Stone Mountain City Hall Grand Opening
Mayor Pat Wheeler addresses the crowd during the grand opening ceremony of the Stone Mountain municipal building Friday, April 13, 2012. At left (in hat) is city councilman Richard Mailman, mayor pro tem Chakira Johnson Sallee, and city council member Susan Coletti; to the right, Rep. Hank Johnson and Stone Mountain city council members Cyril Mungal and Nan Nash.
>>> EMAIL JUST SENT TO STEVE HIGGINS WHO continues to DEMAND I remove him from my email list. HA!!! :
FIRST, remember that Stacey Abrams (as seen above) -- actually in original EMAIL, not this picture, in not only the LEADER OF DEMS in GA legislature, but until RATHER RECENTLY sat on the BOARD of the KENAN INSTITUTE FOR ETHICS at Duke University (see: ), as does Jimmy Soni, Managing Editor of Huntington Post, NOW for both (something like that).
Also, this CIA/Republican Party APPARENT SHILL and PROTECTOR Steve Higgens is JOINED in criminal behaviors (mostly in 2010), when US Army Col. Dottie Newman (retired, but most previously Gen. Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer), HELPED me ESCAPE Stone Mountain in spring 2010 after the Dekalb County Republican Party tried to commit me to mental hospitals FIVE TIMES in ONE MONTH (once was a phone call from a woman who first said she was "calling on behalf the Republican Party", and apparently not realizing she had said that, THEN said she was from the Dekalb County Mental Heath Services.
1. I consider Stone Mountain, GA to be my ADULT HOME TOWN, my having lived 22 of my 27 years in Georgia at 903 Second Street (now DE-HOMOSEXUALIZED by the current BLACK FAGGOT having REMOVED ALL my plantings -- which were EXTENSIVE and included many RARE SPECIMENS. I expect to move BACK to Stone Mountain City as soon as I get some PEOPLE IN FEDERAL PRISON.
2. These people include Council Member Richard Mailman (goggle in blog for 2010 and 2012/2013 entries on him), as well as the LEGAL drug addict Susan Coletti (whose husband and FORMER councilman is FINE!!!). Mayor short-straw-hat Peat (or Peet) was DEFINITELY a narco-trafficker or protector there-of. Officer Nunn and Chief Chauncey FAT-ASS did the Police Dirty Work. Nan Nash seems cool to me. Hilda Wells was kind enough to store my goods and STILL DOES WELL, despite the NARCO-TOWN-LEADERS harassing her in every way and as often as possible. HA!!!
3. Bill Clinton was the FIRST US President to CONSCIOUSLY protect CIA narco-trafficking in Stone Mountain City AND Park, by assigning all the US TAXPAYER-PAID unmarked, DARK-WINDOWED officers (as many as a couple dozen vehicles parked behind City Hall in 2010 -- maybe fewer now after the move to Second Street). These CIA Narco-Protectors patrolled Metro-Atlanta from Stone Mountain. Every President has CONTINUED this protection of NARCO-TRAFFICKING. Bill Clinton ALSO invited the BLACK mayor of Stone Mountain to his inauguration (second, I believe), and made an example of him since he lived in KKK Wizard/former Stn. Mtn. Mayor Venable's home -- yet SET HIM UP also to be a FOOL, and ridiculed literally TO DEATH a few years later. I know because I knew him and his wife from Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta which they attended AFTER their "banishment".
4. Some info on my "troubles" from 1990 by PREVIOUS NARCO-TOWN LEADERS!!!: .
5. I'm comin' to CLEAR THE SHIT "Yankees" aka "Republicans" (many, if not all), OUT of GEORGIA!!! I'm the KENAN sent to "UN-LOSE" the LOST CAUSE (Integrity -- NOT the abomination of slavery. REMEMBER: I am doing AMENDS for my relative William R. Kenan, SENIOR, who FOMENTED the Wilmington Race Riot of 1898, which EMPOWERED WHITE RACISTS across the South to pass all the JIM CROW LAWS -- This is ON MY FAMILY, as well as many GOOD things -- but it is AYE who volunteered to EXPOSE ALL and MAKE AMENDS. I will GET YOU in Stone Mountain SOON ENOUGH!!!)!!!
Scott David Kenan, Cyber-General FIVE STAR, USA & Mexico (self-appointed)
In EXILE from North Carolina (ONLY)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: < >
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: CORE 500: My REPORT (that I PROMISED Superior Court Judge Jay D. Hockenbury I would send him one day), goes also to Gov. McCrory, Mayor Saffo, etc.!!!
To: Scott Kenan
From: <citycouncil2005@
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: CORE 500: My REPORT (that I PROMISED Superior Court Judge Jay D. Hockenbury I would send him one day), goes also to Gov. McCrory, Mayor Saffo, etc.!!!
To: Scott Kenan
From: "Scott Kenan" <>
To:, "governor office" <>, ltgo
Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2013 2:35:22 PM
Subject: CORE 500: My REPORT (that I PROMISED Superior Court Judge Jay D. Hockenbury I would send him one day), goes also to Gov. McCrory, Mayor Saffo, etc.!!!
The "SHOGUNS OF THE CONFEDERACY" as this carving is KNOWN in Japan. In the late 1980s, Stone Mountain Park was the MOST POPULAR DESTINATION for Japanese tourists in the United States -- this due to the ENORMOUS popularity of James Clavell's 1975 novel, SHOGUN.
And the Japanese have ALWAYS BEEN GA-GA over GONE WITH THE WIND, a story I take PERSONALLY, also THRILLED that the TRUE SOUTHERNER Margret Mitchell made MAMMIE the WISEST and MOST LOVING chrarcter (even if some other "darkies" suffered in the movie, at least)!!!
Confederate Memorial, Wilmington, NC.
1861-1865 To the Soldiers of the Confederacy
Confederates blend your recollections
Let memory weave its bright reflections
Let love revive life’s ashen embers
For love is life since love remembers
Let memory weave its bright reflections
Let love revive life’s ashen embers
For love is life since love remembers
This monument is a legacy of Gabriel James Boney
Born Wallace, NC 1846-Died Wilmington, NC 1915
A Confederate soldier
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