Wednesday, July 15, 2020

RP: PROBLEMS with Teri Motsinger and Her Benefits Management, Inc.??? / Katrina Knight and Her HEROIN-DISTRIBUTING The Good Shepherd (Wilmington, NC), Is STILL AT IT (is ANYONE SURPRISED)???


Google/Blogger is NOT ALLOWING me to post images into my blog now -- so I'll just post in OTHER THINGS. It seems the Christian CIA is REALLY ANGRY with me after I sent this email to Teri Motsinger -- and copied Katrina Knight of the Good Shepherd, Wilmington, NC:

>>> Re: Gas bill -- plus a question about how my rent is paid:




Hi Teri -- and thanks for this.

It explains why you would need an extra $200.00, but that should mean that you still have the remaining $400.00 of the $600.00 set aside about Nov. 2, 2017 from S.S. to pay my FIRST higher rent for December, 2017 when paying it late, you already GOT the old $600.00 rent -- my first month of higher rent from the Nov. 2017 S.S. disbursement. It would not have changed a year later. I just pulled out my lease and verified that.

While I had the highest college boards in my school in Math and Science, and have built and been the financial brains behind SEVERAL successful businesses, it's TRUE, that I never had an Accounting Class -- but I DID work two years for H&R Block doing taxes for others after taking and passing their extensive classes -- and they wanted to promote me to their group that did CORPORATE TAXES, but my sales of Advertising at Pentagon Publishing, Inc. (that STILL supplies Wilmington's Politicians and Christian Churches with Hard Drugs), had improved and I no longer needed the extra income while building my Client Portfolio for those advertising sales -- COMMISSION ONLY.

This is SO CONFUSING, but I moved December 1, 2017.

Everything has been so wild for me lately -- I've REALLY exposed the Christian Criminals of both the Democratic and Republican Parties, and more so the Christian Churches in Wilmington running all the hard drugs, especially people like Katrina Knight of the Good Shepherd who STILL is one of the biggest Heroin Distributors in town. When Katrina took me to Court to shut me up -- the Judge LAUGHED HER OUT OF COURT because EVERYONE KNOWS THIS, and because it is true she CANNOT sue me for LIBEL -- since I can PROVE IT IN COURT!!! 

The Good Shepherd had also hacked my computer from their logo-ed van, and SHOT DEAD the two friends of my roommate then, David Escalante, because they DEMANDED to get paid for their Landscape work for the Shepherd -- and David FLED to Charlotte certain that Katrina Knight's people would murder him too.

The Shepherd also had a POSTER then (early 2011), with my face and name and "WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE -- SCOTT KENAN" -- which several residents there emailed me and warned me they had done.

To remain transparent, I will copy Katrina as I don't like talking behind anyone's back.

And I recently learned not only that the wealthy Kenans put Trump into power, but had (via "shell" corps. of Standard Oil of New Jersey that became ESSO and now Exxon-Mobil), had been the LARGEST financial support of Hitler coming to power in Germany, and then William Rand Kenan, Jr. bought the land and built the Oil Refineries in Germany that produced the MAJORITY of Fuels used by Hitler's War Machine -- for the Glory of Jesus Christ and the Episcopal Church!!!

Anyway, there are TONS of good Christians, and I've always counted you as one of those. Please send either electronic or paper copies of my account's transactions going back to October 2017 as I will need most of that to file for Charity Care, soon anyway.


-----Original Message-----

From: Teri <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 15, 2020 8:33 am
Subject: Re: Gas bill -- plus a question about how my rent is paid:

Good morning Scott!

I started sending Gold Walker's rent checks on the day we get your funds November 2018.  This was when you moved and your rent increased by $200 monthly.


From: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 8:01 PM
To: Teri <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Gas bill -- plus a question about how my rent is paid:

Hi Teri,

Here is my gas bill, and I had another failed attempt at a roommate, but made a couple of hundred dollars PROFIT when he disappeared a week after paying month 2's rent -- because I blogged about his and his parents HUGE DRUG-TRAFFICKING with Wilmington's Political and Church establishment. YAY!!!

In the process of getting landlady Gold Walker's OK for him to live here, she told me you STOPPED sending her my rent checks a week early several months ago. My lease states that rent is $50.00 higher if not paid on the 1st of the month or earlier. I figured you just out of habit must have begun paying her the way you pay most rent -- late, but guaranteed. She didn't mention that I owe her any extra, but I'd LIKE to pay her early, but no need to pay the extra -- unless she begins asking for it.

So, can you confirm that you are holding $800.00 in my account -- or if you had to spend it all, please let me know what it was on.

I have to have part of my colon removed and also another 3-day stay in NHRMC Hospital for another reason, soon. I will have to apply for Charity Care, unfortunately, but cant yet -- until surgery is scheduled, so will soon need a year going back of all transactions and proof of income from SS.





John Pavlovitz

And I was SUPER-THRILLED to see that Army Col. Marcia Morgan MUST have gotten my email of my LAST POSTING:

Because THIS MORNING, I got an email from Marcia inviting me to a MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE Fundraiser -- that I hope ALL OF MY READERS will support. It has a MINIMUM contribution of only FIVE DOLLARS!!!

Dem NC HOUSE Candidate Marcia Morgan:

I've proven this is true in my blog that's gotten over 1.8 million hits proving that my Kenan Family that controls Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, the Ku Klux Klan, Republican Party, Episcopal Church and runs world-wide Hard Drugs with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families, put Trump into power to destroy Democracy in the name of Jesus Christ their Savior -- LOL!!! 

Through the YEARS of writing this blog:


"ASHEVILLE, N.C. – In an extraordinary move, the Asheville City Council has apologized for the North Carolina city's historic role in slavery, discrimination and denial of basic liberties to Black residents and voted to provide reparations to them and their descendants.

The 7-0 vote came the night of July 14.

"Hundreds of years of black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today," said Councilman Keith Young, one of two African American members of the body and the measure's chief proponent.

"It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature," Young said.

The unanimously passed resolution does not mandate direct payments. Instead it will make investments in areas where Black residents face disparities."

LOL!!! Elton John lost all his GAY CRED when he played at Drug-Rush Limbaugh's FOURTH Serial Christian Wedding at Kenan-Family-owned The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach!!!

Katrina KnightExecutive Director of the Good Shepherd


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