Wednesday, December 5, 2012

At the Risk of Jumping the Gun (a FAVORITE activity!!!)


Dear Mssrs. Briefs and Southheimer:
I was literally overjoyed to receive this reply, and wonder if Mr. Briefs would mind disclosing his "age range." While I'd certainly love to have a photo, it might cause "overblown passions" at this time, not only because it WOULD, but also because I don't have "typical taste", so any flaws you might have would end up being endearments to me. I truly AM a weirdo.
And while I'm AT it, I have ALWAYS been attracted to Mr. Southheimer's scrawny little impishness, and have produced quarts and quarts of produce over the last few years imagining what might be IN that "man-bikini" package. Such a cute little butt as well -- I bet it could take a good lickin'!!! But FEAR NOT, as Tennessee Williams said MANY times in my presence, "Ah, youth prefers its own," and indeed in MY severe youth (up until about 1.5 years ago), I could not STAND the thought of being nekkid with gentlemen even two years older than me. Now I just want to DO 'EM!!! (or be done).
Back to the subject at hand. While my first reaction was "Well, guys, you need to bugger GOOGLE about THAT problem, Mr. Briefs has seduced me into PRACTICALITY, and it was quite thoughtful of him to mention his appreciation of the annoyingness of the task of making the necessary changes to protect Mr. Southheimer as much as possible -- and AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!!!
I PRAISE JESUS that I never actually was FORCED to provide proof of any REAL drug connection (real or imagined). And for the record I'd like to say that even if he was/were "guilty", I'm sure it was like nearly everyone else (sans Dick Cheney, Daddy Bush, Newt Gingrich, etc.), he simply made a SMALL error of judgement years ago that did not appear to have consequences -- and then things mushroomed and he was soon enough TRAPPED, stuck in a "tar baby" (See Uncle Remus Tales by Joel Chandler Harris of Atlanta, GA -- s SOUTHERN CITY.)
No more.
Here is what would be helpful to me: any practical advice on how to SAVE all I delete first so I can reprocess it into a a book series with corrrected names (I have so much material -- even considering the repetition -- that more than one book will come of it). I anticipate the blog will wind down shortly after I disclose a couple of places I actually had the nerve to BLUFF, correct some misconceptions (like that I think anyone HAS to suffer over all this -- although we must ALL make amends).
Pastor Ernie Thompson (whose heart and mind are actually BOTH in the right place, but as the SEVENTH GENERATION of Presbyterian ministers, he was under TOTALLY UNFAIR pressures and things got a little carried away. As far as THEORY goes, he holds the theories closest to mine of all people I've had personal discussions with. I never felt comfortable talking like that with ANYONE I've identified as my "teacher" -- including Tennessee Williams.
But the point here is that thee are three people (and I think only three people), who deserve a "piece of my financial action". The first is my original literary agent, Cynthia Zigmund, who always believed in me and my book. After things got insane, I (about six months later), realized she was as much a "victim" as I had been, and later, when I needed some info to understand the phenomenon (or fiction), of producer Scott Rudin's interest, she answered me quickly, forthrightly, and in a tone that made clear SHE TOO had reached a higher understanding of events.
In any case, I'm going to soon offer her the opportunity to rep me or advise me to a certain extent -- and I'll throw in an extra 2% commission, which if 15% is still standard, amounts to a 13.33% raise (for her troubles and efforts -- none of which would have happened except that she trusted in me). I gotta throw you guys something as well -- especially since Randy seems to be rising to the occasion so admirably. That said, other than reporting on our soon-to-be wrap, the characters the two of you have inspired will NOT be having a BIG, FAST STORY development until AFTER I re-publish WALKING ON GLASS and convert the blog to books (although SOME continuing story effort will be required to keep the blog popular -- and the HOLES produced by KILLING the offending posts will be the reminder to people that books will be forthcoming to fill in the gaps.
But don't worry, it is actually Mr. Southheimer I truly owe -- and whatever I decide to do from a small token (like a paid vacation somewhere nice), or whatever (and it ALL depends on "commercial viability" and PAYMENT), I don't mean to say the money need wait for my debut as a FICTIONIST after I finish working out the PAST (for publication).
Fiction is more difficult to write, so this would be a logical progression. Best news: The Williams book needs very little work, so is not TOO big a deal to complete. The blog material will take more work -- after deciding HOW to develop it -- but the FIRST DRAFT IS WRITTEN!!! (and I am a MUCH better writer/editor than I was only a few years ago).
So get a good night's sleep after an enjoyable -- perhaps even wild -- evening!!! Take two aspirins before bed, and contact me in the morning if you have any practical advice for me on how to attack the tasks before me.
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 4:41 PM, Andrew Cook of Briefs, Gumpshun, & Gree wrote:

Firstly, I very much appreciate you removing the blogposts that sparked this lawsuit.

Secondly, I wholeheartedly approve of the creation (and promotion!) of Randy Briefs. Additionally, my client has given the green light to "Mr. Southheimer" moving forward.

I say "moving forward" because, due to the flawed nature of Google, we do still need previous posts referring to the protected parties to be removed. You would think that merely swapping out Southheimer would suffice, but Google is peculiar thing. Even if you were to replace each and every previous reference, the Google spiders would still pull up the original names in searches for months to come.

If, on the other hand, you wholly remove the posts, then we won't have to worry about Google's glacial speed.

I know these removals will require considerable work on your part; but know that your diligence is sincerely appreciated. I honestly don't know why Google has to make it so tough.
Thanks again for your continued efforts to resolve this matter.


On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Scott Kenan wrote:

While waiting, I went ahead and FULLY deleted every post mentioned in your brief, but found that two of them were not there. Perhaps I deleted them previously and forgot -- or hackers got to it. Who knows???
Also changed Oregon Joel to Jolene.
Will wait for further response but probably not get back to computer before dinnertime today.


I thought I would drop you a line. While I have ghost-written several books and edited more than 100 including some very famous people (I get paid not to tell), I have to say, I have just started your book, about 20 pages in. Your writing style is marvelous. 
I love someone who can "put me in the room" and take me back in time. I am doing so much right now to get manuscripts ready for the Spring but I am taking time out to read your book. I don't want to be obtuse and say I am shocked at how good you are, but to the average person, to actually be in touch with someone of your writing style is quite the treat.
If interested, you can purchase a copy of my Tennessee Williams memoir, WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS here:
* * *
We thank you!!!
The Scotts



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