Tuesday, March 3, 2015

RP: Hillary, Dillery, Dock – Yo Emails: “NO MUSTER”, con Senor Spock!!!

RE-PRINTED from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/03/hillary-dillery-dock-yo-emails-no.html

>>> ADDED LATER: When I arrived at the place I am sending this out from, my old nemesis, Charles Quigley of the PUERTO VALLARTA WRITERS GROUP, was sitting here at a table outside with four other men I did not recognize at all.

I got his gaze, and then said most pleasantly, “Hi Charles – good to see you!!! I hope you are doing well!!!”, nodded to the other gentlemen, and then proceeded inside.

He looked surprised, but maintained composure. I can’t help wondering what his companions asked of him about this TOO TALL GIANT, whom he clearly knows well.


Charles Quigley -- who carried a giant NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION tote bag to Writers Group meetings. For more, please see: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/01/throwing-down-gauntlet-with-puerto.html

Charles just left without incident -- but I found this too:



First of allWHO KNEW that Hillary Clinton would be brought down over the nature of her email account while Secretary of State. This will play out far larger, after Netanyahu gives his speech today and everyone blathers on about it. But what is of PRIMARY interest to me, is that this is OLD STUFF that has been RIGHT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE’S FACES for years and years now, and I’m sure her opponents would have brought it up far earlier – had they noticed it.

PRIME evidence that in these “Late Days”, EVERYONE is waking up and seeing the TRUTH all around them that has ALWAYS stared all of us in the face. It is just that now that our collective consciousness (if not that of linear thinkers, like the stubbornly not-evolving Republicans and fake Christians), has indeed advanced significantly – our eyes are OPENED (or are opening). Is this not EXACTLY what the Judeo-Christian Bible states quite clearly would happen???

And while I am at it, my surname, Kenan, is in the “Old Testament” a few times -- Cainan in some translations, which is its original spelling from Ireland before the single-E Kenans made off to Scotland for generations. My research years ago showed that the Kenan/Keenans were originally clerics and scholars to the land-owning Maguires of Ireland – back in the Middle Ages.

Now in First Chronicles is where you find my last name, Kenan, being fourth in line from Adam to Noah, and many Bible scholars believe that this line of “people” who live 800, 900, and more years, is actually about AGES and dominant consciousness. And if you consult a Bible Dictionary, you find that Kenan means either “The Sadness”, or “Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness” – does this not exactly describe Thomas S. Kenan III, Betty (Price) Kenan, and their near and uber-wealthy relatives???

Another significant thing to me, is that as we all know, grandparents exist PRIMARILY to spoil grandchildren – and to pass the REAL secrets of the family on. Parents are often too ashamed or threatened by the truth to do this. In the Bible, Kenan’s grandfather is Seth – so OF COURSE I paid so much attention to Jane Roberts’s “Seth Material” (trance-delivered material), in my 20s and 30s.

No matter what any of us think of material delivered that way, Truth is Truth – WHEREVER one finds it!!!


Now the BEST news about all of this is that the Age of Mahalalel follows the Age of Kenan – and we are largely into this new age, already now – with many Americans, especially, still KICKING AND SCREAMING, trying to DRAG THEIR DANG HEELS!!!

But PLEASE, as promised, Mahalalel actually means “The Prince of Peace” – but I don’t think in the form of a human, but rather of a CONSCIOUSNESS that unites us all.


Yesterday, while nearly up to my neck in the Waters of Mismaloya, I was talking to a Gringo Guy of about 45 years of age. He was my IDEAL of a hot white man – nicely chest-haired, naturally muscular, and most of all INTELLIGENT and REASONABLE.

Of COURSE I would have loved to reach over (my arms were long enough and I’ve done this before – but only to people I was already dating), and cause the fish to be fed. I did not and I would not – he was married with young kids and I RESPECT everyone’s commitments.

But what was so powerful to me, was that I disclosed my being gay before I knew his own status, and he did NOT in any way draw closer – or farther away.

To METHAT was the miracle!!!



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