Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Is Chacala, Mexico about to GET Its First ATM??? (at MIZ Villa's "Casa Loco-Upstairs" or Mexican Dulces Store)

This REALLY IS a screen-capture of TODAY's TOP SIX "keywords" used in search to find this blog. I'm not SMART ENOUGH (or even smart-assed enough), to make this up on my own.
>>> ADDED AT 3:09, MST:
Scott Kenan
I actually had the HUTZPAH to bid for something Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s organization is actioning on Facebook to raise money with the following blog post link: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/12/antonin-scalia-must-now-resign-or-be_11.html .

 I DARE SAY the Kennedys are ALREADY laughing their posteriors off. HA!!!

Like · · · Promote · a few seconds ago ·

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>>> AFTER MORE OFFICIALS CAME TO VISIT MIZ VILLA, TODAY, I googled the logo text on their nice pick-up truck, and it appears their organization is working to IMPROVE MEXICO honestly.


Here is what I found (translated from here: http://www.periodicoexpress.com.mx/nota.php?id=264798 ). Google's translation is a little "iffy".

Solidarity Fund Launches "New Galicia" new facilities
2012 / 09 / 18 2012/09/18
Compostela//Donkey.- Compostela / / Donkey. -

La dirigencia de la Caja Solidaria “Nueva Galicia” que encabeza Guillermo Reyes Torres, inauguró su nueva Casa Matriz que se ubica en Andador Morelos número 65 en el Centro Histórico de Compostela, a fin de eficientar los servicios que prestan a sus socios y ahorradores en general. The leadership of the Solidarity Fund "New Galicia" led by Guillermo Reyes Torres, opened its new head office is located in Walker Morelos number 65 in the Centro Histórico de Compostela, in order to streamline the services they provide to their members and savers general.
La presencia de los representantes de Fideicomisos Instituidos en Relación con la Agricultura (FIRA), BBVA BANCOMER, BANAMEX, FONAES y la Federación Nacional de Cajas Solidarias que representa Miguel Ángel Patiño y otras instituciones de apoyo a la cooperativa, dieron el toque de elegancia a las nuevas instalaciones que fueron bendecidas por el párroco Agustín Ibarria Parra. The presence of representatives of Trust Funds to Agriculture (FIRA), BBVA Bancomer, Banamex, FONAES and the National Federation of boxes representing Solidarity Patiño Michelangelo and other institutions to support the cooperative, gave a touch of elegance to new facilities were blessed by the parish priest Ibarria Agustin Parra.
La nueva Casa Matriz cuenta con oficinas y equipo moderno, cajero automático y personal altamente calificado; tras el corte del listón inaugural, el presidente de la Caja Solidaria “Nueva Galicia”, Guillermo Reyes Torres, destacó que con las nuevas instalaciones no sólo se brindará un mejor servicio, sino también permitirá garantizar el ahorro de sus socios y de la ciudadanía en general, porque la idea es que esta Caja Solidaria crezca para convertirla en la mejor opción para quienes requieren de créditos blandos y con intereses más bajos, lo cual da certidumbre a sus más de 5 mil socios. The new parent company has offices and modern equipment, ATM and highly qualified staff; after opening ribbon cutting, the president of the Solidarity Fund "New Galicia", Guillermo Reyes Torres, said that with the new facility will not only provide better service, but also will ensure the savings of its members and the general public, because the idea is that the Solidarity Fund grow to become the best choice for those who require soft loans with lower interest rates, which gives certainty to its more than 5000 members.
“Hoy se inauguran unas instalaciones muy merecidas para los socios que desde hace mucho tiempo anhelaban, un cajero automático para su servicio y que posteriormente con la autorización de la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y la SISCOOP, también podrá prestar servicio a la sociedad en su conjunto; el desarrollo de esta cooperativa financiera tendrá que ser mucho mejor que otras que existen en la república, ya que hemos participado en encuentros nacionales en donde adquirimos el nuevo modelo que estamos aplicando en materia de Cajas Solidarias”, aseguró. "Today we inaugurate a well deserved facilities for partners who have long yearned for, an ATM for your service and subsequently authorized by the National Banking and SISCOOP, may also serve society as a whole; development of this financial cooperative will have to be much better than others that exist in the republic, and who have participated in national meetings where we acquire the new model we are applying in Box Solidarity "he said.
El festejo se prolongó hasta caer la tarde, se disfrutaron de ricos bocadillos y vinos tintos, donde los miembros de la Caja, acompañados de sus familiares pudieron convivir y remembrar sus experiencias laborales. The celebration continued into the evening, they enjoyed snacks and rich red wines, where members of the Fund, accompanied by their families could live and remembrar their work experiences.
Una de las metas cumplidas que destaca, es la nueva orientación administrativa de la caja, la cual se puede observar con una nueva imagen y con el replanteamiento de metas y objetivos para el próximo año. One of the goals accomplished that stands out is the new administrative guidance of the box, which can be seen with a new image and the rethinking of goals and objectives for the coming year.
Cabe resaltar que la Mesa Directiva conformada por Guillermo Reyes Torres como presidente; Ernesto Vivanco Salazar, tesorero; Daniel Díaz García, secretario; Ignacio Muñoz Cueto y Alfredo González Rubio, ambos como vocales del Consejo de administración; Manuel Plascencia Bernal, presidente del Consejo de Vigilancia; Antonio Cuevas López, secretario de Vigilancia; Arturo Meza Gradilla, vocal; utilizaron los servicios del cajero recién instalado en el edificio de la Caja Solidaria. Significantly, the Board formed by Guillermo Reyes Torres as president, Ernesto Vivanco Salazar, treasurer Daniel Díaz García, secretary, Ignacio González Muñoz Cueto and Alfredo Rubio, both as members of the Management Board; Manuel Plascencia Bernal, president of the Council of Surveillance, Antonio Cuevas Lopez, secretary Surveillance; Arturo Meza rack, vocal teller services used newly installed in the building of the Solidarity Fund.

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