Monday, January 11, 2010

Another Threat of a Lawsuit

My email accounts are all currently inoperable. Comcast cannot figure out how to fix the problem. Apple will diagnose my laptop this afternoon. They have designated me a "whistleblower" and are saving all electronic and physical evidence (as is Comcast). This situation has to do with certain other matters, not related to Alyson Books. I am in contact with the ACLU on this other matter.

However, the email below managed to come in. I cannot email myself and get the email back in any of my six accounts. But I did get this email.
What a mystery!

As always, I comply when threatened with lawsuits, although I do not know how Here Media could pay a lawyer since they don't pay writers. My advance is more than 5 months late as I write this. No other writer that I know of has been paid either. They have not even paid the writer who recently won a court judgment against them for non-payment.

Scott, your website posting attacking Paul Colichman and Here was brought to my attention this morning. I want this taken down immediately. Either that or our lawyer will be contacting you today. Don
Don Weise l Publisher l Alyson Books
245 W. 17th St., Suite 1200, NY, NY 10011
Check out our newest books at

I have no greater desire than that Alyson Books publish my book on time and provide appropriate marketing support. Mr. Colichman's pockets appear to be deep. I hope he will be able to re-invest in his company and all concerned can move forward, continuing in the direction set by dedicated professionals, such as Don Weise.

I hope Alyson will be able to make some significant gesture that restores my confidence that they actually intend to, and will, pay royalties in the future. Being late more than five months to pay my petty-cash advance (first half of my advance, actually), has destroyed my confidence in their intention to pay in the future. I cannot, each time I think of my book, be soured by this fear they will not pay me beyond the first half of my advance--assuming they do.

This was not my doing.


ComcastCares1 said...

Hello Scott,

I am sorry that we were not able to resolve the email issue. I work for Comcast and I can reach out to my contacts to assist in resolving theis for you. Please email us including your Comcast email or phone number linked to your account.

By the way, I love the "open range" picture :)


Mark Casem
Comcast Customer Connect
National Customer Operations

January 11, 2010 7:04 AM

Scott Kenan said...

Thanks Mark. I know for a fact that almost none of the recipients of the email I posted on the blog (and have since removed) got it. A few did, and hours later. That is why I've been advised I might have evidence to help finally fell the Patriot Act. There are people who would prefer I am silenced, but I am not. I removed the posting only as a good-faith gesture to my publisher. I have nothing but debts, so they couldn't sue me.

Scott Kenan said...

Mark: I emailed to that address and to your ATTN. But I don't know if it went out. Most of my email is still blocked. Did you get it? thanks, Scott