Sent to Indiana Republican Senator Richard Lugar today (and Denison University, and the Williams scholars, and tons of others (200+):
UPDATE: SEPT. 12, 2011: Having on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, pulled the plug entirely free of the drain on the Traitorous bunch within the Republican Party, generally referred to as "Tea Party" Republicans (but including two Presidents Bush, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, and quite a lot of Rupert Murdock's FOX NEWS people) -- too stupid to know that Gen. James Kenan led the actual FIRST armed resistance to the Crown over the Stamp Act at Wilmington, NC (the Yankees won, so re-wrote history to their own credit, but Kenan's don't care about credit -- we are addicted to effectiveness), I am cleaning up this posting a bit to reflect my current understanding. Changes are in PURPLE.
First note: I abandoned my faith in Sen. Lugar when HE abandoned his long support of intelligent and fair Immigration Reform, but have come to realize that he just temporarily lost his senses, which he seems to now be regaining.
UPDATE OCTOBER 15, 2011: I have finally come to see that Barack Obama is the PERFECT Republican candidate for President, 2012, and will continue to blog about this in real time.
Dear Senator Lugar,
It is with great pain that I write to you, and may I first say that it is my greatest hope that I am proven wrong. I am writing you as I am impressed by your continuing and significant service to our nation and Denison University, where I received my BFA degree in 1973. I should first tell you that my difficulties have been caused chiefly by agents for the Republican Party, but by that I mean a very strong element that has hijacked the Republican Party. It is my belief that you are not part of that element, and it has been so crafty, you (and most others) are not even aware of much of what I have to report.
Actually, I have reported nearly all these things and widely. Let me explain who I am first, and say that my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, was born in St. Mary’s, IN, and grew up in Brookville. Her brothers spent their careers in Indiana, and in fact, her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS, was a good friend of Father Hessburgh at Notre Dame, and through much of his career, was the official dentist for the Fighting Irish. I mention this as in the past I have found that Senators’ and Congresspeople’s website contact forms usually state they will only respond to their constituents. I am hoping I will give you enough reason to respond to me.
And to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, “Forgive me for writing such a long letter; I do not have the time to write a short one.”
In 1981, though a twist of fate, I became Tennessee Williams’ assistant, a position I held for six months until about ten months before he died. Today, I am the one person alive who can prove that NYC attorney Michael Remer (hired by the University of the South, aka Sewanee, to manage Tennessee Williams’ intellectual property and the proceeds from it), in collusion with Tennessee’s “friend” Maria St. Just, and Tennessee’s personal attorney, John Eastman (son of the great Lee Eastman and former brother-in-law of Paul McCartney), bribed certain destitute associates of Mr. Williams after his death to testify that he was incompetent at the time he signed the codicil to his will, changing the management (but not the ownership) of his estate to Harvard University. I knew these destitute characters in Atlanta after this occurred, and they lived high-on-the-hog in a Victorian mansion on Peachtree Street a stone’s throw from the High Museum and Alliance Theatre. One of them even bragged around town that he was kept in high style by a high-placed Republican Tennessee state legislator without trade for sex.
I was with Tennessee and Jackie Onassis at a party thrown by Jean Stein and George Plimpton on January
11, 1982, when Jackie convinced Tennessee that Sewanee was ignorant of what they would receive and would not respect his wishes for how the money was to be used. At that time, Reaganism was coming to full flower and Christian ministers were proclaiming from every public platform that AIDS was God’s gift to punish homosexuals. No politicians or ministers of note rebutted them publically. Ronald Reagan did not utter the word “AIDS” during his entire term in office. Virtually no public funding was committed to battling AIDS by the Republican administration, and what drugs were developed during that time cost as much as $30,000.00/month to buy. And they were not terribly effective. I am a freak survivor of a lost generation of gay men. Miraculously, I remain HIV-free. Nearly all of my sexually active friends from that time died years ago. Very painful deaths and with no empathy at all from these so-called Christians and Republicans.
It is my contention that knowing Sewanee had no idea what they had received from Tennessee, Mr. Remer directed most of the proceeds of the estate to what I call Republican Party Black Ops: the illegal surveillance of US and other citizens, and the corruption of public affairs. At the time of his death, Mr. Williams’ estate was valued at $10 million. Today, lawyers who are alumni of Sewanee have told me its valuation is over $1/3 billion.
I have been standing alone, seeking to rectify this miscarriage of justice. I have the full support of the key Williams scholars, but not publically, as Mr. Remer has ruined the careers of several top Williams scholars when they have publically said a word against him, and if I fail, these people know they would be destroyed. I have no dependents and I am afraid of nothing. I am uniquely qualified to continue this quest.
But there is, unfortunately, more.
For the last 20 years, I have worked for Patrick Stansbury, mostly at his company, Pentagon Publishing, Inc., in Snellville, GA ( ), that is, I DID work for him until this January when he became aware that I would likely turn him in to the FBI and other legal authorities for in collusion with GA Republican Congressman John Linder, importing massive quantities of illegal drugs via the US Air Force from foreign countries to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, AL, then out via UPS to Georgia, and eventually the drugs were/are sold to further finance Republican Party Black Ops. Since sending the first of several reports via secure server to the FBI, I have run into several Marines who have sworn to me that they were ordered to guard US Air Force planes in foreign countries while they were being loaded with illegal drugs to be flown to the US. I wish I were kidding.
I cry for my country.
Two days after I sent my first batch of info on these two crimes to the FBI (late February or March), an Obama adviser and strategist, Tom Houck (whom I’d never then heard of), contacted me and invited me to an ATL Press Club party, where I met some of the top Georgia Democrats, and explained all this to them. I have continued to keep them informed, as well as others, including Rep. Patrick Kennedy (I worked on several projects for Tennessee Williams with various members of the Kennedy family).
I later realized that Tom Houck is probably the person who set up MLK Jr. to be assassinated by J. Edgar Hoover's boys. A few months ago, I entrusted Tyler Perry's theater teacher from PA and good friend whom I'd met in a fish market here in Wilmington, NC to get the word about Tom Houck's role in Dr. King's death to Tyler and HIS best friend, Oprah. Note: My former roommate, Allen Rosen of Allen Rosen Productions (videographer) from Tuscaloosa, AL has worked many times for Mr. Perry and no doubt corrupted his electronics as much as Allen corrupted mine for the Republicans.
While I have been heartened that the Obama administration seems to have lent me support by at different times assigning military officers to help with my personal security (Air Force Col., retired, Dottie Newman, a highly decorated Vietnam vet who later served as Colin Powell’s top protocol officer and was with him and Alma when they decided Gen. Powell could not safely run for President), advised me they could not guarantee my safety in the US when President Obama went on TV to make his first major pitch for his health care plan. I fled to Mexico.
A week later, I returned, and although I was first given a voluntary bump for an allegedly oversold flight from Puerto Vallata, before the plane had completed boarding, everything changed when Dan Fink, an officer in the Air Force Reserves, was brought onboard as the co-pilot. He wore his Air Force uniform, and made a point of going out of his way to greet me when I boarded, and again at baggage claim in ATL. The fully loaded plane had a fair number of empty seats, so I was convinced my government really was trying to protect me.
They were not able to do so for long.
I directly confronted John Linder (as I tend to do; I think it only fair that my adversaries have full info of what I say or write about them) via email, and soon received an email from Lee Gosney, a Pentagon Publishing employee, that he had spoken with Mr. Linder, and the Congressman was prepared to take me into protective custody if I met with his people. I knew better than to fall into that trap, and in fact, a day or two later, Lee emailed me again (always copying Mr. Stansbury), that he had spoken with John Linder, and he (Lee) was not sure whom I had “pissed off,” but that someone at the very top (implication: higher than Linder) had ordered my assassination. I believe this would be Dick Cheney.
In fact, a few weeks later, Amy Fortenberry, an attorney who claims to have once run Walmart’s War Room of 20 lawyers assigned to destroy Walmart’s chief enemies until she suffered a minor brain injury that necessitated she resign, weaseled her way into my life on false pretenses, and in fact poisoned me. I wretched for 5 ½ hours and nearly died. It took eight days to fully recover, and it was in trying to get Stone Mountain, GA City Police to confront her and her sister (who had previously and very seriously threatened my life), that I came to realize that City Police Chief Troutman and council-people Nan Nash and Richard Mailman were key protectors of drug traffickers associated with Pentagon Publishing, Inc. and John Linder. Stone Mountain had been set up to be a top drug center in the Southeast, and I had become too much of a threat.
I have published everything that I tell you (and in much greater detail) on my blog: . I hope it is still up. Due to a phenomenon I call “The Two Internets,” one gets one or another version of the internet depending on how your computer’s unique address has been assigned by the Republican Party Black Ops people. The greatest example of this I found was that after Alyson Books, a top gay publisher that had been bought by Paul Colichman, a Republican operative, cancelled my Tennessee Williams memoir book contract in mid-January, 2010, after I faked a severe attack of mental illness and forced the cancellation of Alyson’s contract. After a week, when I and my closest friends went to Alyson’s website, my book was no longer listed on Alyson’s list of spring titles. However, others, including me when I went to a public computer, found that my book was still listed!!!
We had signed the contract 8/6/2009, but after all those months, they had failed to pay my $3,000.00 petty-cash advance, due on signing. Additionally, publisher Don Weise had demanded I destroy all other copies of my manuscript on my computer when I delivered the final version to him in his office in NYC. Two weeks later, after I’d returned to Georgia, I found that the file on my computer had been gutted and its title corrupted. Of course I had saved other copies elsewhere.
Galleys were to have been printed by mid-December, but it was mid-January and Weise had not even picked through the photos I had sent him. He had not answered my calls or emails for a month. I was slated for assassination, and then Alyson could bury my book. Or so they thought. When I got the cancellation notice, I was told that Alyson would guarantee that no one else ever published my book either. And so far, I have been effectively blocked by a highly organized campaign to discredit me. Even FOX NEWS has played a part in it. (No surprise there!!!)
Today, a major UK Foundation that does much work for the UN and has a respected publishing house is looking at the manuscript with a view toward buying worldwide rights in hardcover and all translations. They claim they are not afraid of any “damn US Republicans.” Y’all really do have an image problem (at least). I had run into a trustee of the foundation on the beach in Puerto Vallarta, but because of the communications problems caused on my phones, internet, and email, it took 3 months for me to be able to successfully email him the manuscript, which he only recently received. Note: The Apple store at Lenox Mall in ATL had never heard of an iPhone getting as corrupted as mine had become and they scratched their heads and simply replaced it rather than trying to fix it.
Eventually, after five attempts to commit me to a mental hospital by Republican Party operatives (which even included some of my immediate family members), several attempts on my life (including the poisoning, the closest to victory they got), I felt forced to liquidate all my assets and move to Mexico. For 10 days I have been living near the city of Colima, Mexico, and will soon move to Puerto Vallarta, where I have an agreement to buy the first house up the hill on Av. Eva Gardner from the ruins of the movie set of THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA.
My Mexican partner (whom I intend to marry at our earliest convenience in Mexico City where it is now legal, will start a foundation to make micro-loans to native Mexican people to buy land and/or start small businesses. We will also operate the house as a B&B and have writing, Williams, Aztec Culture, spirituality, and leadership conferences. I have found the Mexicans to be the most loving, supportive people on earth (I’ve travelled much), and will earn Mexican citizenship ASAP. I love my native country, but America and its Republican politicians, especially, have screwed me severely, and I had to sell everything half-penny on the dollar. I’m broke, but I always win and will find my way through the grace of my Creator.
Actually, my "Mexican partner," Cornelio Prada Diaz, a frequent hanger-on at Hotel Mercurio and often called Alfredo ("because my creamy white sauce is so delicious!"), turned out to be a drug-mafia criminal wanted in several states in Mexico. He was brilliant enough to relieve me of all the proceeds of the sale of my house and contents (my entire wealth), by tricking me -- NOT by stealing. Now THAT's impressive and I salute his ability (I guess I needed to go homeless in Mexico and later the US to learn certain things).
In fact, only ten minutes after I reported on my blog that I had discovered that Christal Presley, best friends with Sean Hannity’s wife, who had faked her way into being my closest confidant, but had actually been assigned by Sean Hannity to manage me (She’s best friends since college with Hannity’s wife), had been doing just that, I got a call from American Express saying they had reduced my available credit by $24,000.00. They had reason to do that because I had just been fired by Pentagon Publishing, but they had no legal way to know that then. Additionally (and without details now), Wells Fargo Bank began playing games with my VISA card. I had not had a single black mark against my credit since 1990, and suddenly, my banks were out to get me as well. SunTrust Bank pulled some non-sense as well, but it was minor.
Months earlier (spring, 2009), Citibank, whom I had fingered as being in collusion with Bush/Cheney/Limbaugh to collapse the US economy and turn over the government to the Chinese Communist Party (yeah, I seem crazy, but I warn you not to dismiss me out-of-hand. Bush DID mortgage our country to the Communist Chinese.) doubled the interest rates on my two MasterCards there for absolutely no reason, and when I wrote the CEO complaining, many months later, I got a letter from an assistant of his, who was very smartassy and said I should have read the fine print. They had the right to do whatever they wanted, even if I had always paid my bills as soon as I received them.
In fairness, I should mention that two banks have given me no trouble: Chase (which I have only a couple of months experience with), and Bank of America, which has been a lifesaver. Perhaps I should also mention that BOA is sometimes called “the Kenan bank” because it is founded on two banks largely owned by distant relatives of mine, C&S of Atlanta, and NCNB of North Carolina.
You may be aware that a distant relative of mine was the last wife of Henry Flagler, who set up John D. Rochefeller as his front-man in Standard Oil (Flagler always controlled 2/3 of the SO stock, while Rochefeller owned 1/3), and then opened the State of Florida with his railroad, eventually, building it all the way to Key West. When Flagler died, the NEW YORK TIMES declared Mary Lily Kenan Flagler to be the wealthiest woman on earth. The house Flagler built in Palm Beach as a wedding gift to her, Whitehall, , is considered the greatest gift ever given in love after the Taj Mahal. Today, it remains a favored Kenan family philanthropy. Most of that money was put into educational trusts, which I believe in aggregate (they are also under other, associated family names. Mary Lily gave her money to her relatives, some of whom had married or otherwise were not Kenans in name) is still the largest private educational trust in the worked. Indeed, I remember that during a major fund-raising campaign at Denison in 1974 or 75, the William R. Kenan Jr. Trust gave Denison the second largest gift she received, something over $2 million.
Despite the difficulties I have encountered, I have received far more blessings. One of those is that Thomas S. Kenan III, now head of those foundations and who is related to me only if you go back to about 1700, shared a lover with me, actually, him first, then me, and in my earlier, much botched attempt to collapse this same drug ring, I had contacted Tommy for help in 1990. I offered to share secret info I had on Tennessee’s death with him if he shared secret info on Mary Lily’s death. 60 Minutes had recently reported that he had ordered the exhumation of Mary Lily’s body for an autopsy to get to the bottom of how she had died (a Southern Gothic mystery, to be sure, but too much to get into now). He refused, and in truth, I was not psychologically up to fighting these people then, and had made the “fatal” error of trying to get Newt Gingrich’s support to end the drug trafficking, not realizing that he was then actually in charge of it in those days.
The net result was that I was jailed in Dekalb County jail by Judge Linda Warren Hunter (now on GA Superior Court) for 17 weeks on trumped up charges of criminal trespass after I asked my then employer, Lawrence Buchthall of Mama Mia’s (still in business in Stn. Mtn., but new owner) for the severance pay he had promised. I made no scene when I went to the restaurant, but two days later, was arrested, and then re-arrested. Judge Hunter held my case to last in my public hearing, and then later, in private hearings, refused to allow me to speak in my own defense. I was railroaded, and eventually released to Enhanced Probation (house arrest 7 PM to 7 AM with a goon squad of police officers showing up at all hours of the night to question me and check up, several nights each week).
The punishment did not fit the crime, but that was not the point. The point was that I was to be scared into taking Lithium religiously, and it worked. It worked until two years ago when my therapist, noticing that I never had mood swings of note, put me on lighter medication. At that point, I began to wake up and connect the dots. You see, Lithium allows you to see the facts, but not connect the pattern. Only after I had completed my book, did I see what I actually knew. What a shocker!
And I was never actually diagnosed bipolar. My mother got it in her mind that I was, and being a nurse who also taught nursing and then ran Proctor & Gamle’s skin research labs in Cincinnati until I was born (and being six feet tall and rather massive and authoritarian), she took it on herself at her earliest opportunity (1978, when I showed significant signs of family trauma), she told doctors what “my problem” was, and convinced them to put me on Lithium. What you should also know is that there were pastel swastikas on the china we used when I was growing up in the 1950s and 60s. (I call this branch of the Republican Party “The Pastel Nazis.”) My mother beat us all without provocation daily. Today, she would be arrested and jailed for these actions, but in those days, it was allowed.
I now believe I actually WAS bipolar back then, but having studied Science of Mind for 25 years, expanded my consciousness enough to handle the "storms of inspiration," so have now been in remission since about 1992 or 93. In any case, through all the trials of the last few years, I sleep like a baby and plenty of hours -- even after the most hiddeous attacks on me.
One night in 1974, my mother saw to it that my sister Jane and I were set up to be murdered but that it would appear to be by accident. You see, I was gay, and Jane had buck teeth, but also had been experimented on medically in the offices of a Dr. Fowler in Cincinnati (approx.1954-55). Jane was kept under the fluoroscope machine for very long periods, and after it was discovered how dangerous that was, my mother sought to destroy the evidence, meaning Jane.
I was sailing five miles off Manasquan, NJ, helping some people I’d met in Cape May get back proto to their business on Cape Cod. We hit a severe storm and the mainsail and staysail were ripped out, and we only had the motor to keep from going broadside to the waves. In the middle of the night, I was at the wheel and intuitively turned 90 degrees. Only seconds later did I see that had I not done that, we would have been hit amidships by a phantom freighter that had not a single light burning on deck. A homing device had been planted on our ketch.
That same night, at about the same hour, Jane had fallen 25 feet in a freak accident at UNC where she was finishing her Junior year. Someone did not clamp the T held on a guy wire with pulleys correctly, and she fell on her head and was in a coma for five days. But we both recovered.
I have reported my parents to friends who have connections to deep Nazi hunters. You see, it is my contention that my mother blackmailed my father (who I have many reasons to believe is actually homosexual) into marrying him. My mother needed the cover of a name like Kenan to operate the pastel Nazis through the auspices of the ersatz Republicans who would take over the GOP. My father’s “roommate” was shot in the head, and then through the auspices of my mother, the police ruled it “Russian-roulette suicide” and my father found himself engaged. I do not know further details.
I hope you know that I know that few in the GOP know what these cleverest of people have been up to, and I have seen signs that you are not one of them. I have the highest regard for the real Republicans, most of whom have now been forced out of the party. I will conclude for now, and offer a few of my references. Know that I will send this message to many at Denison, as well as a few hundred others of my contacts. I do not do this because I do not trust you, but because, as John Blades, , has helped me prove, my emails do not get to all intended, and their content is often changed.
My book: (now disappeared, thanks to mishandling of its designer -- a drug addict and faux straight-person, apparently.) The book can be bought on Amazon: and I will soon put a link on this blog to sell it directly.
My personal pages: My good friends Sean Blackwell (actually McAllister, native of Canada) and his wife Ligia Splendore and their work at , and ally of Stan Grof/Tav Sparks and their Fires Creek Center in western North Carolina (I gave the early workers there not only a copy of Carl Jung's THE RED BOOK, but a spirit painting on a shingle -- my most valuable piece of art work -- by my friend and premiere Atanta meditative painter Don Cooper. I sure hope the current administration got them and they did not stay with the left-over hippie who was trying to get things off the ground at first!), etc. in Sao Paulo, Brazil have disappeared entirely -- no doubt due to their unfortunate alliance with Christal Presley after Sean and I had a disagreement. Most of my good friends going back to high school and college have disappeared: "Dogbert DeWayne Jones" (1969 class president Henderson High School, West Chester, PA, James Culver Anderson, Denison U. 1974 -- known to have been shot on the streets of Manhattan, married Victoria Gilmore, DU '74, then disappeared into the state of FL, etc.
My blog:
Williams scholars:
Allean Hale:
Kenneth Holditch (also TW’s distant cousin):
Mitch Douglas (a former agent for TW):
Gregory Mosher (America’s top dramatic theater producer and director, now employed by Columbia University: )
I do not know how to adequately thank Gregory for everything -- often given to me spiritually without any other contact. KISSES!!!
Tom Houck, former white-boy driver for MLK Jr., now Obama advisor: Actually, probably a total traitor, as well as the man who set up MLK Jr. to be assassinated.
DuBose Porter, GA gubernatorial candidate:
Eric Gray, GA Dem. Party communications:
Patrick Kennedy, US Congress (his staff may not have given him my emails)
Dudley Sharp (III, I think), Tennessee Williams’ only god child and son of the late “Texas” Kate Schweppe Sharp Moldawer McNamara (good friend of Tennessee’s and a major character in my book) and Dudley Sharp (II?), key Texas Republican who served Dwight Eisenhower as Sect. of the Navy (or maybe a different branch, was key friend of James Baker, all GOOD Republicans):
US Army Col. (retired) Dottie Newman:
Stone Mountain City Detectives Norrington and Hughes:
Nurse Vicki Jacobs of Dekalb County Community Service Board was who was called by my adversaries three times to try to commit me. She can tell you who-all called her. I know that Don Weise and John Linder were among them. .
Officer Nunn of the Stone Mountain Police Department and chief enforcer for the drug-connected was actually the first who tried to commit me after Patrick Stansbury refused to pay me the $38,000.00 he first admitted he owed me for company stock granted in the mid-1990s. In the same email thread, Patrick agreed to pay me $100 each for my 380 shares, then said I was crazy, said I had lost all my friends, suspended me, fired me, and then said I had only suicide left as an avenue for my "life." Forty-five minutes later, Sgt. Nunn appeared at my door, sent by my sister Jane in Raleigh with whom I'd had no contact in a week, and completely prepared to commit me for being suicidal. When a second officer showed up separately a few minutes later, we all ended up laughing that anyone thought I could be suicidal. Officer Nunn was thwarted in his job as chief enforcer for drug dealers in city government, the Republican Party, and the drug-dealing citizens of Stone Mountain. Generally, white citizens are unaware that top drug lords live in town (except the old families who have been continually pressured to move out of town. I have references on this one that i do not want to list in this email). The black residents (68% of the town's population) know all about it and have gone out of their way to thank me for going public.
This should give you enough to begin. I thank you for your time and consideration. I know I can trust a Denison grad, and I salute you in all your good work!
I look forward to your response.
Scott D. Kenan
Colima, Colima, Mexico (in exile)