Thursday, December 23, 2021

RP: Pope Francis TEARS INTO Traditional-Minded Roman Catholic Clergy -- TODAY!!! / Tennessee Williams's FAVORITE Living Writer during His Last Days -- Joan Didion -- Joins Him in WRITERS HEAVEN / In Wilmington, NC NAKEDNESS Joins Drug-Mafia Shooting Deaths as Our LATEST EPIDEMIC:


Pope Francis gestures during an audience with the Vatican employees for the Christmas greetings in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican on Dec. 23. FILIPPO MONTEFORTE VIA GETTY IMAGES

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis urged Vatican cardinals, bishops and bureaucrats Thursday to embrace humility this Christmas season, saying their pride, self-interest and the “glitter of our armor” was perverting their spiritual lives and corrupting the church’s mission.

As they have in the past, cardinals and bishops sat stone-faced as they listened to Francis lecture them in the Hall of Blessings, which was otherwise decked out in jolly twinkling Christmas trees and poinsettias.

“The humble are those who are concerned not simply with the past but also with the future, since they know how to look ahead, to spread their branches, remembering the past with gratitude,” Francis told them. “The proud, on the other hand, simply repeat, grow rigid and enclose themselves in that repetition, feeling certain about what they know and fearful of anything new because they cannot control it.”

The proud who are so inward-looking are consumed with their own interests, the pontiff said.

“As a consequence, they neither learn from their sins nor are they genuinely open to forgiveness. This is a tremendous corruption disguised as a good. We need to avoid it,” he added.

THIS is the "Namaan" that Pope Francis refers to in his whole speech -- a link to that, will follow, soon:

"Now bands of raiders from Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman’s wife."


2 Kings 5:1-27

Naaman, the army general of the king of Aram, is advised by a young Jewish girl to go to the prophet Elisha for healing of his leprosy.


Utah billionaire writes brutally honest letter to President of Mormon Church about why he's leaving

Marissa Higgins
Daily Kos Staff
Wednesday December 22, 2021 · 12:30 PM EST

As reported by the Associated Press, the Utah billionaire is now rebuking the church over LGBTQ+ issues, writing in a letter to the president of the church: "While most members are good people trying to do right, I believe the church is actively and currently doing harm in the world.” To counteract that harm, Green announced he is donating $600,000 to an LGBTQ+ organization in the state, Equality Utah. And in terms of money, that’s not all.

"I believe the Mormon church has hindered global progress in women’s rights, civil rights and racial equality, and LGBTQ+ rights," Green wrote to church president Russell Nelson. Green also criticized the way the church handles money given from constituents, noting that it’s often “poor” people who donate and believe the church is doing the will of Jesus. He added that church leadership is “not honest” about its history, financial dealings, or advocacy efforts. 

Eleven family members plus a family friend resigned from the church alongside Green. Green previously promised to donate 90% of his wealth—which is estimated to be about $5 billion—at or before his death, starting with the funds going to the Equality Utah group.

>>> MY OWN trouble with MORMONS -- mostly the DRUG-TRAFFICKING MOR(M)ONS of Wilmington, NC -- but ALSO with MITT ROMNEY'S second cousin!!!

Surprises within latest data on decline of US Religion (only the Roman Catholic Church is NOT SHRINKING)

David Gamble

Dec 20 · 6 min read

When you stay in alignment and in flow with the universe, life will always lead you where you need to go. (Photo: Jan Alexander)

The Shift of Earth to the 5th Dimension
Is It the Same as Communism?
The Archangels Weigh In

Jodie Helm

Oct 20·5 min read

While I worked for him (1981 and 1982)Tennessee Williams always claimed that Joan Didion was our BEST LIVING WRITER -- and on one trip to Chicago, he gave me his copy of The White Album for me to read.

And while I'm at it, although Tennessee was nominally an Episcopalian, the ONLY CLERGY he BEGGED ME (three times), to have come speak with him were JESUIT PRIESTS -- like Pope Francis.

THANKFULLYMarge Simpson has SCOPED-OUT Protestant and Catholic HEAVENS -- and deemed that the Protestant one is BORING!!!


THIS is the most pressing -- to send the Rabbi at Wilmington's Temple of Israel a LONG LETTER detailing how my Kenan Family has TOTALLY ADDICTED TOO MANY to DRUGS -- and for JESUS CHRIST!!!

150 years ago, Jewish community built downtown temple. Can it be restored to its former glory?

By Amy Passaretti - December 22, 2021

The NEXT-MOST important thing is to write Bette Midler.

And THIRD, to write my niece Taylor Ann Kenan -- as mentioned here:



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