Friday, August 7, 2020

RP: RE-POST: My Letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Received by Them on October 4, 2017 -- THIS Suggested to Me by My High School Friend KERRY GLATTS!!!


Rex Tillerson and Vladimir Putin, as seen on Saturday Night Live.

Kerry Glatts when I knew him in high school, and Kerry Glatts now:

Bob Jones

Image may contain: 2 people, eyeglasses and closeup
George Powell
July 28
Striking resemblance to Granny Clampett (Beverly Hillbillies) ðŸ˜‚😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


October 4, 2017

The Honorable Rex Wayne Tillerson
Secretary of State
US Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Mr. Tillerson,

My name is Scott David Kenan, a “shirttail scion” of the Kenan Family you worked for your entire earlier life, Kenans controlling Standard Oil, then Exxon, since 1913 – however, I am the wealthy Kenans’ perhaps top political adversary. I also met by chance, a recently retired Exxon-Mobil exec in Puerto Vallarta in early 2015, who told me how my Kenan Family with you, specifically, the CIA, and the Hillary Clinton State Department put Enrique Pena Nieto into the Mexican Presidency, he then changing their Constitution so that Kenans and others could again get Mexico’s Oil, they SPLITTING the narco-trafficking also with the Episcopal Church, USA, whose narco-traffickers I knew a LOT of in Mexico!!!

First of all, I am encouraged that you have NEVER shown signs of being religious (I was raised devout Catholic and studied Metaphysics, later), I LOVED being a Boy Scout (and being gay, thank you for including gays while you headed them). I was the last assistant to Tennessee Williams, who based a tall observing gay black guy (I’m 6’ 11”), on me in his last full-length play – and you were a director of United Negro College Fund (and I used to correspond with Coretta Scott King), and I am actually part Cherokee. I see no sign of racism or homophobia in you!!!

Two top Jewish business leaders in Atlanta, in 1990, were first to confirm to me that my parents, William Scott Kenan, now deceased, and Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, now 94 and living in Raleigh, NC, were America’s top NAZIs, and in fact I was raised with Swastikas on the dinner plates and daily beatings, and my mother had at least two one-on-one meetings with Pope John Paul II in Rome to get her orders in person. My father, a bisexual, found his live-in lover shot in the head in Cincinnati in 1949, and Dad took the choice to convert to Catholic and marry my mother so she could hide her Swastikas behind the iconic Kenan name. Dad always said his lover’s death certificate lists it as “Russian Roulette Suicide”.

My father grew up in Wilmington shoe-less poor soon after the Kenans came into Henry Flagler’s entire estate and lived like royalty, everyone – including the wealthy Kenans – ridiculing him for being a Kenan and so poor, so he HATED them, and he and Mom worked with the Binghams when we lived in Louisville 1956-1963, against the Kenans. And in fact, I was hauled into Court in Wilmington in early 2011 on a false charge of Cyber-Stalking (I’ll get to how I came to be homeless), and the Judge in a packed Courtroom ridiculed me when I asked for a Public Defender, saying, “I never HEARD of a Kenan without four or five trust funds in his back pocket!!!” But I got a Public Defender, after the Court did a RIGOROUS checking of my claims.

You see, when I began talking about the Swastikas, Mom got me committed and forced to take Lithium Carbonate 1978 – 2009, when my doctor of eight years said I had never shown a sign of being Bipolar and took me off. It took about five years for my brain to feel right again. And in early 2010, my parents and sisters with my employer 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., Snellville, GA (now defunct due to my blogging), worked with the Republican Party and CIA to try to commit me five times in one month, but could not. 

A very close friend (who even introduced me to the Sect. of State of Argentina at one of her many book club soiree’s I attended), Army Col. Dottie Newman, retired Chief Protocol Officer to Sect. of State Colin Powell, told me the CIA and Republicans planned to kill me since they could not commit me and got me to Mexico for most of 2010 – 2015, with 2011 into 2012 in Wilmington where I was falsely convicted of Cyber Stalking, and later forced District Attorney Benjamin R. David to erase that and several other false convictions, he having not a shred of evidence I had ever committed a crime. I knew all about his narco-trafficking with his brother, D.A. Jon David from Brunswick County, Mayor Bill Saffo and Police Chief Ralph Evangelous of Wilmington, and many of the Christian Churches here. I also knew Ben David’s boyfriend Lee – Ben an ELDER now at First Presbyterian but married to Stephanie, and while Ben is nominally a Democrat, his brother and wife are Republicans, Stephanie a BIG fundraiser and strategist for Lamar Alexander and Mitt Romney. And it was William Rand Kenan, Sr., Mary Lily Kenan’s Dad and then Elder at First Presbyterian, most responsible for the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection.

I assume you know a lot about both the hideous crimes and good charities of the wealthy Kenans.

My parents lived in Wilmington 1980 – 1999, and set up the Christian Drug Mafia here with Father Bob Kus, now of St. Mary’s Catholic, and Nixon’s aide John Ehrlichman – as well as PPD Pharmaceuticals, then owned by the Bush, Cheney, Bin Laden, and Saudi Royal families. I know Father Bob, and knew Mr. Ehrlichman in the early 1990s when he was setting up the drug mafia in Atlanta with Patrick Stansbury, my parents, Newt Gingrich, former Georgia Congressman John Linder, etc. CNN and the Atlanta Journal/Constitution helped cover it all up. Bill Clinton protected it with 24 unmarked CIA cars stationed three blocks from my house in Stone Mountain.

And in 1968, we lived across the street from my parents’ best friends, Coach Lou Holtz (top friend and co-strategist with John Boehner), and his wife Beth, and for their help with Mom’s Catholic Swastikas, she soon got Lou his first dream job at Notre Dame, and her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS, who lived there already, position of Official Dentist to the Fighting Irish – until Uncle Bob allowed my cousin to marry a Jew, and Mom had all his wealth removed and he was sent to a Veterans Hospital (now closed) in lower Mississippi where Mom oversaw Bob’s taking double-strength Lithium Carbonate, guaranteed to cause Chemically-Induced Diabetes, which he very painfully died of.

My parents were also close to Sean Hannity’s people, and Dad always claimed he was most responsible for putting Sen. Jesse Helms into power, the most hated Senator in US History.

I suppose I will refer you to my letter to North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, published in my blog (as this letter will also be), which has a LOT of details, and my one to Rob Reiner and David Frum – Rob’s first cousin Jonathan Reiner made me an “Honorary Jew” in 2010 when I first blogged about my parents being America’s Top NAZIs:

My understanding is that Hillary Clinton was the Kenan choice to be President – until they realized they could manipulate the vain moron Donald Trump, and then control him with you in State, since you are so very close to Vladimir Putin, whose oil the Kenans want to develop. In the Bible Dictionary, Kenan means “unbridled greed and acquisitiveness”, which you probably knew.

But you give mixed messages, and are in the PERFECT POSITION to act Patriotically to DESTROY these Christian Traitors now in control of the White House. Sorry you had to publicly grovel before that orange mess, today!!!

I have a lot of information on the traitorous activities of Consular Agent Kelly Trainor de O in Nuevo Vallarta, she causing me problems in 2010, and recommending the same doctor she got to try to addict me to drugs then to drug a young gay guy and rape him about a week ago, he and his XXXXXXXXX exec boyfriend are petitioning the State Department to remove Kelly.

I was held hostage by Drug Mafia in Puerto Vallarta area five times in 2010, once by two sons of El Chapo Guzman for five weeks, once by the son of the top CIA exporter of cocaine from Colombia to the USA, whose Mexican Godfather’s ranch I was held in (barracks with Drug Mafia who toted machine guns, vests, and armored vehicles were also on the property), the Godfather a world-class engineer with 24 houses around the world, who had placed the booby trap in the Chunnel (Eng. To Fr.), and it was found and removed under guise of repairs in 2010. It was to fake another terrorist attack like Bush and Cheney planned 9/11 with the Bin Ladens and Saudi Royals.

I have been debriefed many times by top officers of the US and Mexican Army and Marines (and Special Forces), and am connected closely to two Presidents of Mexico, two Governors there, etc. I had two meetings with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’ in 2015, and he knew all about the Kenan Family narco-trafficking in Atlanta, and other Kenan crimes. I’m directly in touch with Congressman Joe Kennedy III, and have sent all my info to both NC Senators – but they were put into power by the Kenan Family, and a top defense attorney in Wilmington (verified by two Wilmington Magistrates), told me this summer the Kenans control EVERY Republican and nearly every Democrat in this state, including Roy Cooper, who as Attorney General for ten years protected the Kenan narco-trafficking, and Josh Stein who does so now.

You seem strong enough (and Boy Scout enough), to sort out this mess and bring the criminals in the Trump Administration to Justice. I support you entirely in that – and our President in anything Patriotic he can accomplish, but that is NOT Trump’s intent.

Much of this is really more appropriate for Attorney General Jeff Sessions, so I will send a copy to him electronically then snail-mail you both, so that there is a LEGAL RECORD of you and your mail-handlers having gotten it. I imagine much of this is classified TOP SECRET – and that you both know all of it – but I never stole it, I got it observing my family, employer, and the big-mouthed CIA-Mexican Drug Mafia that held me five times.

One other thing is that a close relative of Frank Hawkins Kenan’s widow Betty, and classmate of Thomas S. Kenan III (whose ex-boyfriend I dated in 1985), Stanley Winborne III, now living in Puerto Vallarta, was my closest friend there. His family controlled the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, his grandfather equivalent of Ambassador to China, and his son (whom he does NOT get along with), was second in charge of the H. Clinton State Department in Afghanistan and in charge of shipping all the Heroin back to Maxwell AFB, where we at Pentagon Publishing had three legitimate advertising contracts, and when I learned that Patrick Lee Stansbury distributed it and other drugs from Maine to Florida – but especially in Wilmington and Atlanta – he fired me and all hell broke loose for me in 2010.

My friend Evan Fish -- who knew all about that -- was murdered by Wilmington Police on September 3, 2011, and that was verified by several Sheriff’s Deputies also on the scene. Wilmington Star News covered it up. 

I also knew Jean Babette Stein, who knew that the Episcopal Church with Republicans and others would murder Tennessee Williams to steal his estate from Harvard for the Episcopal Church – she introducing me to Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Jean mysteriously “jumped to her death” this past spring.

It is fairly well known that the partner of both Clintons in narco-trafficking was Carlos Salim “Slim” Helu, who was the richest man in the world – until Hillary left the State Department. And strangely enough, I even knew Reagan’s Sect. of State, Alexander Haig, and the President of ARCO in 1981.

You should also know that my mother has claimed for ten years now that the choice of Catholic Popes for President is Mike Pence, and the plan is to get the Trump buffoon out of office so Catholic Swastikas can dominate over the Kenan Protestant Klan Robes of Donald Trump!!! As I understand it, Steve Bannon took over as the top Catholic NAZI from Mom, fairly recently.

Well, I wish you (and A.G. Jeff Sessions), the BEST OF LUCK!!!

Scott D. Kenan

Wilmington, NC 28401

Salt Lake City prosecutors justified the use of gang-related charges, saying protesters worked together to cause damages. Critics say the potential life sentence doesn't fit the alleged crime.

Scott Kenan
As of Thursday, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the 36-year-old Zuckerberg was the third-richest person in the world, right behind Bill Gates, worth $120 billion, and Jeff Bezos, worth $190 billion

His net worth — the majority of which is derived from a 13% stake in Facebook — is 1,590,552 times the median U.S. household income, Bloomberg reported.


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