Dear Mr. Remer:
How can you sleep at night, while Cate Blanchett/Liv Ullmann's production of STREETCAR is prevented from going to Broadway by a superficial showman's having the rights? You can fix this, and please, you must. I speak only for me. But please reply with your answer that you will or have already fixed this. Or simply state that you refuse.
We all know the strength of your power, perhaps no one more than me.
We all love and care for Tennessee Williams. We love Sewanee, the school Tennessee left his rights to in honor of his beloved grandfather.
So you know this from me directly: At the insistence of a lawyer, I sent pages of notes on what I know and witnessed concerning the voiding of TW's codicil, and, at best, loose adherence to his will (as well as a number of other things), to the FBI over a week ago. Since then, I have sent out all that plus much more to a friend of the Kennedy family. I believe this information has been sent to the Kennedys, so they can see if Harvard can gain control (but not possession) of the rights as stipulated clearly in the codicil.
I also believe it has been sent to key Obama Admin. officials, as the rumors have always been that Sewanee never understood the value of what they inherited, and as long as they got something from the estate that appeared generous, they wouldn't ask questions. Well, ironically, several top alumni of Sewanee whom I met on a site for those opposed to reforms at the school, have offered (each and every lawyer one of them) that the Tennessee Williams estate is now worth $1/3 Billion. I bet that given his upcoming 100th birthday, it's a good bit higher than that.
The contention is (and perhaps you can correct this), that you (or someone in your office) have siphoned off the bulk of the proceeds and that money has gone to support the "Bush/Limbaugh/Palin" branch of the Republican Party.
That's even worse than Yankees in Georgia!!!
Now, despite the fact that Thomas Keith has confirmed to me and Don Weise at Alyson Books that there is NOTHING in my book that accuses you of any wrongdoing whatsoever, I have still endured resistance to getting it published that can only be described as a war. That resistance has now stopped. I did not lose: I did not lose my book, my sanity, or my life, although attempts have been made on all three.
You might be feeling a bit of pressure. The Republicans seem to feel it—they've lost all their teeth! (metaphorical statement) But before you go, please do us just this one favor: FREE BLANCHE DUBOIS!
Thank you for your kind consideration. Williams fans worldwide look forward to your reply.
Scott D. Kenan
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