Tuesday, February 28, 2023

RP: Letter to Mayor Eric Adams of NYC / The METH ADDICT and ADMITTED Former Miami Drug Kingpin Doing MILLIONS in Business with Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill, AWOKE ME This Morning at 8:30 AM -- LOL!!!

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2023/02/letter-to-mayor-eric-adams-of-nyc-meth.html

Mayor Eric Adams with Tracey Collins at Met Gala, 2022.

Well, HERE is the story that got my attention and I saw it was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to write Mayor Adams of NYC. Readers know I have ONLY been in Gracie Mansion ONCE in my life -- so far:


>>>  Dear Vice President Harris  -- and Others,

I believe THIS is the REAL, NEW  "Cat's Meow":

Dear President Biden,

I'm afraid I was FORCED  to give Mayor Eric Adams of NYC  a SERIOUS COMEUPPANCE , this past evening.

But FIRST , is link to the Posting of the day before , that I did NOT, then, send to the TOP of US Government :


And my latest :




Readers all know, that several months ago, my Landlady Gold Walker hired a big giant thug -- a tall, fat, white guy with unkempt, dirty-blond, stringy long hair, to repair my deck and waterproof it. He NEVER FINISHED either job, and claimed that Gold paid him $400.00/hour only in blocks of four hours -- all he could work, and beginning at 8:00 AM -- because by NOON, he was TOO STRUNG OUT ON METH -- and he proved that each of the three days he was here, then.

He FIRED his helper in a RAGE, then kept mis-cutting boards and DESTROYED the usefulness of several of the boards that if he still HAD THEM, he could have finished the job.

He never intimidated me at all -- I called him on his B.S. many times. But most amazing was that he told me that YEARS AGO, he and his family were some of the TOP METH KINGPINS in Miami, and that he bought his drugs from associates of Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill -- REALLY!!!

Also, that his MOTHER got TEN YEARS in the Federal Pen, and he and his brother got FIVE YEARS in Prison -- but they KEPT THE MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS they had made. He even had to LEAVE THE JOB at my place for a week -- to buy some hot investment property in Costa Rica, then came back and BRAGGED to me how much he is guaranteed to make off that -- before NOT finishing the JOB -- and totally disappearing.

When I discussed this with Property Manager Tom Purdy -- who lives on Allen Walker's http://www.walkerworldnc.com/ -- said by Wilmington Cops and Allen's first wife to be the BIGGEST intake port of Hard Drugs in the Lower Cape Fear:


Tom Purdy DENIED that the guy was supposed to waterproof my entire deck as the THUG had told me he was to do -- Purdy claimed NOT under the overhang of the deck upstairs -- and of course every storm blows rain in up to the wall!!!

So, TODAY, I looked out and he was directing Gold's yardman, Donnie, to fill in a hole -- and later Rob McKinney, Jr, the DRUG TRAFFICKER in the front apartment, said they only filled three small holes behind the A/C compressors, and then went on.

I had decided NOT to speak with the guy, rolled over in bed, hoping to get back to sleep -- and after a minute, I heard them no more!!!

ME, pretending to be 6' 6.5" Tommy TuneDANCING !!!

That time Warren Beatty was CERTAIN I was Tommy Tune -- at the SAME PARTY thrown by Jean Babette Stein and George Plimpton on January 11, 1982, where I felt the SHOCK go up Jackie Kennedy Onassis's spine as I escorted her into the party. Truman Capote insulted her, and it was as if JFK had just been SHOT AGAIN!!!:


The BEST info on Jean Babette Stein -- whose father then owned MCA, RCA/NBCMOST movie and record recording studios, etc. -- but the CIA was MAD because she was a JEW and KNEW TOO MUCH about their Assassination of JFK!!! 

-- and the CIA threw Jean Stein from her upper story apartment balcony about four years ago now, and NBC and MSNBC did NOT even COVER IT!!!

BUT, my personal friend John Waters recorded the BEST LITTLE VIDEO about Jean Stein!!!:

Mayor Eric Adams and Tracey Collins at 2022 Met Gala -- BACKSIDE!!!

Mayor Eric Adams

Gracie Mansion, NYC

https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/mayor-contact.page, pressoffice@cityhall.nyc.gov

Cc: LOTSA PEOPLE -- and Press and Political Organizations!!!

March 1, 2023

Dear Mayor Adams,

I have only been in your home ONE TIME -- as a guest, with Tennessee Williams (a playwright), of Mayor Koch -- please see halfway down here:


And my Kenan Family has long ruled New York City -- most notably beginning when William Rand Kenan, Jr. -- right hand to Henry Morrison Flagler who actually CONTROLLED Standard Oil and John D. Rockefeller RAN IT by his instructions, had the HIGHEST VALUE APARTMENT in NYC -- overlooking Central Park from the south -- think around the turn of the Century, 19th to 20th.

Later, Kenan funded Hitler's rise to Chancellor of Germany and then controlling Standard Oil of New Jersey's stock (ESSO then; EXXON, now), he built the Oil Refineries in Germany that produced MOST of the Motor Fuels, Lubricants, and Pervitin (Methamphetamine or Adderall), that fueled Hitler's WAR MACHINE!!!

Today, Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill -- whom I KNOW and has recently declared that Kenans hate only JEWS more than "Niggers"PUT TRUMP INTO POWER, and later BOUGHT OFF JOE BIDEN -- perhaps the BIGGEST "NIGGER" (person with NO SELF-RESPECT)IN OFFICE TODAY  -- even if he LOOKS WHITE!!!

And THANK GOD that Lori Lightfoot LOST in Chicago!!! She is RAHM EMANUEL'S PROTEGE -- and like him GAY, but Lori has at least LEFT THE CLOSET !!!

Here is part of HOW President Barack Obama and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel STOLE COPYRIGHT to my Memoir of working for Tennessee Williams:

OK, I have to skip around to cover what I hope to -- but you or your Political Researchers can find FAR MORE DETAILS and DAMNING EVIDENCE in my blog -- I've SAVED most ORIGINAL COURT DOCS and important emails going back at least 30 years. Over 6,000 blog postings so far.

NEXT, is that I was held hostage five times near Puerto Vallarta in 2010 by Mexican Drug Mafia working for the Obama/Clinton State Department, Rex Tillerson and my Kenan Family's EXXON-MOBIL MAFIA, as well as TOP CLERGY of the Episcopal Church USA.

DURING ALL OF THE TIME I was in Political Exile in Mexico -- first June 1, 2010 until mid-December 2010, then when FORCED BACK May 2012 - June 2015 by Wilmington, NC's District Attorney Dem Benjamin R. David (still in power!!! -- he gets all his money from REPUBLICANS), it was with help of Sect. of State Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman (still alive and living in north Atlanta).

During this time, I knew "Sonny" -- a Colombian national, who while fleeing to the USA with his family as a young child, was separated during the journey, and ADOPTED by the MOST VIOLENT COLOMBIAN CARTEL and made a BUTCHER, so even before he was a TEENAGER, he was cutting up human bodies to get rid of them more easily. Eventually, Sonny came to LEAD the "Sun Kings" -- later just "Kings". I'm not sure their name now, but he told me how they TOOK OVER NYC Government by beginning with the takeover of the POLICE DEPARTMENT, which he said they STILL CONTROL, last I saw him in 2015.

Sonny was caught in lesser crimes, convicted by our Feds, and sentenced to 25 Years in Federal Maximum Security Prison -- but after 11 years, the CIA took him OUT and put him in charge of MURDERING PEOPLE who interfered with the CIA's DRUG TRAFFICKING in Puerto Vallarta. He had no I.D. when captured, but made up a name that the Feds used -- and he SHOWED ME his Fed Prison I.D. with his fake name and said he used it to be RELEASED whenever Law Enforcement caught him in MAJOR CRIMES in MEXICO!!!

He ALSO took orders by telephone from my motherRepublican Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, now of Raleigh, North Carolina -- America's TOP NAZI!!! I have no time to get into THAT, now!!!

"Sonny" is on the right, and Martin Jacobo is on left.


Sonny's is BLACK and so is his PIT-STINK  -- his father was a back-jungle Colombian and his mother pure Black African. Martin's MAFIA FAMILY worked MOSTLY with Democrat Congressman Henry Cuellar, who made CERTAIN they could BACKPACK the Hard Drugs right around the HUGE US CHECKPOINT  north of Laredo, Texas.

Martin and I had TONS OF FUN SEX -- when he wasn't EXTORTING HUGE SUMS from his UGLY, WHITE, GRINGO GIRLFRIEND -- LOL!!!

Martin Jacobo with his girlfriend!!!

So, YOU claim to be a CHRISTIAN??? Your only child was OUT OF WEDLOCK, and Wikipedia shows NO RELIGION for you!!!


So, Mayor Eric Adams, please explain to me and ALL OF MY READERS just HOW you plan to FIX NEW YORK CITY!!!

I'll expect your thorough thesis on my desk by March 8, 2023 -- one week from today.


submission to NYC.gov

The following data was submitted:

  • Organization NameCHALL
  • MSGDear Mayor Adams -- from Tennessee Williams's last assistant -- this will NEXT go to my over 500 Political Contacts and to EVERYONE at the TOP of the US Government. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!!: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2023/02/letter-to-mayor-eric-adams-of-nyc-meth.html I look forward to your PROMPT REPLY. Thanks, Scott Cell number: (910) 200-XXXX .
  • FIRSTScott
  • LASTKenan
  • ORGANIZATIONhttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com
  • ADDR11210 Spofford Circle
  • ADDR2Apt. 4
  • CITYNew York
  • ZIP10025
  • COUNTRYUnited States
  • PHONE_B910200XXXX
  • EMAILscottdkenan@aol.com


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