Monday, August 10, 2020

RP: A Word to the "Nasty-Assed" Brand of Christians -- Before Sending MORE Info to MSNBC!!! / Other Things:


Scott Kenan
REALLY: "Hookers for Jesus". That pretty well describes ALL CHRISTIANS!!!

Hookers for Jesus
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said Sunday that “the Lord” created executive orders to trump partisan bickering

That probably wouldn’t hold up against a court challenge to controversial executive actions President Donald Trump signed Saturday. House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the orders “absurdly unconstitutional.”
(W) He is scared. Why this is not a bigger story in the media?

GOOD NEWS!!! After all of this -- and breaking his back several places after falling off a new exercise bicycle, Simon Cowell is BACK WITH HIS "PARTNER", Lauren Silverman!!!

Here is MY IDEA of perfection (in a White Boy):

"I'm Henry the Eighth, I am"

Scott Kenan
In New Hanover County, North Carolina Sheriff Ed McMahon (who admitted to me he PROTECTS Hard-Drug Trafficking of many Christian Churches here), partnered with the CATHOLIC CHURCH and their "Knights of Columbus" in leading a "Blue Lives Matter" march ten days ago. 

The Catholics and their other Christian Marchers yelled "Nigger!!!" at Blacks and claimed they plan to KILL THEM FOR JESUS!!! 

I wrote NC Catholic Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama and even Pope Francis -- neither of whom have replied -- so the CATHOLIC CHURCH OFFICIALLY SUPPORTS MURDERING BLACKS FOR JESUS

See linked details in comments below:

>>> LOTS MORE TO SOON SEND TO MSNBC -- and since I got, signed, and returned to them RELEASE for them to use this blog's material SYSTEM-WIDE on NBC Universal. I will ALSO send all of it to OTHER NATIONAL TV JOURNALISTS.

1. I WONDER if anyone at MSNBC will tell me WHY they did not report AT ALL on the mysterious "suicide" of Jean Babette Stein recently -- when in EUROPE it was so big that TV STATIONS broke in about it as BREAKING NEWS???

Jean Stein's father Jules Stein had ASSEMBLED and owned MCA which included NBC, Universal Music and Film Studios, and had the LARGEST catalog of music in the WORLD. It was at Jean Stein's party that I met Jackie Kennedy Onassis!!!

Jean Stein when I knew her.

Today has had some WEIRD STUFF happen -- ONE of them is TOO WEIRD: 

1. Weird: Wells Fargo Bank alerted me that New Hanover Regional Medical Center (whose associate doctor/tech I might have to SUE, due to a BOTCHED I.V. stick that seems to have messed up my vein causing me EDEMA for a MONTH now -- and no tests are showing the problem), finally ran my Debit Card info first thing this morning, and my bank notified me it was DECLINED because of a bad expiration date. I called them, and gave them all of the info again -- which she said they do NOT retain in their system.

An hour later, I got ANOTHER notice from my bank that they declined it AGAIN for the SAME REASON. I called the Outpatient Pharmacy back, and she said she had not even run it, and would soon when she took LUNCH BREAK. So I asked her HOW it could have been run again, and she accused my BANK of lying to me!!! I asked her if I needed to get a LAWYER to deal with them, since SOMEONE or an auto-process had done it, and she claimed they HAVE no auto processes and the error was MINE!!!

I told her I expect an APOLOGY from them for this nonsense and putting THEIR ERROR (provable through my bank), onto ME -- and she said she'd alert "Management". I said that was a GOOD IDEA, and I still expect an apology -- she was NASTY throughout with me. 

And then soon enough she DID run it and it went through.

Click on image to read.

The Author I followed on Amazon is Randall Kenan


Novelists Josephine Humphreys and Allan Gurganus

Scott Kenan Allan Gurganus, my FOURTH Kenan Cousin!!! My Great Grandmother was the Oldest Living Confederate Widow in North Carolina!!!


  • Allan Gurganus Jo, I remember it well. Love, Allan

I don't know if Allan was simply responding to Josephine Humphreys and ACCIDENTALLY put it as a reply to ME -- or if it was DELIBERATE to also tell me HELLO!!!

3. As introduction to this, I should tell you that critic John Lahr, whom I COOPERATED WITH while writing my memoir -- and before he wrote his Bio of Tennessee Williams -- must have known Maria VERY WELL -- he told me that in my Epilogue I had captured Maria St. Just's "stentorian ways" PERFECTLY!!!

Here is the blurb from Lahr that I published:

John LahrThe New Yorker, and author of  Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh:

"I wasn't intending to read every word of your memoir; but it says something about how well you wrote it, that I did . . . you've found a very crisp and compelling style. And you come through vividly in it."

Andy Warhol with Milan Mahaaney -- back in the day

John Lahr

How many people here actually met Andy or were part of the factory scene?

  • Kevin Ennis I met him twice. I worked on Park Ave and 59th street. Andy used to walk around there handing out copies of Interview magazine. The first time he handed me a magazine he said he liked my hair. I approached him the second time, he handed me a magazine but said nothing

  • Scott Kenan Andy gave Maria St. Just/Britneva (Tennessee Williams's "friend" and her son-in-law was architect of the New Factory). Maria's daughter Pulcharia, Jane Brotherton Smith and I a tour of BOTH Factories in March 1983, after the Memorial and lunch at Sardi's for Tennessee. I documented it in the Epilogue to my Memoir:

    Image may contain: 1 person, text


    • Milan Mahaaney Scott Kenan Maria was the executor of Tom’s estate. Her daughters are Natasha and Kat. I’ve never heard of the name/daughter you mention.

    • Scott Kenan Milan Mahaaney: Had you simply googled, you would know that I misspelled the name by one vowel. John Lahr and I worked in secret, and between my memoir and his bio of Tennessee Williams, our books PROVE the timeline implicating the Episcopal Church, Republican Party, FBI, and even my Kenan relatives who control the Bank of America, Exxon-Mobil and put Trump into power murdered Tenn and stole his estate from Harvard for the Episcopal Church as Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned us would happen on Jan. 11, 1982. Maria's bank later became the CORE of Deutsche Bank, International banking, prime lender to and conduit of cash from Putin to Trump. Anyway, here's a quote: "In 1956 Maria married Peter Grenfell, Lord St. Just, heir to the J.P. Morgan banking fortune and a friend since childhood. The two babies who arrived in quick succession (Pulcheria, now 33, and Natasha, 31) left her little time for acting. But she always made time for Tennessee, who became a frequent guest at Wilbury Park, the 1,000-acre Wiltshire estate . . . "

      The Original Maggie the Cat, Maria St. Just, Remembers Her Loving Friend Tennessee Williams
      The Original Maggie the Cat, Maria St. Just, Remembers Her Loving…
      The Original Maggie the Cat, Maria St. Just, Remembers Her Loving Friend Tennessee Williams

    • Milan Mahaaney Never heard her called Pulcheria by Maria, Natasha or Kat. I’ve known them all since childhood.

    • Scott Kenan Milan Mahaaney WHO the hell is "Kat"??? WAIT -- and thanks for being insistent!!! The young woman who accompanied Maria and the rest of us was called Pulcheria by Maria, and in the NYTimes obit: "In addition to her daughter Natasha, of London, she is survived by another daughter, Pulcheria, of Orleans, France, and two granddaughters. -- BUT in John Lahr's LONG New Yorker article, he names the daughters as "Natasha and Katherine" with no mention of a Pulcharia -- and the other articles I've found claim Natasha and Pulcharia. This really IS MYSTERIOUS!!! You've known them life-long -- can you tell me what they are up to NOW???

    • Scott Kenan Milan Mahaaney Is this your correct email address??? I've found a LOT of interesting things about your history -- YOU should write a book like I did and my blog has gotten 1.8 million hits so far:

If I get a further response, I will let my Readers know.

4. And Gold Walker's Property Manager Tom Purdy stopped by early this morning, and asked me to tell Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr., that he has to CALL Sanitation to get them to pick up the sofa and chair he's left at the curb for a MONTH now. So after Rob awoke from his "Nightly Delivery of Adderall" rounds, I told him and was AMAZED how much he's CLEANED UP HIS APARTMENT!!!

And we did a little "leafy-green" business, too!!!


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