Friday, March 20, 2015

RP: Trying to Iron Out Things with Family . . .

RE-PRINTED from here

Jane with her dogs in my living room, 2005.

Hi Jane, and thanks for the note.

The question was, given that neither you, Mike, nor Julie have been EVEN ONCE empathetic over any of my difficulties of the previous five years -- and especially that not one of you expressed outrage of any kind that I was illegally and unconstitutionally convicted of a crime I did not commit -- and had my planned future (temporarily) destroyed --how can you claim you love me???

What is this love you describe -- the fuzzy warm feelings from the many fond memories we have of each other??? None of those memories are of the people we are today. So, while I appreciate your help with some pocket money, old computer ESPECIALLY, and other things as well, that was while you were ALSO kindly helping me to get Disability -- which was because the entire family still falsely claimed I was mentally ill, and for that reason, it was your best option for me -- keep me poor and shut up, preferably still partially lobotomized on "mental health drugs" so I stopped telling the truth of the God-Hating NAZI upbringing we had.

I hated saying that because I really do believe Mom has evolved -- I get none of the CRAP and heartlessness from her, lately, that I get from you, Mike, and Julie.

Also, I DROPPED that request for financial help overturning my conviction a couple of days ago. I didn't ask for what anyone had "lying around" (SO fucking cavalier-bitchy for you to put it that way), but from your portfolios, and with at least you and Mike contributing -- Mom's too old and Julie is probably too burdened with Joel underemployed and Max in college.

My point had been that I would reward all of you with a nice percentage of my winnings in upcoming court battles. I'll still do that if you hate me -- because I had no choice but to destroy the family's privacy -- it will be in proportion to your understanding and concern, but there WILL be a minimum for anyone who totally breaks off from me, even.

And Mike, for reasons I can only guess at, can't even tell me what kind of work he does or for whom. I've had Max Kenan's direct office number on my speed dial, but have not called him in two years or more, so Mike should know I'm not interested in harassing anyone at work.

In any case, at best you all exhibit an extreme inflexibility that is beyond my understanding. Well, if the tables are ever turned, I promise to do far better toward any of you regardless -- if I can.

So, the offer is open at least until I get serious finding other financing for this after the Williams Festival.

But so far, you have not convinced me that you have done a SINGLE loving thing for me since I got Disability. so I REJECT that you love me now or in the future if you can't act lovingly -- and I am NOT talking even about the money. YOU are addicted to security and it is strangling your soul.

I will copy a few and blog this, but NOT mass email it out.


On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Jane Kenan wrote:

Just want u to know I love u and always will!

No way do I have $10,000 lying around so can't help u there!

Have a great time in New Orleans!



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