Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Email to Real-Life Minister Who's Voice Plays Devil's Advocate in My Head


I know you have much to do besides read my materials and respond, but I had some interesting revelations in meditation this morning that I thought I'd share:

1. When I argue with myself in my head while attempting to find the kernel of truth behind the mystery, the second voice I use is yours. (This is my highest compliment.)

2. You and I are on the same side in all this political schtuff that appears to (and at times DOES) drive me crazy. Much of it is still a mystery. Both of us are hoping that I am wrong. I think that is our hearts' concern. But my intellect continues to process the facts (peculiar and all but unbelievable as they are), and continues to serve up the story line about my parents, some top leaders in the Republican Party, Tennessee Williams' murderer -- this one is in aggreement with Tennessee's brother Dakin's and his friend -- previously the highest-paid magazine writer in America -- Dotson Rader's memoirs about Tennessee, so it is nothing new that John Uecker murdered Tennessee, probably by smothering him with a pillow. What I bring to it new is that I found all the trails of action and the logic supporting it -- as well as being material witness to much of the plotting -- I just didn't realize it at the time, or soon afterward.

Let's forget Ben David for now: he's a member of our congregation, so this becomes too personal, and the three trials that I will be defendant in this fall should bring some facts to light for all to see. So as far as District Attorney David is concerned, the wait will not be long. I should warn you, however, that more people in solid, responsible positions in Willmington social and business society have been offering me their moral support this week.

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