Sunday, September 25, 2022

RP: Letter to Historian Drew Gilpin Faust (also the most previous President of Harvard University) -- the NEXT in a Series of Communications Going Back to 2013 / I just MISSED District Attorney Benjamin R. David (who with Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel, Fox News, and Wells Fargo Advisors STOLE My Memoir of Working for Tennessee Williams), in My Local Harris Teeter This Evening!!!


Drew Gilpin Faust in 2013 looks MORE FASHIONABLE than in her later photos.

>>> EVERYONE plus Joe and Kamala -- dig THIS :

SCOTUS Justices: Have some BELLY LAUGHS on ME!!!:

GOOD NEWS for Rahm Emanuel  -- Barack Obama is in the HOT SEAT , tonight:

Hi Barack and Michelle!!!

YOU FIRST , tonight -- since I had to enlist the HELP of the current and past Presidents of Barack's Alma Mater -- Harvard . And WAIT  until you see what I have PROPOSED!!!

I ALMOST surprised even MYSELF :


Some of our previous communications:

Adele "Fleet Bank" Bacow and her husband, Lawrence Bacow, the CURRENT President of Harvard -- I wrote him TOO!!!:

How Tennessee Williams taught me to treat ALL WOMEN -- and ALL MEN, as well!!!

I went to Harris Teeter to pick up a few things, and ended up spending HALF AN HOUR speaking with a local woman who was giving out wine samples -- and a new transplant from Kentucky -- about the CRIMES of my Kenan Family, and of course D.A. Ben David, who helped TOP NATIONAL DEMOCRATS steal copyright to my memoir. In that half an hour, I REALLY TOLD A LOT of my story, and they KNEW the TRUTH of most of it!!!

ESPECIALLY of the CRIMINAL NATURE of today's Christian Churches!!!

D.A. Ben David mincing a point in New Hanover County District Court.

TODAY, the wine marketing woman said I'd JUST MISSED BEN DAVID by TEN MINUTES!!! He must have left the store right before I entered it -- so we talked A LOT about Ben the HOMO -- and his identical twin brother, Jon David, the REPUBLICAN D.A. of Brunswick County -- who is being SUED for STEALING THE WIFE of an angry man -- I thought that was just how CHRISTIAN STRAIGHT PEOPLE found HOT MATES!!! 

In North Carolina -- it's a CRIME:

Stephanie David from her Wikipedia Profile some years ago -- when she was Mitt Romney's and Lamar Alexander's TOP STRATEGIST and FUND-RAISER!!!

The LAST TIME I saw Ben and Stephanie David was in Moe's Southwest Grill -- about five years ago -- and they ATE HURREDLY and then FLED -- LOL!!!

I have also met their three children, and knew BEN'S MALE LONG-TERM LOVER, LEE back in 2011!!!

Lee looked just like this -- but he was MORE MUSCULAR!!!

Drew Gilpin Faust,,


September 25, 2022

Dear Ms. Faust,

It has been some time since I last contacted you. When I FIRST contacted you, it was because I had spoken at length with the Admin in Harvard's Legal Department, Nancy Armstrong, who told me SHE was the ONLY person -- including all of Harvard's Lawyers -- who still remained after Harvard's Lawyers were "BAMBOOZLED" (Nancy Armstrong's word), by the THIEVING CIA with Sewanee/University of the South (whom I can PROVE IN COURT murdered Tennessee Williams and STOLE HIS ESTATE from Harvard) -- in the person of Michael Remer -- also with help of Tennessee's last lawyer John Eastman of Eastman & Eastman in NYC (STILL ALIVE!!!), and Maria St. Just (nee Britneva) -- Tenn's "friend" and a Russian National whose Morgan-Grenfell Bank became the CORE of International Banking of Deutsche Bank -- the bank that FUNDS the Trump and Kushner Families -- and is the Conduit of Cash to Trump from Russian Oligarchs.

At that time, I only spoke with you via YOUR Admin, who told me, eventually, that you did NOT want to pursue undoing that to get half or more of the TWO-THIRDS BILLION DOLLARS that it has grown to be worth, today. 

After all, Thomas S. Kenan III (whose ex-boyfriend, Curtis "Robbie" Anderson, I dated in 1983 1985 -- and I've communicated frequently with Tom Kenan)DIRECTED most Kenan Family Charities, they giving Harvard MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS each year. 

You did NOT  want to ROCK THE KENAN MONEY BOAT !!!

Later -- perhaps under President Bacow -- who I see is RESIGNING next year -- lots of National Press reported that the CHARITIES of Standard Oil Heirs were DEMANDING that HARVARD STOP pushing Man-Made Climate Change "Theory" -- or LOSE THE MONEY !!!

The Rockefellers and their Charities had all GOTTEN OUT of Carbon Energy Investments about 2004, so that leaves ONLY MY KENAN FAMILY.

And frankly, I had forgotten all about you, except that Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr. -- a CIA Agent who spent well over $65,000.00 2012 - 2016, supplementing my income, mostly while I was in Political Exile by help of Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer, Army Col. Dorothy Newman -- my best friend in Atlanta when I had to FLEE to Puerto Vallarta after my own family with my Drug Trafficking employer, the Republican Party of Georgia, and the CIA could NOT COMMIT ME in Georgia in FIVE TRIES in ONE MONTH.

Well, Joseph has ADMITTED to working in partnership with my sister Jane Ann Kenan and my brother Michael William Kenan -- and when he fell in LOVE with a homeless guy that I had taken in as a ROOMMATE -- and then discovered he was a HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKER and MOLESTER of 13-year-old-girls -- Joe Faulk sent the guy, Haston "Shake" Lavern Caulder II, MANY THOUSANDS of DOLLARS, while Haston was making something like $18.00/hour under-the-table as a construction worker, plus what he earned Drug Trafficking -- and was ALWAYS FLUSH WITH CASH !!!

Haston's untimely death -- he ran in front of a speeding cop car in Carowinds, SC

I contacted Adult Protective Services of New York City to check on him and told them how a WELL-TO-DO Criminal was getting THOUSANDS from Joseph, but when they visited his apartment -- Joseph never opened the DOOR -- and I suppose they HAD TO LEAVE HIM ALONE -- because he is SO HIGH in the CIA:

Well, so much has been REVEALED about the NAZI CHRISTIANS with some BAD JEWS like Rahm Emanuel in the TOP of the US Government -- and after putting TRUMP into power, my Kenan Family with the Bushes, Clintons, Cheneys, etc., put Joe Biden into power to complete the job of giving the USA to my Kenan Family's TOP BUSINESS PARTNER, Vladimir Putin. 

TODAY, Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Cuellar, Pete Buttigieg, Jim Clyburn, and the OTHER DRUG-MAFIA Democrats get MORE MONEY from Kenan-controlled Exxon-Mobil (and other Kenan Companies), than do the TRUMP REPUBLICANS!!!

Trump was ALWAYS a mindless puppet of the NAZIS, and NOW, he's being left by them to HANG HIMSELF in US Courts.

And ME:

I propose that since HARVARD was STIFFED Tenn's Estate's Money, and they STOLE MY COPYRIGHT -- but I still published my memoir WITH IMPUNITY HERE for all to read for FREE:

That with GUIDANCE of you or another History Scholar -- or a GROUP OF THEM (preferably from Harvard), STEER ME in writing a HISTORY of my Kenan Family in the USA!!!

We could SPLIT THE PROFITS!!! And even use my Tennessee Williams Memoir to sell my WILLIAMS STORY to the MOVIE INDUSTRY -- since to get back my copyright would be a FIGHT -- but they CAN'T STEAL MY STORY!!!

I would LOVE to do Harvard a HUGE FAVOR -- dedicated to the memory of my GOOD FRIEND Jackie Kennedy Onassis. See here (the bottom 1/3), how I met Jackie on January 11, 1982:

Please think about it -- and I'd appreciate hearing something from you -- or someone in Harvard's History -- or Political Science -- or even English or Theater Department, letting me know if it's a possibility.

In the meantime, this blog posting will be sent to all of my nearly 500 regular email contacts -- as well as by Secured Server Forms to SCOTUS, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, both Obamas -- and a LOT of PROGRESSIVES in the US Congress. Check back in a couple of hours to see WHICH -- if any -- of those BLOCKED THIS MESSAGE:


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