Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time to Move

I send this to six of my email accounts in the hope that it is actually going out. Recently, my emails have been appearing to go out, but only a very few have received them. A special team at Comcast as well as Apple technicians is working to remove all the taps on my phones and email accounts so that this violation of my constitutional rights stops. All evidence is being saved. It seems that when I stepped on a certain university, I stepped into some big doo-doo: the heart (or at least one major center) of the long recognized vast right wing conspiracy. It is believed that I might have given the ACLU the evidence it needs to once and for all kill the Patriot Act. A word to the wise is sufficient.

I must add that the university's sins appear to be of omission, not commission. They had no idea what Tennessee gave them, so they entrusted it to lawyers and such and did not pay attention. Pity. We must all deal with the consequences of our words and actions.

I will post this on my blog soon (DONE!), as I cannot yet trust that my email is going where intended.

Best regards to all,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Scott D Kenan
Date: January 12, 2010 9:14:27 AM EST
To: Christal Presley, Cynthia Zigmund, Don Weise, Paul Florez, John Uecker, Sean Blackwell, Larry Myers, Kenneth Holditch, Thomas Keith
Subject: Fwd: Tennessee and more

Well, Christal, you've had a visitation of the spirits. This is exactly what happened to me the night Tennessee died, but before I knew that. In the book, I wrote it as if it were a dream. In Cafe Sud. Sud is German for South. It was an actual cafe on South Street in Philly, and actually my fave restaurant there. They really did have champagne flutes on the tables filled with small silver balls, and my mother's mother, Gertrude Hesselbrock Meyer, did have pale colors to her dreams. I remember her lilting voice and her laughter so clearly even though she died when I was five. I remember her bouncing me on her knee as she told me stories. I had to write the visit down, down, down to a simple dream so I didn't seem too self-serving.

I have told everyone that Tennessee is the absolute embodiment of love, and that when he came here, he was nailed right back up on that cross by the critics in his later years. John Uecker has known this always and better than anyone else, including me. When TW visited me that night, he handed off his non-physical gifts and charged me with protecting the interests of artists. Hence my pursuit of a certain university and their agents.

Walking on Glass is already published. It is a huge success. Now is the time that those who would like to be part of the ride, make their declarations. Money is God in Action and it must move, but the lateness of my advance has destroyed my confidence that Alyson Books intends to pay future royalties, so the book cannot move forward unless I receive a much larger advance. One that allows me to live until the first regular royalties flow next fall.

I love and respect everyone I send this email to enormously. Yes, even Doubting Thomas. (sorry for all the trouble)

Now, please, do your part and lets ride this rocket!

Many thanks,
Scott, the Demon Spawn of Tennessee Williams

Begin forwarded message:

Date: January 12, 2010 8:21:05 AM EST
To: Scott Kenan
Subject: Tennessee and more

I woke up at 5:00 this morning to go to the bathroom, and afterwards was lying in bed trying to fall asleep again. A presence filled the room. I wasn't dreaming. I don't think I imagined it. I wasn't scared.

It was Tennessee.

I didn't say this aloud, but in my mind, I started talking. I didn't think before I "spoke" to him in my thoughts, reverted back to the old Christal. I told him I didn't know how on earth he saw such gifts in me because I knew I had talent but it had buried so deep for so long. I didn't see how Scott had seen it, didn't see how he had either, wondered why he was here, why he had picked me. There were other people, other talents, other places he could be.

He said three words.

"I like you."

I think he laughed then, but maybe I imagined that. I'm not sure.

Take a look at the link below. I found it this morning:



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