Saturday, March 26, 2022

RP: A Letter to "The Bipolar Bunch" -- TOP THERAPISTS and Writers Who HELP People with Bipolar Illness -- while I (a sufferer of Complex PTSD), Was FORCED by My Mother to Take Lithium Carbonate for THIRTY-ONE YEARS, to HIDE that Mom Was America's TOP NAZI!!!


Sean Blackwell on right, with his wife, Psychologist Ligia Splendore, and then me, in the rooftop cafĂ© of Sao Paulo's NEWEST hotel, then (fall 2009 -- spring in Brazil).


What the HELL is happening with Clarence and Ginni THOMAS???

This already went VIRAL and I haven't yet sent it to EVERYONE top-to-bottom -- and I'm giving Stanley Winborne III a BREAK. I'll have Stan IV in DRUG PRISON with the Clintons and Bushes, soon enough.

Scott, who CANNOT BE DEFEATED -- except by GOD, who doesn't appear to WANT TO!!!

March 26, 2022

Dear Sean Blackwell, Chris Cole, and Melody Moezzi,

I first met Sean Blackwell online -- and then visited him and Ligia Splendore for a week in Brazil in September of 2009, right after attending a NAZI FESTIVAL of my Meyer-side relatives at my cousins Marybeth (Meyer) Lernihan and her husband, Greg Lernihan's Indiana Lake House Retreat. Greg -- beginning in his basement -- had built the WORLD'S LARGEST Internet Security Company from nothing,  -- dealing largely with US Government TOP SECRET business, and today is building a FAMILY DYNASTY based on hoodwinking RIGHT-WING Roman Catholics into PRAYING the world's problems away -- and sending him MONEY!!!:

My half-Jewish cousins, Andrea Opperman and her brother Ian Opperman, BOYCOTTED IT -- claiming the Meyer Family is ALL NAZIS!!!:

I met Melody Moezzi in 2007, in a Bipolar Support Group at Wesley Woods, part of Emory University -- right after Melody published her first book:

It was a WILD TIME, because Melody was the darling of the Networks, and frequently on TV, PLUS she had a book tour to do, so missed MANY meetings, but we both friended Marty Mehta, there about her son, who took me in and I got to see her husband's STELLAR African Art collection in their home on Piedmont Ave. 

When I tried to help her SON, he was living in an apartment she paid for with TOP HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKERS!!! And Marty's BEST FRIEND Philip Rafshoon, then owner of OutWrite Books at 10th and Piedmont, actually worked with Don Weise of Alyson Books to SCREW ME!!! My memoir of working for Tennessee Williams's publication was CANCELLED for Political Reasons that I was then unaware of.

In any case, I was THRILLED when Melody came to Wilmington, NC for a semester teaching Writing at UNC Wilmington -- and she's SO LOVED, they've kept her teaching there through 2023, I now see!!! But Melody REFUSED to answer any of my emails and I believe I've left her a voicemail or two as well.

I've ADDED her here, because when I went to Amazon to see about CHRIS'S book:

I discovered that the TOP BOOK bought with it is THIS ONE of MELODY'S!!!

I had also better say that I see my old friend Philip Gerard is still at UNCW. I met him a few years ago at the release party for the 25th Anniversary Edition of his book Cape Fear Rising. That book is LARGELY about the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat LED BY WILLIAM RAND KENAN, SR.!!!

Mr. Gerard told me he's CERTAIN I have far more and better stories when he also heard my connections to Tennessee Williams, and how TWO KENANS had a hand in his MURDER!!! I FEEL like I know Clyde Edgerton, and was DESPERATE to write Jason Mott -- when his book was released a month or so ago -- but had no time to do so!!!

So given ALL OF THAT, I might just send this to the CREATIVE WRITING DEPARTMENT and all of these people (all are on my email lists of those who get every blog-posting -- except I'll ADD Mr. Mott), and I will be going to the SUPREME COURT, which my blog has been hitting lately like CRAZY -- as well as to three Democratic Presidents, VEEP Harris, LOTS of Progressives in Congress, etc.

Yes, I'm STILL ON MY MISSION, which is to force the US Government to GET OUT of Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy -- after all, there's NO CHANCE that Jesus came back from the dead and rose like a MEAT ROCKET to a physical heaven!!! ANYONE who believes that CLAPTRAP can believe that Donald Trump is Jesus-Come-Back!!! 

Or that Barack Obama and Reggie Love were NOT lovers while Obama was in the White House -- I know so many who have seen Obama and Rahm Emanuel in Chicago's Man's Country Gay Bathhouse, it isn't FUNNY!!!

I think that everyone now knows that in the Bible Dictionary published by the Unity Church, Kenan means "The Sadness" (depression), or "Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness". But Kenan money also funds some of the 
LARGEST and BEST CHARITIES -- here are three of them:

This is the ONLY Kenan Charity I have visited and given money to!!! Stacey Abrams sat on its BOARD for YEARS -- before she decided to turn Georgia BLUE -- and has been on my email List for YEARSnever blocking me!!!

PLUS, while I was held hostage by a young, female, Canadian Drug Trafficker in Puerto Vallarta in 2010, she LOVED BROWSING my Kenan Genealogies, and discovered that it was TWO BLOOD KENANS with different surnames, one who HEADED the American Psychiatric Association, the other headed the team that collated the studies to make the decision, and they REMOVED HOMOSEXUALITY from the DSM in 1973 -- because Homosexuality is NOT A MENTAL ILLNESS!!!

So if YOU know anyone who after 1973 claimed there is anything wrong with being GAY -- then you know a FEARFUL, HATEFUL, likely CHRISTIAN CLOSET-CASE HOMO!!!

And ANYONE who has studied Muhammed and Islam knows that Muhammed had NO PROBLEM with Homosexuals at ALL -- but it was the OCCUPYING CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS who spread that illness to part of Islam!!!

We have TONS of Arab/Muslims in Wilmington, and "Yah-Yah" at the Village Market (4th and Dock), and his brother Tony at Howard's Seafood Market (5th and Castle), are HUGE BY ADMISSION TO ME in Drug Trafficking, but Muslims are allowed to poison non-Muslims, and TWO of their relatives who are married men propositioned ME FOR SEX in 2012!!!

ALSO, in 2011 in Howard's Seafood, I met a female, black, Professor from Pennsylvania, who had TAUGHT Tyler Perry DRAMA -- and actually PRODUCED Tyler's first PLAY!!! She told me NO ONE is MORE GAY than Tyler Perry!!!

And for at least ten years, Jew-Gone-Bad Allen Rosen (married to a Christian Republican -- Linda Beasley -- whose family included the TOP RACIST JUDGE in ALABAMA, and told Allen when the RAPTURE COMES, he'll be LEFT BEHIND while she zooms straight to HEAVEN), lived in my house when he filmed in Atlanta and not only spied on ME for the CIA -- he was spying for them on TYLER PERRY!!!

BEFORE I FORGET!!! While I worked for Patrick Lee Stansbury and Michael Massicott of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA 1990 - 2010, besides selling all the ad space in all of the Yearbooks and many Alumni Magazines of ALL of the US Service Academies, War Colleges, and Maritime Academies. We ALSO sold ad space in University Publications -- even today they rep Carolina Scientific for UNC Chapel Hill. 

We repped UGAzine, at Chris Cole's Alma Mater!!!

FUNNIEST, is that Geraldine "Gerry" Flynn-Miller, who TOLD ME that Patrick Stansbury was working with MY PARENTS to MURDER ME, also sold for YEARS, full-page ads to Sonny Seiler, the Lawyer living in Savannah who OWNED UGA, the official school mascot -- a BULL DOG.

Ms. Flynn-Miller sold everything using a kewpie-doll SEX VOICE and promised Sonny Seiler SEX!!! He called her saying he was coming to the Atlanta area and wanted to meet her at his HOTEL, she called me in a PANIC, and I told her to agree -- then invent an EMERGENCY!!!

But Sonny Seiler played the REAL JUDGE in the trial in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (my all-time fave book), and an actor played Sonny Seiler, who DEFENDED Kevin Spacey as Jim Williams.

And the NIGHT of the day on which Lady Diana was murdered by the Royal Family, my FAKE BOYFRIEND Marc LaFont of Santa Ana, CA and I took in the Lady Chablis' SHOW, and then met with her in her DRESSING ROOM!!!

Well, I keep going DEEPER on these things than I had planned to. I also must say that Sean Blackwell and Chris Cole were BOTH SO COMFORTABLE in their OWN SKINS in the two videos that Sean sent me today!!!

OBVIOUSLY, you are both doing GREAT, and please let Ligia know I send her my LOVE as well. I have not noticed Melody in the news, etc., lately, so hope she and her husband are as well!!!

AND I am aware of why Sean Blackwell won't use his legal last name, McAllister, to keep from embarrassing his FAMILY!!! Ligia always referred to Sean when I visited them as "my Gay Husband", and TODAY -- WATCHING -- I learned that he grew up ROMAN CATHOLIC like I did. MY Catholic mother would STILL be trying to KILL ME -- if I hadn't enlisted NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein (whom I met in 2015 at a Democratic Party meeting), as well as TOP PEOPLE in the Biden Cabinet and Security Departments!!!

I thought Sean had grown up in the Church of Canada (roughly equivalent to Episcopal in the USA).


OK, I need to get this OUT to those high in the Government, but will send first to all, including mentioned UNCW writing professors, and include my cell phone number, so anyone can CALL ME to ask me about ANY OF THIS or for MORE EVIDENCE, which I have tons and TONS of.

Carry on the GOOD FIGHT (or relaxation)!!!


Scott Kenan is your OWN, PERSONAL "Ida Tarbell".

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