Monday, July 27, 2020

RP: I Can't Believe that Last Night I Just CASUALLY TOLD My Meyer Cousins that My Mother MURDERED Her Brother for Allowing His Daughter to Marry a JEW -- and for Actually Being GAY!!! / MORE for the Meyers:


George Meyer + Susan Grant 
c/o Susan Grant 

July 27, 2020

Dear George and Susan, 

I woke up this morning and it occurred to me that while everyone of Robert J. Meyer's descendants SHOULD SUSPECT my mother of murdering her brother, that if no one has wanted to think about the history of our family, this could have come as quite a shock to you all. I apologize for not having thought to be more gentle.

And again, I'm sorry that Susan hadn't even met George when most of this happened. I'm totally serious about respecting Susan's work in her MANY arenas -- whether I agree on Philosophy or not. There are DOERS in this world and there are COMPLAINERS -- and George as a very successful salesman is ALSO a Doer. So am I. 

Let's go back for a minute to Karen Meyer's second wedding to her same husband in fall 1980. I was moving to Key West and stopped in Wilmington then accompanied Mom and Dad to that. None of my siblings attended.

En route, while I was trying to nap on the back seat of my parents' land-yacht, and we were climbing a winding two-lane road in the Smokey Mountains, Dad finally got a chance to pass a struggling semi, and Mom said, "Bill, I'm going to give him the FINGER!!!" I'd never heard my mother say anything like that before, and the closest to cussing Mom ever did was yell DAMNATION!!! or HELL'S BELLS!!!

At that time, Aunt Pat was married to the bodybuilder and they showed up STONED ON COCAINE and Pat tripped entering the building. Remember, my mother had secured an ANNULMENT not just for Bob and Pat's Catholic marriage, and when they tried to get RE-married in the Church, the Church told them to go to HELL -- but later for my sister Julie's husband-to-be, Joel Duffy, Jr., and about two years ago, THEY got divorced when out of the blue, Joel announced he was already engaged to marry someone else. WORSE is that due to Pennsylvania's NO FAULT divorce Laws, Joel, who NEVER could keep a job and failed too as a handyman, got HALF THEIR ASSETS, including house equity and Julie's RETIREMENT INVESTMENTS.

Mom got the difficult to get annulments because of her personal relationship with several Popes.

It was there, at the salad bar, that Mom told everyone that she had been MULTIPLY RAPED at the age of six by her "retarded" uncle, who forced her to fellate him many times, and Mom was so ASHAMED of that, that she had never before that told anyone (except me, in 1973). No parents, no priest, no shrink.

This was ALSO where I sat across a dining table from Jan and Kim (whom I liked a lot), and Jan said that Karen told her that my parents went to HER wedding, but not Jan and Kim's -- because Jan had married a JEW. Jan asked me if that was true.

After the feast, I asked my mother about that and she got so FURIOUS, she marched down to Bob's hotel room -- BARGED IN -- and told him if he ever said anything like that again she would SMASH HIS HEAD WITH A CAST-IRON FRYING-PAN!!!

Yes. this is the TERRORIZING my mother did of her children growing up -- and worse.

Also, my living in Stone Mountain next to Atlanta gave my parents an overnight stop when Mom made her at least twice-per-year visits to the Veterans Hospital in Lower Mississippi while Bob was there. Here are a few of the things Mom told me about all of that:

1. Bob suffered Mono-Polar Depression, and had to take DOUBLE normal strength Lithium Carbonate, which unfortunately gave him so much TREMOR (shaking), that he could NOT work as a dentist and had to be hospitalized.

Well, I condensed that into one sentence, but double-dose Lithium is NOT prescribed for ANYTHING!!!

I doubt you know that Mom worked running Procter & Gamble's Skin Research Labs right after WWII at the time they were given so much of Dr. Josef Mengele's research on Concentration Camp victims, and Mom worked with his research on NAZI MIND CONTROL, that later became called "Project MK ULTRA" -- this with both the CIA and Catholic Church. 

I assume all of you know that FDR PREVENTED Bob and Mart from fighting in Europe because of the KNOWN NAZI sympathies of our family. That might have been just of Mom's activities -- her senior year in high school Henry Ford (a TOP NAZI trying to get FDR to side WITH Hitler), the BEST DRIVER IN INDIANA AWARD -- which no one that young would get!!!

Funny, that this photo of Mom and an "escort" from the Indianapolis Star News was used about fifteen years ago to promote CHIVALRY (not a bad idea, nowadays!!!). Notice how Ruth Anne slouches to hide her six-foot height.

Mom has seen this photo and verified that it is she.

And currently, while Mom seems FINE to still live alone, her mind is really beginning to go. She can't remember things I've told her five minutes later, and while I do NOT bring up any of her crimes against God, the USA, or ME, I sometimes allude to them vaguely, like "If I had never been put on Lithium on a FALSE DIAGNOSIS by LIARS in 1978, I probably would not have the near total loss of feeling in my feet (Neuropathy)."

That was TOTALLY Mom's doing over the protest of my psychiatrist then, who said I only needed a few talk sessions -- but that really angered Mom, who found a shrink in Cherry Hill, NJ -- ENTIRELY across metro-Philadelphia from West Chester -- and Mom always HATED Dad's uneducated, evangelical "hayseed" relatives here in Wilmington -- except that Nell and Fred were different and highly educated.

Mom used to RAIL about Nell putting up with her totally chauvinistic husband Fred -- which is an accurate description, but they LOVED EACH OTHER and that worked for them. I've known FEW marriages as good as Nell and Fred's.

Today, Mom CLAIMS she remembers NONE OF THAT!!!

If it were NOT for Mom's age today, I would actively try to get her arrested for her crimes against me, prosecuted and JAILED -- but instead, I've forgiven her -- but as the Catholic Church taught us, GOD can't forgive you if you don't apologize and MAKE AMENDS.

BTW: It was not only Colin Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer, Army Col. Dorothy Newman (my best friend in early 2010), who told me that my parents with my employer, the Republican Party of Georgia, and CIA planned to KILL ME, since they could not COMMIT ME in five tries in one month -- why Dottie Newman helped me get to Mexico for Political Asylum -- but ALSO my co-worker at Pentagon Publishing, Geraldine "Geri" Flynn-Miller, who told me that Patrick Stansbury worked with my parents and they were going to KILL ME.

Patrick's Executive Vice President Michael Massicott, had posted videos of how to set up a hidden place in the mountain woods to get through the coming RACE WAR. Mike is actually totally GAY, and his wife with her scads of money from Daddy, TWICE rescued Mike from his Homosexual Life -- LOL!!!

OK, I have other things I need to do today, so this is it for now.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of so much bad news -- but I feel MORALLY OBLIGED to tell the TRUTH of our family -- and PATRIOTICALLY OBLIGED as well, since Mom was so instrumental in setting the USA to fall into CATHOLIC NAZISM.

I am sending this exactly like I sent last night's missive.





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