Sunday, January 24, 2016

RP: A Funny Thing Happened after a Fine Female Wilmington Police Captain Told me to HIGH-TAIL It to the County Jail -- to Swear Out an Arrest Warrant against Dewain Joseph Hall!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Dewain Joseph Hall looks most like this today.

I'm not going to tell many details, as that might compromise a case -- but here is what happened:

1. This morning I packed up every remaining thing of Dewain's I could find in my apartment and called him to come get it. He started arguing and screaming at me, again, and trying to claim he should be able to move back in. AGAIN, he claimed HE had talked to Police and they said I had no right to kick him out over chemical drugs he'd brought into the apartment. Again he claimed that the Wilmington Police protect HIM -- just like Philip Rosario has claimed many times (or at least that HE controlls District Attorney Ben David).

Perhaps he had called Joseph Faulk in New York City and Joseph put him up to that -- I didn't think to ask. So I said if he didn't shut up about everything else, I would put that box in the trash receptacle outside and it would be picked up tomorrow (I think), if he didn't get it today. He had already told me he was in Wilmington (but planning to move to South Carolina right soon). He could easily WALK from anywhere in Wilmington before nightfall, if he had to.

But he kept it up and threatened me again. So I had to YELL over him because he wouldn't stop yelling at me, and said that I'd had it and was putting the box in the trash and hung up on him, which I immediately did.

I will not here elaborate on the following calls and texts I got from him -- the Police Captain said it was EXCELLENT that I also had some texts as well, and could show on my phone how many calls he has made to me.

I don't know HOW he could be so stupid to claim the cops protect him while in the same paragraph ADMITTING he'd brought illegal drugs into the house.

But when I completed the last posting and emailed it to now over 100, I checked and he had picked up his things. I figured I could close "Dewain Hall" chapter of my life.

But after dinner, about 7:00 PM, he called and started threatening me again -- even sending me a text while I was on the phone with the Police Captain -- who was INCREDIBLY understanding about the situation and even more so about my frustration with corrupted Law Enforcement in Wilmington. I told her a LOT of my story and what I had on the top Politicians here, and she clearly knew about all of that too, causing her to encourage me MORE to act by going to the jail to swear out a warrant. 

2. I packed up everything quickly -- feeling unnerved that he called AFTER he got everything here including A LOT OF NEW CLOTHES, SHOES, ETC., costing LOTS OF MONEY -- and he was STILL harassing me. THAT was scary.

Enroute, I realized that was EXACTLY what Philip Rosario has been doing to me the last several days, so I might just swear out a warrant against him, too, while I was there.

At least it would be OTHER Sheriff's Deputies than the Detective at the Princess Street Office in town who REFUSE to get my knowledge and evidence. THEY might be interested in all my physical evidence and knowledge.

I ASSUME that Jennifer McCracken's POWERFUL Sheriff's Deputy brother must work out of there, and controls THAT office.

Sheriff Ed McMahon is going to have to answer for a LOT, when this is all straightened out -- and so is Police Chief Ralph-the-crack-smoker Evangelous!!!

3. I had only gotten a few miles when my car's electrical system went berserk -- exactly as it had done when the alternator went out in Guadalajara, so I managed to get it where I got permission to leave it until tomorrow morning, when I will have it towed.

4. I took a cab home, and while waiting, called the same Police Captain to tell her what had happened -- in case she had alerted the jail to expect me, and let her know I'd be OK.

(for now)



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