Dear Heads of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons):
This is about the EIGHTH request that I take you off my list -- but only the SECOND ONE that you admit you are a BUSINESS -- to ME, you have NEVER called yourself a CHURCH so I cannot call you TOTAL HYPOCRITES!!!
But that SAID, here is why I won't:
1. In 1977 while I was in Salt Lake City, UT, I had occasion to meet the daughter of one of your TOP TWELVE RULERS. She said that the Mormon Church has a LOCK on all "sinful businesses" in Utah, specifically mentioning Liquor Distributorships, illegal drug sales, prostitution rings both heterosexual and homosexual. Indeed, HER Dad owned the LARGEST GAY BAR in SLC then.
So you are RIGHT: You are a BUSINESS, not a church. You should LOSE your tax-exempt status IMMEDIATELY!!!
2. One of my best friends, Mark Beard the famous artist who gets up to $8,000,000.00 per mural painted for Abercrombie & Fitch after designing their sporting motifs is the GREAT-GRANDSON of one of the three people who Joseph Smith dictated the BOOK OF MORMON to (yer scriptures -- not the musical), and his family owns the LARGEST MORMON BANK. His artist's assistants family owns the SECOND largest Mormon Bank.
Part of one of Mark Beard's murals with EXCEPTIONAL 3-D qualities, painted on a CEILING for Abercrombie & Fitch.
Please CLICK the image to see a REVIEW of some of Mark's work.
BOTH were CUT OFF many, many years ago from your "Business" as well as their families. i have NOT asked either for details about your "business" as I learned enough on my own -- and learned MORE since then!!!
3. In the late fall of 2011 when I lived homeless as well as in Mercy House Shelter (one of many fronts for narco-trafficking in Wilmington, NC), one of the residents who actually harassed me THE MOST, both then and later, please see: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/01/mormons-now-threatening-me-with-new.html , James "Licker" or "Whitehead" Lester FREQUENTLY spoke with his Mormon Bishop by cell phone getting INSTRUCTIONS on how to harass me.
4. When in about 1987 I worked for Wendy's as a store manager in northern suburbs of Atlanta, after the College Football Hero "Hollywood Hal" who was then Regional Director of Wendy's EXPOSED HIMSELF TO ME after hearing that I am gay, he got a tall man named John to co-manager with me and John admitted to me it was to DOCUMENT my ABSOLUTELY-INTENDED firing, but John saw that I was doing a good job and SIDED WITH ME and I was NOT FIRED.
Winning THAT one, I soon thereafter QUIT!!! But also interesting was that John was a BISHOP in the Mormon Church, and HIRED his "niece" who lived with him and his wife and children. I ate at their house and John showed me his COLLECTION of SHIPS MODELS which were EXTRAORDINARY -- especially since I RECOGNIZED them and John LOVED that at that time before computer animation he was the MAN they turned to if Hollywood needed ships models to BLOW UP BIG on screen for major movies.
SOON thereafter, I caught John and his niece FRENCH KISSING in Wendy's before we opened one day and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!!!
And ALL best wishes for a pleasant remainder of this day and morrow,
Scott David Kenan, Cyber-General FIVE STARS, Mexico and the USA (self-appointed)
>>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 12:34 PM, primary <primary@ldschurch.org> wrote:
Dear Scott Kenan,
Please unsubscribe us from your e-mails. This is a business and not attached to any one person.
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1. I really DID check today and found that the FOUR PAGES on Wikipedia where I last saw myself listed only a few months ago HAVE ALL BEEN WIPED CLEAN OF MY NAME!!!
CIA/Republicans (no doubt), or John Uecker who MURDERED TENNESSEE WILLIAMS who had AUTHORED the page of IN MASKS OUTRAGEOUS AND AUSTERE.
2. After completing the most previous blog post and emailing it to my 500 TOP Contacts in the USA, Mexico, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, and North Korea (why NK??? Look: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/03/feeling-tad-horny-i-thought-why-not.html ), my Internet connection was CUT OFF BY HACKERS. after two hours of other activities, it took me two hours of restoring Windows and tinkering to REGAIN INTERNET CONNECTION!!!
HERE is why I have gotten in DIRECT CONTACT with Russian leaders, including Messrs. Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/04/honoring-michelle-lavonda-robinson.html?m=0 .
3. TODAY, I got email from Klout.com, claiming my "Klout Score" had increased 35.7% OVERNIGHT, last night!!!
4. Any QUESTIONS from the Lilliputian Gallery???
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>>> JUST POSTED TO CIA/FACEBOOK HERE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tennessee-Williams-The-Two-Character-Play/205512502816840 .
Scott Kenan shared a link.
Thank you for performing this!!! I was the last assistant to Tennessee Williams and my memoir got RAVE reviews by John Lahr of the New Yorker as well as other Williams scholars. Additionally, I am from the Kenan family who FOUNDED UNC Chapel Hill and later bought controlling interest in Bank of America from Frank Sinatra's heirs -- many of whom I know. At Jean Stein's and George Plimpton's party Jan. 11, 1981, I met Jackie Kennedy Onassis (I already had met other Kennedys -- even been to Pat Kennedy Lawford's home in Manhattan WITHOUT Tennessee.
At that party, Ms. Onassis convinced Tennessee to write the codicil to his will -- which he eventually did -- to change his beneficiary from Sewanee to Harvard University in an effort to KEEP THE REPUBLICAN PARTY and EPISCOPAL CHURCH from murdering Tennessee. This did NOT work and I can PROVE IN A COURT OF LAW that the chief people who LIED UNDER OATH to undo the codicil were PAID OFF by a top Republican Tennessee State Legislator with LUXURIOUS LIFESTYLES in Atlanta (where I too lived), and Chattanooga, TN until their deaths in 1989 and 2004 of AIDS.
Although credited by the director and producer of IN MASKS OUTRAGEOUS AND AUSTERE to be the inspiration for the character Mac -- a tall silent black man (I am white and 6' 11") -- and in BOTH Wikipedia's pages for Tennessee Williams and for that play as recently as four months ago -- looking TODAY, I see John Uecker (who was previously credited with CREATING the MASKS Wikipedia page (or someone else), has REMOVED ME from ALL FOUR Wikipedia pages I was listed one a year ago.
John Uecker smother TW with a pillow to put him out of his misery -- PROBABLY at Tennessee's request. And since my Kenan Family (distant -- not mine near), inherited TWICE as much of Standard Oil Trust as Rockefeller ever owned via Henry Flagler who had founded it -- as well as the "whole State of Florida". Later, Kenans inherited control of Coca Cola from the man who put the Phoenix in Atlanta.
In 1950, my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan BLACKMAILED by former noted gay escort of San Francisco, William Scott Kenan into marriage to hide her Swastikas (which we had on our dinner plates growing up in the 1950s and 1960s -- as well as daily beating for no reason, and Dad could NOT explain why our mother was such a TERRORIST OF CHILDREN.
A couple of months ago (after dealing with MANY attempts on my life, EIGHT false charges by the drug-mafia protecting D.A. in Wilmington, NC, FIVE poisonings, many beatings, etc. -- and blogging to EXPOSE MY MOTHER's CRIMES, she being CONFIRMED as Dick Cheney's BOSS and beholden to ONLY the last three Popes, whom Mom had PRIVATE audiences with), Mom ADMITTED TO ME that my political blog (especially supported by the Sinatra Family who had put Kennedy in power by their ad
mission to me, FORCED Mom to resign at the same time it forced the Nazi Pope Ratzinger to resign.
I invite you to read my blog (over 1,500 posts), or google in it my name in quotes followed by any other name, concept or idea to see what I probably said about it: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/.
And you can see my book on Amazon:

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