Tuesday, March 15, 2022

RP: More Notes on Tennessee Williams's "The Donsinger Women and Their Handyman Jack" -- for the Staff of the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival (that begins one week from today)!!! / HELL and DAMNATION for my KENAN FAMILY!!!

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2022/03/more-notes-on-tennessee-williamss.html

FIRST, I just discovered that my MAIN ALLY in proving that John Uecker -- on orders of CIA Agent John Eastman, then Tennessee's Lawyer, and Michael Remer (Chief Counsel then for Sewanee/The University of the South), smothered Tennessee Williams with a pillow (John Uecker is now hiding from the Law in a foreign country).

John Lahr wisely left one of his two FACEBOOK PAGES before I was KICKED OFF about six months ago -- for CRITICIZING Christian Republicans, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin. I thought Lahr had gone into retirement (his wife, Connie Booth had a stroke and needs more attention), but TONIGHT, I found he's releasing a NEW BOOK in November of this year:

And INCLUDED IN Lahr's LONG LIST of incredible books -- and the fact that his mother was MISS CINCINNATI 1929 (where I was born in 1951) -- are his writings about the Tennessee Williams of American Singers: Frank Sinatra (whose HEIRS I know and have worked with!!!):

Read more about John Lahr: https://johnlahr.com/

>>> BEFORE GIVING MY NEW NOTES, what else has been happening here in Wilmington, North Carolina - the Port City of Good and Evil -- DOMINATED by my Ku Klux Klan, devout Episcopalian Kenan Family that signed the HALF TRILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT with Vladimir Putin to develop Russia's vast Oil and Gas Reserves.

THIS IS WHY Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, Nancy Pelosi, Tucker Carlson, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, etc., are STILL SUPPORTING PUTIN to take over Ukraine -- but only to BEGIN WITH!!! EVERY NEWS SOURCE from MSNBC, CNN, HuffPost, The Daily Kos, etc., has REPEATEDLY REPORTED that Exxon-Mobil's top Lobbyist is STILL PAYING THEIR BILLS!!!

My mother and I -- yesterday afternoon -- AGREED that Joe Biden is second only to Donald Trump in SWASTIKA-LOVING -- and AGREE with President Zelenskyy that Putin will stop at NOTHING in his destruction of Ukraine, and if the USA goes ahead with enforcing a NO-FLY ZONE, now, potentially MILLIONS OF LIVES can be saved -- since we will EVENTUALLY have to do that ANYWAY!!!

ALL of the Progressive Democrats -- and even the STUPID-ASSED REPUBLICANS realize this!!!

Mom LOVED that I've been able to view Jeanne Wolf's movie of Tennessee's READING -- and how it shows my TENSION over its content. I didn't tell my TOTAL PRUDE MOTHER that it was REALLY all about SEX!!! And what claims Tenn made about my HUGE ENDOWMENT -- that he NEVER EVEN SAW -- although I saw HIS several times -- all shrunk up from swimming laps in his cold pool!!!

And although nearly everyone I run into here KNOWS my Kenan Family with the Christian Politicians of BOTH PARTIES and the BIGGEST AND SMALLEST Christian Churches (with a few exceptions), run ALL THE ADDICTIVE DRUGS for JESUS CHRIST, their SAVIOR.

I have been sleeping super-irregularly, but also EXCESSIVELY, the last two or three weeks -- because I've made so much PROGRESS in getting the TRUTH OUT to top Politicians, Law Enforcement, the Press, and others. And I've needed a lot of DOWN TIME to process it all PSYCHOLOGICALLY. I should have been a LAWYER -- since the best FACT-AND-LOGIC-BASED ARGUMENT PRESENTED UNDERSTABLY TO THE COURT -- ALWAYS WINS!!!

Tonight, I awoke from a four-hour nap at Midnight, and drove to the store to get a Coca-Cola -- as I wasn't ready for COFFEE this late, nor wanted to drink one of the beers in the fridge -- YET, anyway.

THERE, like happens to me several times per week, a couple of guys ahead of me in line heard me speaking with someone, and then waited for me outside. Both were in their mid-fifties, strongly-built, masculine and with HAIRY CHESTS. I was so eager to get home and WRITE that I only CASUALLY propositioned them for sex.

But the taller and bigger guy said I have "The Voice of God" and speak with ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY. He knew I was someone IMPORTANT, so wanted to speak with me -- and of course he knew all about the CHRISTIAN CORRUPTION of the Lower Cape Fear by my Kenan Family -- with the Camerons, the Trasks, etc.

The Christian HATE BELT of the United States is WHERE I LIVE!!! And here are my relatives in Jesus -- although they are RICH and wear FANCY FEATHERS!!!

And although HUGE DRUG-TRAFFICKING PETE BUTTIGIEG -- with his Episcopal Church that murdered Tennessee Williams -- claims he's from ELSEWHERE, it is CLEAR he's from ALABAMA!!!

So is MUCH OF MY FAMILY!!! The Kenans CONTROLLED Selma, Alabama when Martin Luther King, Jr., crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Here is Dan Kenan's House there:



I think everyone knows that Tennessee and I never had physical sex of any kind. And in the story of the Handyman Jack, it is said that I have a HUGE ENDOWMENT -- I'm only a bit over a nice size for a WHITE BOY, but my FATHER, who shared it with BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Dad's ENTIRE LIFE, was nicknamed "MIDDLE-LEG" (because Dad put MANY Black guys to SHAME), at New Hanover High School by his classmates (and his good friend was David Brinkley, who starred on NBC NEWS)

And then, when I joined First Presbyterian here the second half of 2011, and learned they call the rooster weathervane (a WAKE-UP CALL symbol of the Protestant Reformation), atop Kenan Steeple (TALLEST IN TOWN!!!), that is OVER Kenan Chapel, "The SIX-FOOT KENAN COCK" -- I cannot compete with THATEITHER!!!

The Kenan Cock

Kenan Steeple and Cock TOTALLY DOMINATE Wilmington's skyline!!!

Can my Tennessee Williams Friends even IMAGINE living in a place like Wilmington, North Carolina??? 

OF COURSE all of you can -- it is like LIVING in a TENNESSEE WILLIAMS PLAY -- ON STEROIDS (or at least METH)!!!

ALSO, many scholars told me they especially appreciated my adding so much info about Texas Kate and Tennessee Williams's maid, Leoncia McGee. Leoncie or Lee -- as we called her -- was left to Tennessee by Ernest Hemingway (who twice told Tennessee he was actually GAY -- which has not been a secret now for YEARS), because she was THE HEIGHT OF DISCRETION about the men he dragged home for sex.

And before THAT, she worked for the President of Johnson & Johnson.

She and Tennessee were IN LOVE in many ways, and ADORED EACH OTHER!!! Tenn bought her her house and paid the taxes on it, and had offered to fund her retirement -- but Leoncie REFUSED THAT. And when he wrote his Will, he FORGOT TO INCLUDE HER, so when Jackie Onassis and Jean Babette Stein FIRST INSISTED at Jean and George Plimpton's party on January 11, 1982, that he write a CODICIL to his will, leaving MOST TO HARVARD because they had found out that Sewanee/Episcopal Church with the Republican Party and elements of the FBI and CIA planned to KILL TENNESSEE before he did, they were soon joined by ALL OF TENN'S FRIENDS in the New York crowd.

Tom delayed and delayed, and then when he finally did, he left Lee a nice stipend -- but had her CO-SIGN the Codicil, which of course in Florida -- and probably everywhere -- NO WITNESS to a Will or Codicil can benefit from it, so Lee was OUT!!!

Maria St. Just  -- nee Britneva -- whose Morgan-Grenfell Bank became the CENTER of Deutsche Bank -- the ONLY BANK to fund the Trump and Kushner Families after they actually DEFAULTED on loans -- since Vladimir Putin was PAYING FOR IT ALL.

Anyway, Maria stepped up and offered Leoncia a VERY NICE INCOME for the rest of her life -- if she agreed that Tennessee was INCOMPETENT when he signed the Codicil. Lee had no real choice, she was too old and decrepit then to work as a REAL MAID, so she did -- and THAT was part of how the Episcopal Church with a RUSSIAN NATIONAL, the CIA, etc., stole Tennessee's estate from Harvard University -- and Harvard's Admin of their Legal Department -- from that time -- Nancy Armstrong, told me I was CORRECT, that Sewanee's Lawyers came in so fast and furious that Harvard's Lawyers were completely BAMBOOZLED.

So I contacted first President Drew Gilpin Faust, who was not interested in overturning that. Later, I tried JEWISH President Lawrence Bacow -- but BOTH KNEW that Thomas S. Kenan III and the MAIN KENAN CHARITY would stop sending them MILLIONS EVERY YEAR, if they pissed off my Kenan Family!!!

So, since publishing this photo with Leoncia and me so PROMINENT and Lee so HAPPY, while I was "scared shitless" what Tennessee would reveal about ME, I have spent at least TWO HOURS communing in Love with LEONCIA!!!



. . . and ALSO POPE FRANCIS -- and AT LEAST ONE Methodist Minister -- but NOT HILLARY CLINTON'S because HER and BILL'S METHODIST MENTOR, Bill Shillady, was TOTALLY BUSTED for PLAGERISM -- LOL!!!

Hillary with Bill Shillady


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