L to R: Grant Henry, Scott Kenan, Christal Presley (in better days)
From: Scott Kenan
Subject: Resign NOW from all PTSD organizations!!!
Date: August 18, 2010 1:27:03 PM CDT
To: Christal Presley
Cc: Hollis Gillespie
I still have your admission that you did NOT jump in the Ganges, and the posted comments you made to the people who ran the tour of India that you went on WITH YOUR FAMILY, and your acknowledgements of that and how much your FAMILY enjoyed the tour that were on the internet, and mights still be there. I will contact Showcase magazine if necessary and then take your ass to court for what you did to me, as well as make fools of Hollis and Grant, and the AJC.
Your father fought in Vietnam, and I thank him for his service, but he NEVER had PTSD. I have met him and heard his ribald war stories only a week before your blog makes him out to be all but comatose, hiding in his room. your India-Indian, boyfriend, Sunil, freaked over your lies and you first admitted this to me, and then radically changed your story. I still have your email stored OFF MY COMPUTER in which you admit most of this, including that your "poor, trailer-trashed family" actually lives on what can only be called a near estate so crammed full of valuable antiques one can barely move in the house.
Which Democrats did you steal them from???
Sean Hannity's wife was your best friend in college, and you know and I know that you weaseled your way into my life specifically to manage me and in collusion with Don Weise, Thomas Keith, Michael Remer, Cynthia Zigmund, Jim Richardson, John Eastman, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, and a few others to keep my knowledge about the biggest traitorous fraud ever committed against the people and government of the United States of America, which my forebears have so proudly help found and later nourish with educational opportunities.
You lied to my friends and family, and caused them to believe I needed medication. I still don't know the full truth about my parents, but it does NOT look good for them. Because I do not hear from my siblings AT ALL, it does not look good for them either. I am forced, at this point, to believe they are CONSCIOUSLY part of this web of lies about me and distortions. So be it. May they NOT rest in peace in their personal hells.
Allen Rosen is simply a fool, who, addicted to big tits, married a she-devil who completely controls him.
Your "college," Capella, where you faked an advanced degree, has now been discredited by EVERY STATE IN THE UNION!!! Who is allied with you in the ATL Public Schools so that you rarely report to work for your duties???
Shame on the Atlanta Journal Constitution and their complete complicity in this. I sent them all the evidence and they still supported you. May they die on the gallows as well as all other traitors to the country founded on the highest of spiritual documents, Our United States Constitution. (The Constitution, by the way, was based on the Articles of Confederacy, which FIVE members of the Kenan family contributed to. Gen. James Kenan led the FIRST armed resistance to the crown at Wilmington, NC, before the Boston Tea Party, or Sarah's serving up of pussy-stained bilge water. The Yankee's won, and had the right to re-write history books on this, but Kenans don't give a damn about credit -- we are addicted to effectiveness, instead).
Now stick all this up your poison-ivy infested twat and smoke it!!!
Scott D. Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (in triumph)
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