Thursday, April 9, 2015

RP: My Email Just Sent to President Obama!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Our Beleaguered President!!!

>>> THIS JUST IN: The surrender of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee to Union Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant 150 years ago on Thursday (today), was a milestone event in the end of the Civil War.

ALSO: After fifteen minutes since posting this, RUSSIA has hit my blogs FOUR TIMES AS MANY TIMES as the United States -- which comes in a DISTANT second -- HA!!!

Dear President Obama,

I was very glad to hear you are hoping to meet with Raul Castro, today. As you might know, the FIRST thing that happened in the thaw of US-Cuba relationships was the Museum of Fine Arts in Havana’s recent mounting of a show of my former employer, Tennessee Williams’s, paintings. I cried for joy when I heard that. And Leoncia McGee, Tom’s maid while I worked for him, had worked for Ernest Hemingway, previously as well – someone MORE associated with a love of Cuba than Tennessee.

But enough chit-chat. I have not before addressed you directly about the fact that long ago, I was told that you and I are “twin souls” (we both have others as well – or at least I assume that you do), and that between what you think/feel you must do and what you actually do, is a gap that you have mostly been closing, so I compliment you on that.

But I keep pointing my “flame-thrower-of-words” at your rumpus room, trying to get you to move faster – and of course to get past your earlier commitments that Bill Clinton’s aide Rahm Emanuel, his V.P. Al Gore (who allegedly invented the internet), and then Mayor of Los Angeles Villaraigosa, sold you to Banks and Wall Street (as reported in 2008 by US Press) – as well as the blackmailing CIA/Bush-Cheneys, later. We CANNOT tolerate these powers controlling our Government any longer, and by YOUR continuing to support trade deals that enslave, and ANY US presence in the CIA’s heroin breadbasket – Afghanistan – other than actual diplomats, you PROMOTE DRUG ADDICTION IN CHILDREN WORLDWIDE!!!

How many MORE must die before you stop setting their deaths up???

And then you – mimicking the Republicans – support your DRUG-DEATH SENTENCING of so many for this GREED – claim you are some kind of Follower of Jesus. Your claim of being Christian is UTTER (Republican-style) BLASPHEMY!!!

But I also understand what you are up against, and it is a MIRACLE that you have remained healthy, energetic, “cool”, and even eager. Just today, ANOTHER report that your Secret Service detail has been – once again – acting like a bunch of spoiled, drunken frat boys from 40 years ago. That must be the heaviest weight on you and your family.

So WHY hasn’t your appointment to fix the Secret Service done ANYTHING about it – even your worst political enemies are mystified!!!

But let’s take a break for some humor – which all of this message is meant to contain (for your amusement and to make all more palatable):

1. As mentioned, it was Bill Clinton’s top aides (Gore and Emanuel), who sold you to those interests – meaning that Bill Clinton SCREWED his wife before the primaries even began, back in 2008. Hillary Clinton acts like she doesn’t even KNOW this!!! Fool.

2. Recently, it was revealed that Bill Clinton COACHED Mitt Romney on how to debate against you in 2012. BILL CLINTON IS NOT A DEMOCRAT!!! And he CERTAINLY wants to screw YOU, so just CUT OUT being blackmailed (regardless what your family dynamic actually is). True, that I’ve roasted Michelle, but she’s done a great job considering what you are both up against  – and I respect her for that.

3. According to Rand Paul on CNN yesterday, ANOTHER book damning to the Clintons will be out in a couple of weeks (trading business contracts in foreign countries for giant donations to the Clinton Foundation), and she doesn’t stand a chance of getting elected – and I hope not of gaining the Democratic nomination.

4. Now, I have complained about the interference to my internet connection here in Puerto Vallarta, as well as the corruptions to my computers – actually the WORST EVER, yesterday – after a pause in most difficulties. Because yesterday’s corruption was EXACTLY what the US Press reported about six years ago is what the CIA first places on computers – the jumping around of text, improper response to typical Windows commands, changes of words and meaning of written text – I mean the text kept SWIMMING AROUND the images I had already placed, and words I’d typed kept being changed.

It was like being drunk in a stirred bowl of ALPHABET SOUP!!! And I SURE wish it would stop. But I deal with what I must – and I can’t be sure it was corrupted elements in our government. I’m sure you remember that before the internet became so big, TWO countries were said to have better surveillance than the USA: The Vatican and Israel.

I certainly agree with you about Netanyahu (and his ignorant allies), and I can report without QUESTION (due to my own mother’s intimate relationship with several Popes, in which she then advises Bush/Cheney and Fox News), that Pope Francis is just a Christian Werewolf in sheep’s clothing.

Ignore his God-hating many ACTIONS, but support his more intelligent words.

I trust you will give my words consideration, and do as YOU think/feel must be done. We are MANY REAL PATRIOTS who are awaiting your return to “God’s Fold”.

I DO expect a reply from you or your representative, within five business days. If you CAN’T reply honestly, then PLEASE have them send canned words that RELATE to this missive.

Scott David Kenan

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


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