameon and Monica Shepard’s attorney, James W. Lea, III. Following are links to them – if you didn’t read them when I emailed them to all of you:

The Best News is that I am in a much better mood, after having called my 97-year-old mother for Mother’s Day, and she agrees with me and her Roman Catholic Pope, Francis, that the policies of President Donald Trump and the Republican Party must be CONDEMNED -- as an affront to Jesus Christ – as well as the US Constitution.

But this is not a Catholic/Protestant divide, and since while I love the TEACHINGS of Jesus, I have not worshiped that Pagan Idol since I graduated high school in 1969, which brings me to my first meeting of any significance with Julia, at her fundraiser in 2015, where you addressed the whole crowd and cried because your “Christian” Pastor had DENIED Baptism to your son – because his mother is a practicing Lesbian. ABSURD to blame a child for his parent’s SIN (and most Christians no longer think that IS a sin).

I hope you have either changed denominations – or better yet, rejected Christianity since then – no matter what you must claim to be electable here in a hot-bed of White-Supremacist and Hard-Drug Trafficking Christian Churches and Christian Ministers -- and Politicians of both Parties.

Not all of them, I fully support your fellow Commissioner Rob Zapple (whom I first met at that fundraiser of yours), and NC State Senator Harper Peterson. Leslie Cohen is not yet elected, but I feel the same about her as well.

And add to that Kevin Spears, who is just getting his “land-legs” in City Council. I met Kevin at the unveiling of the new Marker for the 1898 Wilmington Coup d’Etat last fall, where after those meant to yank the shroud off the Marker could NOT, and I stepped in and did it while admitting that my own Grandfather, Joseph Emerson Kenan, Sr., a Ku Klux Klan member for JESUS, had participated, and distant relative William Rand Kenan, Sr. – as an Elder of First Presbyterian – had been an important leader in it, ALSO for Jesus Christ. I also mentioned that my parents had set up the Christian Drug Mafia here.

On my blog, I documented this, including link to a video capturing my words and actions:

So FIRST let me thank Julia Olson-Boseman for siding with the Democrats and getting even further ahead of the curve on response to the COVID-19 Pandemic than our Governor Roy Cooper. THIS is why North Carolina is SO MUCH better off than the other Southern states -- that all have Christian/Republican Governors – including my home of Georgia, 1983 – 2010.

And Healthcare is the reason I am writing all of you today.

Like the 85% of New Hanover County Citizens who OPPOSE selling New Hanover Regional Medical Center, I, too, oppose such a thing happening without a longer and fully transparent Public Debate – it is never a bad idea to consider an idea. And like those who comment on WECT-TV’s Facebook page postings, I agree that:

1. It was apparently already a DONE DEAL by the three of you, and you will MAKE MONEY (under the table), for doing it.

2. That of the three remaining Hospital Systems interested in buying it -- after a preliminary process -- that if you MUST go completely against the will of your constituents and sell the extraordinarily well run and professionally respected Hospital, that Duke gets it, and UNC would be second choice.

I am prejudiced in favor of Duke (ONLY if you decide you will sell), because in the first Kenan Family genealogy published in 1967 (when I was only 6’ 8” and in 10th grade), it said I would get a full basketball scholarship to Duke – but I got a BRAINS scholarship to Denison University, instead. Also, because of all the Kenan Family Charities, I have only associated with, donated to, and visited in person, the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke.

3. Woody White and Patricia Kusek are TOTAL COWARDS, because after setting up the sale of the Hospital, they decided NOT to run for re-election, knowing that even their fellow Republicans would then rather burn them at the stake than vote for their greedy, hateful selves. They would GO DOWN IN FLAMES – but ENRICHED!!!

The problem I have is that I know too much. My parents set up the Christian Drug Mafia here in Wilmington with Father Robert J. Kus, most recently of St. Mary’s Catholic (but now hiding from the Law in Honduras for nearly two years -- due to my blogging about his crimes), and Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman, whom I met with twice in Atlanta in the early 1990s, through my employer, 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury (owner of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA), who through his agent Lee E. Gosney, Jr., distributed the Hard-Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB – especially to Politicians and Christian Clergy in Atlanta and here in Wilmington.

My friend Evan Fish was murdered on September 3, 2011, by Wilmington Police on behalf Drug-Mafia Mayor “Bill” Saffo and Councilman Charlie Rivenbark (and Charlie’s Christian slut, Dawn Grants), who forced him to jump to his death – because he knew that Lee Gosney and Pentagon Publishing were the largest suppliers of Hard Drugs here. And that was verified by New Hanover County Sheriff’s Deputies (including the Negotiator who had worked with Evan). THEN the Wilmington Star News helped cover up the crime, and the full Police report is NOT available to me via Freedom of Information Act – even Chief Judge J.H. Corpening put that in a physical Letter to me!!! Additionally, the available short form of it, shows the WRONG first name for Evan, and the Police’s accomplice, Evan’s hated former girlfriend, Eleanor “Ellie” Schwaner was listed even MORE incorrectly, to deliberately stymie researchers.

Ellie ran an online Whorehouse in Virginia after that, called “Tiny Toes Massage” – until I tracked her down and confronted her, and she soon closed her shop!!! BUT it survives today on LINKED-IN:

Well, none of you seem to care about PEOPLE – you only worship money – the “Christian Disease”. I should make you three “Honorary Kenans” (unless you change course) – since in the Bible Dictionary Kenan means either “The Sadness” or “Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness”, which PERFECTLY describes my wealthy relatives in Chapel Hill, who were most instrumental in putting Donald Trump into power, and running Worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families.

Remember, George Bush’s somewhat distant cousin Bill Toups sought me out in Wilmington in fall 2016, and we were up all night discussing the TOTAL TREASON of the Kenan and Bush Family Alliance – in the Name of Jesus Christ, of course.

Any of you who still worship that Pagan Idol of HATRED -- whose life as a Jewish Reformer and “Prophet of Love” was by all accounts most commendable -- deserve to be BOILED ALIVE IN OIL – just like the Jesuit Priests (like Pope Francis), did to Jews, Homos, and “Heretics” in the Middle Ages.

I do think it is fortunate that we don’t do that anymore, but like so many on the WECT-TV Facebook article comments have said, we MAYBE could tar and feather you three – or at least run you out of the County on a RAIL.

I hope I have given the three of you something to think about – and that you find and OPEN your Minds and Hearts to GOOD SENSE as well as LOVE. This is the GREATEST GIFT God has given us all, but TOO MANY Christians prefer to worship the Devil – and Self-Enrichment.

It is your choice.

Thank you for your consideration, and if you have any questions or comments for me, my cell phone number is (910) 200-XXXX.

All best – and remember: GOD RULES, and we will ALL get our “Just Deserts” -- in the end (possibly even in the asshole, if some of these crazed, local yahoos get THEIR way).

I am ALWAYS at your service.

Scott David Kenan


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